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"Harley, its pass eight already. We're gonna get late for school"

Harith didn't wanna wake the mage genius up. Since he knew Harley slept at 2:36 am due to studying for the upcoming examination. But the leonin was left no choice, both of them will surely be detentioned by Miss Aurora. It was already 8:34, and their classes starts at 9:30.

"Harley." Harith sighed.

Harley curled up and covered his whole body and grumbled silently "What do you want? What time is it..?"

"Its 8:46 am!"

Harith could see that Harley was startled at the action that the leonin nearly shouted. "Why dont you just go. I dont wanna attend class anyway." He turned his back against Harith. "You dont have to wait for me and end up over-reacting."
The Leonin was surprised, it was the first time Harley didnt wanna attend classes. There must be a reason why..

"Then im not attending too." He said firmly.
Harley was on a sitting position now. He covered his mouth when he yawned "What's the big deal?"

"You're the big deal."

The leonin touched the mage genius' forehead to check if he has fever or something. Harley couldn't help but blush at the action. Either way, he just batted off Harith's hand away from him.

"Stop it what's wrong with you?" Harley exclaimed.

"Harley, I was just concerned." Harith said with a soft voice.

"Well you don't hav have to take care of me like i'm a four year old kid. Gosh."

"Yeah but you kept acting like you're one. You're too stubborn Harley. Its just simple, you wake up, go to the bathroom, take a bath, clothe yourself, eat, and we're ready to go. What's so hard about that?"

Harley sighed before kicking off the blankets. "Fine."
He rolled his eyes before entering the bathroom.

"Oh and also, I cooked breakfast for you." Harith's concerned face turned into an innocent smile again.
Harley shut the door before Harith could say anything else. He's clearly annoyed that The Leonin kept pestering him, he didn't like it. He sometimes just wished he could silence Harith up. But ofcourse he wont do that.

Harley finished clothing himself. As he opened the door of the room, he could smell the scent of..

Stuffed Omelet?

His face lightened up at the thought that maybe his sister decided to visit him. He rushed downstairs only to find...

Harith? Wheres Lesley? He thought to himself.

"Ah. You're done." Harith smiled.

Harley's sweet smile turned to disappointment. His thoughts were wrong.

"Is there something wron-"

"Where's Lesley?" He asked, cutting off what the leonin was saying.

"Lesley? Oh is she coming over? Did she tell you anything?" Harith asked, still keeping up the enlightened smile on his face.

"No...I just thought that she was the one who's cooking stuffed omelet. Since she always cooks that for me." Harley sat down the chair and stared at meal Harith served.

"You dont like it-"

"No no! Its not that. Its just.." he stopped.

"Are you alright? Im sorry if you didnt like it, I thought it was your favorite so I decided to search what the recipe is and cooked it for you. I could tell that i annoyed you a while ago and I just wanna make it up to you soo." Harith said, rushing to the side of Harley.

Harley's face flushed at Harith's words. "How'd you know its my favorite?" He started chewing on the meal. Harith couldn't help but grin as he watch the mage genius eat. He didnt say this out loud but he finds Harley cute. He didn't notice that Harley was calling his name. He snapped out of his daze and now was staring at the mage genius akwardly.


Harley raised a brow and asked "Is there something on my face?"

"No. I just.." He stopped midway and hesitated to say the word but just decided to speak it out anyway.
"You're cute" He smiled again.

Harley's face turned completely red. He didn't expect this. He couldn't think of any response and just quickly finished his meal.

The match was done. Finally, they can go to the next class which is the science class. Harley's favorite subject.
"Harith!" Diggie and Nana called out from the distance.
Harley was standing behind Harith. "Hey guys. We're not late for the next class yet, are we?"

"Silly. Its only 11:10. Chill." Nana chuckled. "Oh and is that Harley behind you?" The cat elf's face lightened up, it would be a dream come true to her if she'd get to be a friend of Harley.

"Yes. He's my dorm mate-" Nana pushed Harith aside and started talking to Harley. She was too excited that Harley felt quite uncomfortable.
"Nice to meet you! Im Nana!" She kept saying and asking stuffs that Harley didn't have the chance to answer all of it. The cat elf was too noisy and it ended up her getting everyone's attention. The people surrounded Harley, there were girls who started to flirt with him, there were also boys that stared lustfully at him and that made Harith glare at everyone.

"Yeah Nana, we gotta go." Harith said sternly. "I dont want Harley feeling uncomfortable."
They started walking down the hallway. Harith looked at his shoulder to give a glare that states a warning not to touch Harley again. The glare gave everyone chills down their spines.

Weird. Nana thought to herself. She shook her head and grabbed Diggie's hand and ran towards the other side of the hallway- to Sir Gord's Mathematic class.


As Harith and Harley entered the second building of the Magic Academy, the hallway was filled with whispers about Harley. They were whispers about how Harley grew up having no friends and contacts within the society. Harith's ears drooped because of what he heard.

So that's why Harley focuses on his grades, its because he never had friends and expected that people would accept him if he had good and high grades. Im sure the other students here knows about this. Of course Angela knows about this.
Harith sighed at the thoughts in his mind. I'll just ask Angela for further information..maybe it could help Harley to mingle around the society.


Note: Ok so I didnt actually notice I already reached 1k words XD.
The next chapter will be published...after my final exams (・∀・) wish me luck!

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