Off with his Head, arms and torso.

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Harley woke up eleven in the evening. He remembered he needed to save his sister. He slowly and gently jumped off the bed to avoid waking Harith up; but failed.

"Where are you going, Harley?" Harith rubbed his left eye "Its late in the evening, you're still awake."

"No. I just woke up cuz I'm thirsty." Harley gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me, kitty."

Harley's POV

I kissed Harith on the forehead and headed downstairs. I didn't bother to get a t-shirt because I might look suspicious.

I got downstairs and just summoned my mage clothes and quietly exited the house.


I arrived on time. Exactly twelve midnight, at the dark alley by the black apartment.

My Sister's safety is all I ask. She saved me many times, and now its the time I save her. I don't wanna be a burden to Harith and to my Sister anymore. I don't care about my life, I value my sister so much. I just can't be-

My heart and lungs dropped when someone spoke behind me "Well, well, well. Harley Vance."
Shivers run down my spine. My heart heavy as a rock.

I turned around to face him "Wheres my sister?!"

"Don't be too loud, little one." He took off the cloth behind him and I saw my sister hanging upside down. "She's having a sweet rest."

I was filled with thoughts. The guy looked familiar..he looks like someone I saw before.

He dashed towards me and gripped tight my neck. I couldn't breathe. Dark circles over took my vision.

"At..least just-" Im losing air. "L-Let my sister go."

A grin crept on his face "Beg."

It was him..the guy. The one staring at me.

"P-Please.." tears rolled down my eyes. "L-Let her go.."

"And what do I benefit with that if I let her go?"

I looked at him with teary eyes and said. "Me."

"Good choice." He licked my cheeks to wipe off the tears. I felt uncomfortable under his touch. "You're mine now." He kissed me. I don't like this...this isn't Harith. I just want Harith to be beside me. My vision was starting to blur.

..and the last thing I saw was Harith's sweet smile.

Harith's POV

"Harley..?" I ran downstairs to check if he had slept on the couch and found no one there. "Harley?!"
It was 12:27 midnight. I ran outside the house and knocked rapidly at Nana and Lylia's door.

The door opened and found Lylia rubbing her right eye. "Harith?" She tilted her head on the side. "What's the ru-"

"Harley! Where's Harley?!" I could feel my hands clenching and could feel my power ranging inside. I'll spill the blood of whoever had the guts to kidnap Harley. I'd pray for God not to punish me for what I'm gonna do to that person but I don't care. I need to know where Harley is, Nothing else.


"Harley?" She repeated. "He's not here."

"Fuck." "Can you help me find him?"

A voice from behind spoke. "I will."

Glad it was Ruby who insisted to help and not Nana.
Nana sometimes doesn't take missions seriously.


Harley's POV

I woke up in a cage. I noticed that I have a collar around my neck, now this guy is treating me like a pet. Damnit.

This is my fault. I should've told Harith before I left,
Im acting all so childish. Thinking I could do this alone. I should've listen to Harith's words 'Listen, you're not a burden Harley. Even if you are, I'll always be here for you. You don't have to hide anything from me. You're safety is my only priority, alright?' Why can't I just listen to him..

"You awoke." Now, I saw his face clearly. He has some looks, but I don't like his attitude. He was holding a small remote with a red and a green dot.
"My name's Calix, by the way."

I rolled my eyes "Fucker."

"Huh. You have the guts to say that?"

I heard a click, the collar started electrocuting me.

"Say it again?" He creepily grinned.


He didn't turn it off and dropped the remote on the floor. It hurts. The electrocution is getting stronger.

"T-Turn it off!!" I cried.

"Are you commanding me?"


Im losing strength at this moment. I didn't actually know it would go this far. Not so soon enough, he turned it off and went inside the cage.

He cupped my face and whispered in my ear "Does it hurt?"

I tried to lift my arms to push him away but Im too weak. I could feel his other hand tracing my lips down to my chest, and then he ripped off my clothes.
It was cold. Very cold. He licked my neck and pulled me close. His hands were rubbing my legs.

"So smooth." He smirked and kissed me again. "Be mine."

"N-No!" I managed to push him away. He went outside the cage and got back holding a bucket of water. He got closer and poured it on me. The water was cold, and I was now freezing.

Suddenly, the door flew open. I felt relieved when I saw Harith holding a katana who dashed towards Calix. "How dare you touch something that belongs to me."

I saw Ruby rushing towards me holding some clothes. She wrapped it around me and asked "Are you alright?"

I tried to smile."Im...fine, Ruby. Thanks."

I could here a hysterical scream from behind Ruby.
I tried to peek and look what happened but Ruby held me close to her. "Don't bother to look, Harley."

I tilted my head to the side "Why not?".

Ruby glanced behind her and I could tell that her eyes widened. "It looks horrible, Harley. Just don't look ok?"

I nodded. Then she carried me out of the room. I glaced at the back and saw Calix's head, arms and torso swimming in a pool of blood and his insides scaattered all over the place.


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