chapter 23

165 11 3

Recap: prashra moment....Prabhas Said i hate uto amritha....Kartik breaking up with amritha for good

Amritha's prov.....
With in 40 minutes i reached arjun have been fifteen minutes i have been standing so scared that Prabhas won't listen to me but on the other hand butterflies are flying on my tummy..........i wished i dressed up before coming here....i look like a hair is messed up eyeliner is fade up due to rain or should i say due to crying.... anyways i took a deep breath before knocking the door........but no one answered i knock harder still no response...........i frown and turned to go when a lady open the door.....

Amritha's prov end....

Am:umm im arjun friend amritha......i need to meet Prabhas.....i heard he is hear can u call him it really urgent.....
Lady: didn't u see them they left to the market a while ago
Am:can u tell me the way....
the lady told me the was five minutes away from there house i ran when i saw Prabhas.....smoking.........i was like what the hell Prabhas smokes but i kept that aside as something else it more important...

Am: Prabhas (looks the surrounding)
(Mind)shut all his friends are here now what.....
Prabhas looked at amritha in surprise but turned away angry face.......arjun sees amritha and came near her....
Arjun: what are u doing here.........are what happen to u(looks at amritha from toe to head)
Am:(pleading)i need to talk to Prabhas it's really urgent....
Arjun:u two talk we will be back from market....
Pra:no need.... let's get inside i have nothing to listen or talk.....
Am: Prabhas im really sorry but please listen to me....
Pra:i have heard what u wanted to say now i don't wanna listen....
Am: those were lies just listen to me for the last time
Arjun: it's ok Prabhas anyways i have to call neha....
Arjun left making excuse.........raj and rohan also left making excuses leaving amritha alone.....
Am:just listen to me.....
Pra:go away.....
Am:i love u
Pra:(chuckles)huh really when....
Am:(tears flowing) Prabhas please listen to sorry i pushed u away but what to do i just didn't want to believe myself that i love u.....yes i love u too sorry i just can't believe colleges most popular boy loves me.........when u confessed it was hard for me to accept.......... everything was so messed up i thought not to love u will be better (angry) dammit will u just look at me..
Pra: have finished yet
Am:no have u forgiven me
Pra:no.....go home amritha when i said don't wanna see u i meant it....
Am: please Prabhas give me last chance....
Pra: what abt Kartik
Am:we broke up.....he ended
Pra:so u came here because he left u....   what would u do if he didn't will u still come to me.....
Am: was going through a bad phase i just can't leave alone....please try to understand my situation
Pra:i knew that would be ur answer.... i don't care amritha...........i don't care amritha.....i don't love leave me alone
Am: Prabhas please
While amritha was begging for a chance a male voice interrupt.........
amritha turn and see two older man... Smirking
Man 1: yeah man give her a chance...... if ur not interested give her to us.....
Amritha moved closer to Prabhas but Prabhas kept looking at those two men....
Man 2:she is a hot chic....give her a chance.....if not come with us we will give u more than love (moves forward)
Prabhas didn't react at all........amritha was hoping him to save but no reaction.....
Am: Prabhas do something...
Pra:why u are no one to me.........why should i bother.....
Man 1:come on baby come with us (holds amritha's hand)
Am:(to Prabhas) what the hell is wrong with u(pushes the man away) get the hell away from me u a*sholes...

Prabhas doesn't react at all and lift another cigarette and start puffing....
Am: fine don't love me.....just hate me as much as u want.....i will never ever tell u how much i love u......u just go to hell....
The two man hold amritha and started to pull her away.....prabhas has  no emotion......amritha tried to get out of the grip....she got scared but luckily arjun,raj and rohan cam back....
Ar:hey what's going on....leave her alone.....
Man 2:no way man...
Raj:he said leave her alone....
The two man left amritha and went inside....the super market....
Am: thanks guys....i should be going.....
Rohan: seriously Prabhas.....
Am:let it be leaving....
Ar:no wait..........let me drop u home it's not safe....
Am:it fine no need for that.....
Pra:let him drop u i don't want everyone to blame me if something happen to u....
Am:fine.....i also don't want it.....
Amritha sat on the car and tears started flowing.....
Am:(in mind) this was not i excepted...  i thought he would understand.......but he didn't even bother when those jerks were eve teasing me....he doesn't love me anymore he doesn't care about this is really end of us

Amritha's prov:
After arjun left i went to my room when my mom gave me a good scold for not been in hospital...........i wish Prabhas atleast stopped me when i was going to ward arjun car....but no he didn't..........i took a long shower or should i say crying in my bed without eating..........i haven't eaten anything since morning........but  whom to crying....and it's my fault i ruined everything............i thought Prabhas would understand..... but no he didn' he don't care or love me....i feel so bad....this bloody tears are not even stopping.....

