chapter 7

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Am:(tires due to lack of breath)i need water first....
Pra: come with me....
Prabhas Amritha went to near by shop and drank water..... prabhas went to pay... and come back.....
Am: bye im going home.....
Pra: do u know this place.....

Am:no and i don't need u r help

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Am:no and i don't need u r help........
Pra:who said i will help.......
Amritha stared walking prabhas walking behind her..... she stopped in disappointment.......
Pra:u r a stubborn girl.......
Am:u r arrogant rude boy.....
Pra:am not
Am: neither am i
Pra:(walked past Amritha) why u not scared of me like other.
Am:why do u think i run away.......

Am:why do u think i run away

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Pra:(shocked) what....u ran because u were scared of me......
Am: nothing......
Pra:where do u live......
Amritha told him the address we started walking awkwardly as we don't knw what to say prabhas broke the silence......
Pra:why didn't u call me.....
Am:i..... actually.....i was doing my assignment when it was over it was too late to call u.....
Am:umm why did u want me to call u......
Pra:i have already answered that.......
Am: that not valid......
Pra:i don't have any answer....

Am:ok then will u tell me why u want me to be u r girlfriend

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Am:ok then will u tell me why u want me to be u r girlfriend.....all of a sudden....
Am:(frown)why not.......
Pra:i don't want to......
Am:so umm will u tell umm why u...u kissed me.....(blushed)
Prabhas wasn't answering any question of they continued there silence......they reached Amritha's house......
Prabhas kept looking around

 as he was memorizing the path

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as he was memorizing the path..... amritha go annoyed and broke the silence.....
Am: this is my house..... thanks for dropping me...... prabhas didn't say a word and start walking away.... Amritha turned toward her house when prabhas voice interrupted

Pra: make sure u call me everyday no matter what the time is.... and don't make me run after u again it really hard to catch u.....
Amritha turned back and there eyes met .... but prabhas quickly turned......
Amritha also went inside her house.

Amritha wasn't

able to sleep it was 1 o clock

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able to sleep it was 1 o clock..... her mind and heart was thinking about prabhas...... she couldn't take it any longer and dialled prabhas's number.......
The phone kept ringing..... amritha was about to end when prabhas pick up
Pra:(huskily) hello......
Am:umm....hi... it's amritha
Pra:am ....why u calling at this hour....
Am: because u told me i could call anytime.....
Pra: are u mad.... what's wrong with u ....go to sleep.....
Before amritha could reply prabhas hanged the phone..... Amritha got angry.....
Am:ugh i gather so much courage to call and he didn't even never ever gonna call him again....i hate him.....
Amritha threw her phone and went to sleep with irritation.........

Precap: prabhas amritha outing..........   amritha angry with prabhas and of this part i know this part is little boring but without these part plz don't bash me..... please comment..... from the next part there will small romance scenes......

I will be back with another chapter soon! till then bye.

Thank you ❤️

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