Chapter 9: The Plan

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After the trio of god-like beings had their little reunion Herobrine turned his head back to the mortals plans. He had to admit that he was a sucker for coming up with good plans and he already spotted several different things that could be done with the plans to make them better.

Herobrine: "Tell you what, I'm feeling nice today so I will improve these plans, I will even lend some mobs to help with what ever you lot are going to do."

Entity was a bit surprised at this. It was rather unlike Hero to do this but who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Entity 303: "Really? Awww how sweet of you! This is going to be awesome!"

Herobrine begun making changes to the plan, ignoring all the humans present. He worked on it for about and hour and a half making sure it was perfect. Once he was sure that it was perfect he stepped back nodding his head. The three humans took a look at it and were confused about it since they had no idea what mobs were. After asking Herobrine he smiled like a maniac before he teleported everyone to his fortress which was thankfully fully repaired. The humans were shocked while the trio of powerful beings chuckled before taking in the view. Mobs were everywhere doing what they were instructed to do. Herobrine led the group down to the planing room were the head of the guard was awaiting their arrival.

The head of guard bowed before the beings in front of it before asking about the humans there. Herobrine told it that they were now in charge of a few of the squadrons and informed it about the plan said trio of humans had and that when the time came they were to assist as planned. The guard nodded and left to inform the rest of the guards.

Once the guard left Herobrine said his goodbyes to Entity 303 before said being teleported him and his companions away to their base leaving Null alone with Herobrine. The two talked for a bit just catching up before Null decided to head off to wherever he was staying, no one had any clue where that could be but Herobrine decided not to pry. Now he merely awaited the time when this plan was to begin.

About a week later...

Herobrine was going about his business like normal... Oh who am I kidding he was was bored out of his mind. He was debating what he should do for fun when he remembered the castle looking place (which he had learned was called Beacon Academy) and decided to go see what was going on there. A quick hop skip and a teleport later and he was on the top of the middle tower overlooking the academy grounds. From here he could see most of the school. There were people just going about their business doing uninteresting things but the white eyed god also noticed a group of four familiar people. He chuckled before walking straight of the edge of the tower free falling all the way to the ground where upon landing, was completely unharmed. He surprised a few people but he didn't care, his focus was on the group he had seen earlier. He snuck up behind them completely unnoticed before grabbing the one in a red dress with orange patterns, startling them. They all turned around, weapons at the ready only to see Herobrine's silent laughing face.

Entity 303: "When the heck did you get here? Also that was hilarious! I am not gonna let you forget this Cindy!"

Herobrine: "I was bored and decided to check in with this place, didn't expect to see you four here though."

Entity 303: "Well now that your here how about we show you around? I'm sure you will love to see the pathetic fighters here!"

Cinder: "I don't think you should, it could mess up the plan if your here."

Entity 303: "Oh it doesn't matter! I'll have you know improvisation is one of my best skills!"

Mercury: "Is it really?"

Entity didn't answer instead he gave Merc a look that said 'Is that even a question?'

Well this is decent enough I suppose, again I'm making this all up of the top of my head so I really have as much idea on what's gonna happen next as you guys. Oh well, improvisation is indeed my best skill as well! See ya all next time!

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