Chapter 15: Lets get this plot started!

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So long story short Hero really didn't find much to do at Beacon, he did chat with Entity which was good enough I suppose. After that happened he returned to his home where he was surprised to see a sleeping snake coiled around one of Darek's legs. He nearly shrugged it off and continued doing... something. I don't know what just use you imagination!

Timeskip for about two to three weeks, give or take...

Hero was ready. It was the finals of this "Vytal Tournament" and that meant almost tine for the plan to begin. So far everything was going according to plan. However he couldn't help but feel like something was... off. He couldn't quite place his finger on but he decided it was probably just excitement. After all, he hadn't done anything like this in centuries!

Eventually he saw his cue which was the death of the orange haired robot, I'm pretty sure her name was like, Quarter of something, idk. He sent the telepathic signal to his army which begun to attack the city.

It was chaos, Endermen would teleport in carrying Creepers and have them explode, Ghasts flew threw the air shooting down any bullheads they saw, Zombies and Skeletons roamed the streets (All wearing armour of course.) Herobrine smiled at this. It had been so long since he brought ruin and destruction to a civilisation such as this one!

As much as he wanted to join in with the slaughter happing in the streets he still had work to do. Hero teleported over to the meet up spot at Beacon where he met up with Entity and Null.

Entity 303: "Alright people! Let's give these people a show!"

The trio drew their weapons and begun fighting any students still there, moving towards the central tower all the while. Once the reached it the trio of godly beings saw that the elevator was damaged, so the just destroyed it and jumped down to meet up with Cinder.

Once they reached the bottom they saw Cinder battling Professor Ozpin, and while the old man was putting up a good fight Cinder had the full power of the fall maiden now so he clearly didn't stand any chance. Before Cinder finished him off however, he spotted the trio and a smirk appeared on his face.

Cinder: "Oh? Find something about your imminent death funny?"

Ozpin: "No not really, but I knew those three would be here, which is why... I brought some help."

Despite his voice being gravely and dry, his words were still heard by the others in the room. Hero raised an eyebrow at this before shrugging, and motioning for Cinder to kill him, which does so. He died with that little smirk on his face, annoying Cinder.

They heard a noise coming from the elevator shaft, like someone was coming down, causing the group to turn and look at it. A humanoid figure landed where the elevator used to be, causing a dust cloud to fly up. Cinder wasted no time in shooting a beam of fire at this unknown figure. They al assumed it was working before Herobrine felt something.

It was something he hadn't felt in a very VERY long time, something he hated. He stared at the elevator shaft with wide eyes as Cinder stopped shooting the fire beam. Standing there, completely unharmed, was a man. He worn simple clothes consisting of a brown shirt and some casual pants. The light in the room shining of his bald head. The figure made eye contact with Herobrine before speaking.

Notch: "Hello, Brother."

Well that's gonna be it for this chapter! I finally got this part started and I can't wait to write more! This chapter probably isn't the best it could be however as I got literally no sleep the night before writing this, but I at least tried. Leave a comment telling me if you enjoyed this and before you all ask, Darek was up there wreaking havoc on vale, in fact he accompany's the Webern to Beacon and since he isn't a Grimm he ain't affected by Ruby's eyes! See you all next chapter! Whenever I get around to writing it that is...

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