Chapter 8~ About my "Sister..."

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After a few hours of Halo 4, I called it quits. Mathais took my place, and was surprisingly good considering he currently has no opposable thumbs.

Realizing that it's almost 10'o clock (it actually is as I type this), I scan the fridge for something to eat. Finding nothing, I search in the freezer. There I find half a quart of Chocolate Moose Tracks ice cream, so I grab that and a spoon.

I wander with it into the living room, where Ludwig, Arthur, Vladimir, Yao, Lukas, and Emil are. "I've got a question," I announce, taking a seat next to Vlad. They look at me expectantly. "How the hell do you keep enough food in the house with so many guys eating here?"

"I enchanted the fridge. Whenever the door closes, it restocks itself. Same with the cupboards and freezer." Vlad explained.

"Wicked," I breath out, awestruck. Then I start giggling, "Have I told you guys about my sister?"

"No, jou have a sister?"

"Well, she's not really my sister. But we're really close, and no one knows me better than she does. Her name is Erica." I tell them, pulling up a picture of her on my phone. As they pass it around, I continue speaking. "Well, since I came here with you guys, no one knows where I went. Except I promised Erica that when I escaped from my mom, I would tell her where, how, and what happened."

"What do you mean, 'escape'?" Arthur interrupts me.

"We moved here from Western New York, but I didn't want to. My mom has custody of me, so by law I was forced to move with her, and I couldn't do a thing about it. Meeting you guys was the perfect opportunity to get away. That's why I came so willingly. Anyways, Erica and I also made a deal. It was silly at the time, because we didn't think you were real. But we agreed thatif either of us were to meet the Hetalia guys, we would tell the other. Long story short, I told her what I did and where I am. She was going to visit me for a week anyway, and she'll be flying down tomorrow." I grin sheepishly, not knowing how they'll react. Yao wordlessly hands my phone back to me.

Lukas breaks the silence, "She knows about us as well?"

"Yeah, she knows. Erica is actually the one who told me about the anime in the first place. Like I said, we didn't realize you guys actually exsist." I explain, " Just promise me you'll be nice to her? If I know that girl at all, she's going to want to stick around here."

I hear Lovino mutter sarcastically under his breath, "Grande, proprio quello che ci serve. Un'altra ragazza idiota." (Italian: Great, just what we need. Another idiotic girl.)

"Dimentichi che posso parlare italiano." I growl at him. I fly across the room, lifting him off the couch and slamming him against the wall. "Non essere tale un cazzo! Se siete gentili con noi, saremo gentile con te. Non dire più una cosa del genere, però." Seeing the surprise and slight fear in his eyes, I let him go. "Non abbiamo una comprensione?" (Italian: You forget that I can speak Italian; Don't be such a dick! If you're nice to us, we'll be nice to you. Don't say anything like that again, though; Do we have an understanding?)

He nodded, shaking out his shoulders as he stood in front of me. I give him a friendly, somewhat apologetic smile as he sits back down. Everyone continues to stare at me in astonishment and aprehension. "Zera, what was that about?" Yao asks me nervously.

"He said something I didn't appreciate, and Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But I think we're cool now." I replied, taking another spoonful of ice cream. Everyone gradually goes back to their private conversations as I finish my ice cream. When I'm done, I turn to talk to Lukas and Emil, but I stop when I realize they're in the middle of an arguement.

"Call me big brother," Lukas tells him.

"No!" Emil shouts back.

"Big brother."


"Yes," Lukas persists.

"Never," Emil states firmly.

I decide not to interrupt, and instead I go upstairs to the bedroom I share with the kitties. Berwald and Tino are already there, sleeping peacefully. I change into some suitable clothes to use as pajamas, then tuck myself in. My eyes slide closed as my head hits the pillow, and I'm out like a light.


Sorry about the short chapters... but you guys got 2 in one weekend, so celebrate!! :D

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