Chapter 31

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As Cinders head fell from her body, Herobrine begun to walk away from the body. He had killed Cinder and gotten revenge for his friends. However he could not ignore the scary amount of power she now wielded. It was enough to actually cause damage to him and he didn't like that.

But how had she gotten it? It was very clearly not this 'maiden power' she had spoken of in the past, no this was something else. He decided that figuring it out could wait. He had to find this master of Cinders. He hovered above the ground as he begun to search the castle for them.

He didn't have to search for long though, as he found what was undoubtedly the place they were hiding. Large doors that looked like they were carved from obsidian and laced with quarts. Yes, this must the room this master was hiding in.

Hero kicked open the doors and found himself in what appeared to be a throne room. Large marble pillars reaching from the ground to the ceiling, the floor as dark as the void itself, and at the end of the hall sat a throne, made out of what looked to be bone held together by a strange black ooze.

Herobrine looked around the large chamber, deeming it empty before spotting a small iron door connected to the side of the room. He carefully hovered towards it, making sure to stay aware of his surroundings. Once he reached the door he carefully and slowly opened it, prepared for anything.

But what he saw made him freeze, his eyes widened with shock. On the other side of the door was a room which housed a large machine, but that wasn't what made him stop. What made him stop was the fact that connected to this machine, was the corpse of his brother, Notch.

Herobrine couldn't believe it. No, his brother couldn't be dead. But his corpse was right there as proof. Herobrine slowly moved towards the body, Ignoring the machine. Notch's body was cold and lifeless. Hero kneel down next to the corpse of his brother  when he realised something was wrong.

Now, when a being with immense power dies, most of their power vanishes, but some of it still remains in their corpse. It was like that for everything. Even Null and Entity had this happen to them. The only way for this to not happen was for their power to be stolen before they die, since you can not take the power from a corpse.

Notch's body however, had no power inside it whatsoever. A look of realisation crossed Herobrine's face once he realised what this meant.

Cinders master had stolen Notch's power.

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