Amritha's prov end....
Amritha was crying hugging the bear Prabhas gave her.....the sobbing stop when amritha heard noise from the balcony....she stood up immediately and start moving toward the balcony... it was now i am water drop wear falling on her oversized shirt due to her wet hair which she didn't bother to dry.....amritha saw pebbles on the balcony and she knew it was Prabhas.. she looked to the garden sees dark figure.....he took his phone a dialled something......with in a minute amritha's him a look amritha took the call...

Pra:can i came up.....
Pra:im coming (call ended)
Amritha looked and sees Prabhas climbing up....with in second he was standing infront of her.....he walked inside the room and on the light making amritha shriek......
Am:oh my god.....what happen to ur face.....
Prabhas one eye was black.....there were red bruises near his jawline...his hand was bleeding.....amritha stared back blankly.....
Am:(stern)did u got in a fight again (no response)
Am:did u come here to say something (still no response)
Am:if u don't have anything to say than u may.....(bit her lip)umm i will bring the first u knw im good at healing
Pra: and also good at wounding....
Am:why are u hear Prabhas....if u come to insult me just do it and go or insult me at college ur pain will relief
Pra:is it true
Am: what is true....
Pra:the things u said is it true....did u really meant it....
Am: the thing is meant by love than yes i love u Prabhas but
Pra:(push and pinned on the cupboard) how much....
Am: what
Pra:(rubs his nose on her ear)how much u love me
Am:(try to be clam)more than u....
Pra::(laughs) that's infinite than
Am:(tears) but u don't love me
Pra:(kisses shoulder) don't say that
Am:u don't love me (pushed him away)if u did u want ever let those jerks haras me u didn't even look at me.....u didn't to a thing....
Pra:(snap)u are the one who told me not fight.....
Am: what...fine then what are those did tht happen....
Pra:i tried not to fight but when u left (rubs the back neck)im trying to change i just can't change in a day
Am:(shock) what....
Pra: they deserve more it was just i was too eager to come here....or else i wouldn't leave those dare. they touch my im sure they won't even look at u
Am:(tears flow)u fought with them....... for me.....
Pra:no.....for me.....because i love u amritha (holds hand)i can't let them go like that
Am:(confuse)but they left before me
Pra:i followed them when left....
Am:hmm....but u rejected me u said u don't love me....
Pra:(frustrated) that was due to anger i love u amritha.....u knw it was so difficult for me to stay there without hugging u or kissing u....i was not sure if u were serious....i was scared u will leave me again amritha.....
Am:i won't....but are u sure u love me
Pra:more than u know......
Saying that Prabhas lifted amritha making her leg cross against his waist and pinned her and kissed her....the kiss was furious....amritha grabbed his hair while his hand room around her back.....Prabhas kept her down  and pushed more to the wall and trace kisses on her neck to give him more space....they were so lost in eachother....Prabhas hand move toward her breast and squeeze it and amritha gasps which made him realise what he did he step away...... both Prashra was looking at eachother panting heavily and flushed.....
Pra:i umm (blush)
Am:it's ok(bit lip)
Pra: amritha...
Am:sit down i will bring first and box amritha rushed out blushing........her eyes couldn't meet up with him.....she slowly got inside and sat next to nurse the wound while Prabhas kept staring at her..........amritha was shy to look at ur jacket.....
Am:u cut ur hand again....
Pra:i said im trying....
Amritha smiles and nodded....amritha was cleaning all his wound when she saw something on Prabhas arm and chest which gave her a shock.....

Precap:haha won't tell u again....... here is the end of another what do u think finally they got many is happy....but still we don't knw there
future.....what do u think amritha saw.....will that thing apart them....
please comment.....and stay tune with separation of love to knw what will happen next...

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