Chapter 14~

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Josie don't hate me for the picture! It just makes me laugh. XD You'll understand at the end... ;)

Also, the video is absolutely hilarious in my opinion. I've watched it countless times and still laugh so hard I cry! XD XD

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she just needs to rest a bit longer."

"Well, if you say so."

"Hey Erica, what happened in-a June?"

"Do you really want to know?"



"Yes, actually."

"What happened?"

"Well, I was over at her house and her mom wanted us to do a bit of yardwork. Zera was mowing the lawn, on the Husqvarna. While she was mowing, she noticed a hurt opposum on the side of the road. No big deal, except she was still alive, in pain, and had three young opposums with her. A car saw the opposums as it was driving by, and swerved to the wrong side of the road just to run them over. Zera saw the car swerve, and ran out in front of the car to save the opposums. The driver barely braked and swerved back to his lane before he hit her. He pulled over and started cussing her out about how she shouldn't have run into the road. Then she cussed him out about driving in the wrong lane and animal cruelty. By the time she was done telling him off, I'm pretty sure he had wet his pants. I herad her use more swear words that morning than I have before or since. Then she made a big deal to her mom about getting the opposum family to a wildlife veterinarian."

"I said I was sorry." The blackness of my eyesight shifted a little bit at the sound of my own voice. "I couldn't let those opposums die just because some jackass decided he wanted them to. I still think I should've tied him up on the side of the road and ran over his leg; would've seen how he felt about it."

My eyes blink open to see everyone crowded around and staring at me. Blue, purple, green, amber, red and silver eyes of varying shades studied me, unsure of my mental stability. "How long was I out?"

"Only a few minutes, strangely enough. How do you feel?"

"Like I got kicked in the head by a horse." I groaned as the pounding in my skull intensified. A hand found itself cupping my cheek, another resting on my shoulder, and a large, narrow paw far away on my shin. Before I could look to see whose hands were where, my migraine subsided to a dull ache, then disappeared altogether. The gentle hands fell away, and I looked up to see Erica, Vlad, Arthur, and Matthew were closest to my head, and spread around behind them were the other countries. Lukas and the other "cats" sat near my feet, Kaali sat on the perch Vlad had created just before I passed out. Kurnaz leaped onto my lap, barking twice, then grinning with his sharp fox teeth.

"Thanks guys," I sigh.

"No more passing out." Erica orders me.

I glance up and offer her a weak smile. "Still not doing it on purpose."

She sticks her tongue out at me, then turns to Lukas. "So what exactly can nymphs do?"

Lukas blinks at us once, as if slightly surprised, before he replies. "Nymphs are basically shape-shifters, and are able to take the form of anyone or anything they have seen before. Nymphs form a very close-knit community, and share strong bonds with fellow members of their species. They usually have very strong magical powers, and are deeply bonded with their habitats and the other creatures who live there. Such as a water nymph loves being in or near water and loves all aquatic animals."

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