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Adoras POV

Who knew this day would come.

I mean I know that my sword is valuable and all but who would want to steal a sword from Shera behind my back! Like unless you want to die be my guest but, I was asleep.

Right of course, you don't know what happened. Let me start by the beginning.

My name is Adora. But people like to know me as SHERA! I'm a hero to a lot of people, but the others think I am to others is an enemy.

As always, I did my regular night schedule, put on PJS, brush my teeth, and go to bed.

Exactly what I did. Except when I woke up, I heard my sword fall, it's heavy so of course, anyone that tries to grab it fails.

I woke up quickly and turned around to see someone glare at me with their sparkling eyes and my sword in their hand. They quickly jumped out of my window. "STOP!" I yelled and ran towards the window and jumped off.

Someone actually is getting away with my sword.

I landed in water and started swimming towards the shadow.

It started running into the whispering woods. Holy crap.

I kept running as fast as I could and saw them stop in front of a blue portal. "WAIT!" I yelled. They turned around. "You'll never get it back." The person said, they had a female voice and a hood.

She jumped in the portal with my sword! Holy shit.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw my best friends glimmer and Bow.

"What happened?!?" They both said at the same time.

"Someone took my sword! And went into that portal!" I exclaimed while freaking out. "Calm down Adora. We can just get in the portal and catch them! It can't be that hard." Glimmer said and grabbed my shoulders reassuringly.

"Except where does the portal lead to exactly?" Now asked questioning Glimmer as he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

I looked at the blue glowing portal. "I-I don't know..." I said quietly.

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