Chapter 29

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Here's the next chapter of the separation of love.not many chapters left now, only few to more to go.

Recap: prashra romance....

The three couple were laughing in there way to karthik's house....when rahul,alia and his gang member came near them.....
Alia:(devil smile)well aren't u all getting cozy and all
Pra: what do u want alia....
Alia:relax Prabhas baby....we didn't come here to ruin ur date....or we are here for that....
Rahul: heard u all became came to see that from eyes....
Kar:done seeing now leave....
Rahul: funny how should u even talk after all this
Pra:hey.....rahul whatever freaking problem ur having is with me so don't mess with my friends

Amritha was overwhelmed and proud of Prabhas ashe finally accepted kartik.....kartik was shock but somehow he got sad.....
Rahul:aww he is ur friend..........than i should be ur bestfriend.....shouldn't i...
Am:(mind) what does he mean
Arjun:look we don't want any trouble just back off
Rahul: yeah buddy neither do just that im no happy to be unfair......... and i need money......
Am: what do u for what.....
Alia: excited much........waiting to knw the mystery.....oh poor behenji......... always taking people things
Kriti:zip it's u who always poke in others business.....i have lost count how much....
Alia: interesting........both sibling.......
protecting this no one...impressive.... what charm did u use on them amritha
Am:(avoiding alia) what money is rahul talking abt
Kriti: let's get inside it's a waste of listening to them.....
Ne: Kriti is right.....
Rahul:u all can go if u want...they all knw who im talking abt....
Pra:fine tell me what the f*ck is this abt.....
Rahul:relax baby.....i have some unfinished business with u too
Pra:(boil in anger)im not in a mood to play so just spit out.....
Rahul:fine fine.....just come with me
Rahul:i won't say it here.....come with me alone and arjun.... stay out of it....
Pra:fine let's go.....
Am: what no.....ur not going with them
Pra: amritha.....(pull her away from everyone) listen i have to go....
Am:no no....
Prabhas cupped amritha's face and made her look into her hand.....
Pra:he won't stop bothering us until i go with him....i will be okay i promise
Am:(panik)how can u be so sure...they are mental.....i want let u go...alone.....
noway.....take me with u
Pra:(chuckles)if u come with me i would be more panicked....look at me.. (amritha nodded no) amritha look at me.....i will be okay.....i will be back soon......
Am:(teary) please.....prabhas....
Pra: don't worry....u are my pumpkin right.....i will be alright u stay here with u friends.....i will be back soon
Am:ok.....come back soon.....don't get hurt and don't fight
Prabhas moved slowly making prashra hand apart from eachother after giving a peck on her lip....... amritha felt something in her heart seen Prabhas go....
Arjun: come on everyone let's get inside....
Alia:im sure he won't come soon....
Am: what do u mean....
Alia:do u really think they will only talk
Am: what.....
Alia:chill they won't kill him atleast
Kriti:shut up sl*t
Kartik:i should go and find them...
Kartik ran but alia stop him by grabbing his arm....
Alia:not so fast only truth
Arjun:u guys get in im going o find Prabhas.....(ran away)
Kriti:alia....go from here before i kill u.
Alia:fine.....(looks at amritha)im can be the bad girl....sunshine....but all ur friends are not saint....
Ne: what do u mean.....
Kar:alia leave
Am:alia tell me clearly
Alia:ask kartik.....if have the gutt to tell....
Am: what is she talking abt kartik (kartik lower his gaze)
Ne: kartik.....what did u do....
Kriti:tell them kartik.....
Alia:tell them....u were the one who never wanted amritha and Prabhas to be together
Kar:it's not true.....not the whole truth
Am:(shock) what...
Alia:it's all true....kartik was the one who told to tell everyone abt the bet the in that party....he gave rahul a huge sum of money and what to say he even got u for some way....and Prabhas beat rahul and kartik gave more money to keep his mouth shut....
Alia smirk and kartik while amritha look at him with disgust ....
Kar:ammu i was gonna tell u everything
Am: when....when we're u gonna tell me....this all are true isn't it.
Alia:oh there is more.....i admit i look the pic of u and Prabhas making out in library.....but kartik helped me in leaking them through phone and posters
Kar:no i didn't....u were printing them when i got in the room
Alia:and saw me doing that....but still didn't say a word.....he promised he won't tell anyone....
Ne:but he wouldn't knw abt the bet.....
Alia:he heard rahul talking abt this to someone and he approached to him.... i wonder how Prabhas react.....
Kar:he don't knw....
Am:im just shock kartik.....this is what u are.....a back stabber all happen when i was sick.....i didn't know what i was doing (walk toward amritha)
Am:(step back)stay away from me....i don't want to listen to u
Kar: amritha
Kriti: just listen to him....once...
Am:she knows.....omg.... unbelievable u couldn't tell us....
Kar:im sorry.....i knw i should have told u earlier....i tried....but i was scared....i didn't want to lose u.....i promise i did that before i was my mistake
Am: was my mistake for trusting u....
Kar: don't say that....ammu
Am:i was so dumb....neha was right when she said not to do what ever u say but i did...u knw why(teary) because i consider u as my bestfriend for u i left the person i love the most for u.....i ditched him.....when u were the one i should have ditched...ur such a f*cking liar....lieing bastard.... still ur bestfriend.....
Am: yeah there more u wanna hurt me.....broke me....back stab(cries thinking abt Prabhas)i swear kartik if something happen to my Prabhas....i would do something which u will regret...u should have never come back...... NEVER
Ne: enough amritha....i knw ur hurt
......but it enough now....ur hurting something to a person whom would never dream to hurt u
Am: yeah.....i knew what he is capable of.....
Ne: amritha he tried to kill him for u before when he was's all past forget it and move on.....
Kar:it's ok neha....nothing will happen to Prabhas i promise....
Kriti: where are u going....
Kar:i knw where they can be....i want to tell Prabhas myself....
Kriti:it can be dangerous.....
Kar:(hug Kriti) don't stop me....i need to bring him for safety....i promise to bring him safe....
Kriti: bring ur back too....i will be waiting as kartik walk away arjun came back waiting....
Arjun:i couldn't find them.....where are u going kartik is everything fine...
Kar:i will be back....stay with the girls.. amritha watched him go but she didn't stop she want only her Prabhas to be safe....she want Prabhas near everything to be alright....


Hi guys this is the end of another part hop u like it....please comment and stay tune with separation of love to knw abt the precap.....

Love u all😘😘
Thank you all🙏🏼🙏🏼

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