Chapter 16: Notch Has Shown His Face!

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Herobrine's eyes were wide with shock. This wasn't a part of the plan. Cinder looked annoyed about how the fire did nothing to him so she spoke.

Cinder: "Whoever you are, I suggest you leave now."

Notch: "Listen young lady, I don't know who you are but you aren't who I'm here for, so I suggest that you leave."

Cinder glared at him before turning to the trio of beings, about to say something, but the words were lost as soon as she saw the looks on their faces. Entity had a serious look on his face, the kind of serious that screams 'To the letter'. Null, while his face showed no more emotion then normal other then his eyes being wide, his body language showed that he was visibly afraid. Herobrine was the worst of the three, his eyes were incredibly wide and his mouth was forming a snarl. His hands were clenched tightly and he radiated anger.

Entity turned to look at her and with a dead serious tone begun speaking.

Entity 303: "Cinder. You need to go. NOW."

Cinder had never heard Entity use such a serious tone before and just stood there in surprise.

Notch: "I will give one chance to leave young lady."

Cinder didn't know what else to do, so she just ran over to the broken elevator shaft, and used her new maiden powers to fly up.

Notch: "Good. Now, my only real target here is Hero, so Null and Entity, you two may leave if you so wish."

Herobrine: "You two go back above ground and make sure the attack is going as it should. I'll stay here and fight."

Null and Entity didn't need to be told twice as they teleported away as quick as they could. The two brothers stood facing each other. Herobrine drew his blade, a diamond sword, Notch following suit. They both stood staring each other down before flying towards each other.

Hero tried to get the first strike in with a quick slash to Notch's head, which was easily blocked. Herobrine didn't let this phase him however and begun hacking away at his brothers defence. Notch was able to block all of the blows and after a few moments of this he parried the blade, allowing him to begin his own assault.

The brown shirted man swung a heavy blow to Hero's side, however our blue shirted protagonist was able to dodge it with a backflip. Notch tried to go for some more hits but Hero was fast and teleported behind him and delivered a powerful kick to his back.

Notch was sent skidding forwards along the ground before he was able to bring himself to a stop, Hero however flew towards him to deliver a powerful strike to Notch's midsection, but he blocked quickly. They begun trading sword blows, neither being able to get the upper hand on the other before Notch dodged a swing which left Hero wide open to a counter attack. Notch performed a powerful roundhouse kick to Hero's stomach which sent him stumbling backwards.

Hero looked up to see his brother slashing his blade forwards very fast, so he brought up his own sword in an attempt to block it. He succeeded, however it caused both weapons to shatter. This didn't stop the pair however as they went right into hand to hand combat.

Notch performed a swift jab which was blocked easily. Hero counters with a powerful left hook to the head, Notch is barely able to move his head backwards enough for it to miss. Notch goes for an uppercut which found its mark, causing Hero to get shot up into the air. Notch took to the skies and begun throwing a barrage of punches. However Hero was able to move out of the way of most of the punches, although some of them landed.

Hero quickly teleports behind his brother once again and dropkicks him, sending Notch tumbling to the floor. Hero flies downwards and attempts to punch Notch, only for him to vanish right before Hero hits him. Hero looks around but sees no sign of him until someone lifts him up by the back of shirt and throws him upwards.

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