Chapter 4

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As Herobrine stood with his arms crossed the world around him slowed down.
'What to do here... the look on this mortal's face clearly shows that they will try and fight me, but they have nowhere near enough power to even make me break a sweat. And I'm feeling a bit lazy right now so I may as well just leave.'

As time speed up the blue shirted man teleported right behind the woman, pulled out an iron shovel and wacked her over the head. All in the span of a second. He was honestly surprised that she remained conscious after that. Sure he was using a fraction of his power but still, people rarely stay conscious after a hit like that. In the end though it didn't matter as all it took was another wack and she was out for the count.

He looked around at the people in the room with him and noted the fact that they all were either shocked, scared or both. He rolled his eyes (not that anyone could tell) and walked out of the room. Honestly this place was starting to bore him, so he went to fly up into the sky before he paused. After a moment of consideration he gave an evil smirk and summoned three Wither Skeletons and told them to just go cause havoc in this place. He debated whether or not to summon some Creepers but decided against it. He took of and went in a random direction, hoping to find something actually interesting.


After about four or so hours of flying in the one direction, the white eyed god came across a destroyed city (Mountain Glenn) which he decided was the perfect place to set up a base of operations. He summoned a large group of mobs and put them straight to work with construction. He wanted this place to be secure yet intimidating and so his plan was to build Nether bridges between the buildings and set up in said buildings. His mobs got straight to work clearing out all the buildings that were infested with those strange creatures. He made sure to capture a large amount of these monsters for later investigation.

The mobs worked quickly so the fortress was coming along nicely. He got to work getting any mobs that weren't building  to patrol the area. He wasn't an idiot, just cause he was powerful doesn't mean he shouldn't make sure he was safe.


His fortress was complete. It definitely wasn't as big as his fortress in the Nether but it was larger then the castle looking place he was at before. It had taken a while to complete it but it was worth the wait. He had a throne room, a lab to experiment on those creatures from earlier, a barracks, a large number of mob spawning rooms, an armoury and eighteen storage rooms all filled with items.

He was on his way to check in with the captain of the guards when he noticed a strange machine flying towards the city. He was unsure of what it was and decided to check it out because he was a tad bored at the moment a decided this would be an interesting thing to do. At least, better then just sitting around all day.

As he teleported over to where he saw the machine land he saw a group of people leaving the mystery contraption. The one that looked oldest was a rather tall individual with gray hair, glasses and a neat little uniform. Like a teachers or something. He was zipping all over the place like he had just drunk twenty potion's of swiftness. Maybe he had some in that bottle he was holding?

The others appeared to be younger. The youngest looking was a little girl wearing a red dress with some belts and stuff. She also wore a red cape with a hood attached that frankly was not a good idea in the blank eyed entity's opinion. The one next to her wore a lot of yellow. Like, hoy shit that's a lot of yellow. She had long golden hair and wore yellow glove looking things on her wrists. Around her neck was an orange scarf which was useless in Herobrine's opinion.

The next was a girl who if they laid down in a patch of snow they could become almost invisible. Like seriously it was just to much white. Honestly. Anyway she didn't have all to much interesting about her. The last person however was an oddity to the brown haired Minecraftian, at first glance she looked pretty normal, but upon closer inspection it became clear that she was hiding an extra set of ears under the bow on her head. He didn't know what the ears looked like, he just knew that they were there.

He heard them talking, something about dogs? Herobrine frankly didn't care enough to pay attention, he was more worried about their intentions in his territory. Well I mean technically it isn't his he just kinda claimed it as his land. It's not like anyone came to stop him so he just took it.

After a few minutes of watching, he decided that they weren't threats and returned to his fortress continuing his task of of checking in with the captain. Once he located them the Wither Skeleton begun his report. It was pretty normal everywhere, with the occasional disturbance in the form of the creatures. Although they had found a strange location underground which housed a train. There was also a group of people there doing something. The guards had decided to wait and see what Herobrine wanted down about these humans. He really didn't care enough to evict them, but he told the captain to get some silverfish down there to keep eyes on them.

As he left the captain to his own job, a thought surfaced in his head. It was more like a feeling really. He felt like something was gonna happen soon, and it would involve the people in the tunnels and the people who had just entered.he pushed that thought to the back of his mind, even if something did happen his fortress was secure enough to survive, right?

And imma end it here! Sheesh this has been a long chapter, got 1000 words so that's something. Anyway leave a comment if you have any tips on things I could be doing better, and if you didn't like this just let me know what was wrong and I will try to fix it. Sorry if this seemed kinda half assed I wrote this in like 10 minutes soooooo... anyway see you all in the next chapter! When ever that comes out...

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