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"WHO? Who's coming?!" Montana exclaimed.

"Mr. Jingles!" she yelped and Charlie looked over to Chet, noticing he had walked away from her.

He had seemed very distant after they had kissed earlier.

"It was him! I kept hearing his keys! It was him!" Brooke said.

Chet, Ray, and Trevor all went to the door to go outside.

"No! He's outside!" Brooke screamed and Charlie walked up behind Chet.

"Charlie step back" Trevor said and moved her away, his arm brushing her chest.

She shifted uncomfortably.

The boys walked out and Charlie stood anxiously with Montana.

"There's nobody here" Trevor said and walked back into the cabin.

"I swear-" Brooke started to cry.

"Hey, it's okay" Chet said and went over to her, pulling her into his embrace.

Charlie looked to Montana, who shrugged her shoulders.

Xavier came over and hugged Charlie from behind.

"I'm scared" she said to him.

"It's okay, it was nothing" he reassured and kissed the top of her head.

"What is going on here?" Margaret's voice sounded.

"Oh we were just-" Chet started but she cut him off.

"Boys, showers. Now." she said and took Montana's beer.

"Are we supposed to pray the boners away?" Xavier said amusingly and Margaret rolled her eyes.

"You need to clean the filth out of you, so you'll be cleansed before morning prayer" she said.

"Chet!" Charlie whispered and caught him before he left.

"What?" he snapped and she was taken back by this.

"I- What's wrong? Did I-" Charlie started.

"I- We shouldn't have kissed Charlie" he said "I regret it" he stated.

"I knew- I knew I shouldn't have asked you to start over" she hissed "You've always been an asshole" she said and walked away.

Chet was hurt, but he didn't want to hurt Charlie, so he ended whatever they had.

The guys got to the showers, only to realized there were no towels.

"I'm going to get my beach towel" Xavier said and walked out.

Chet, Ray, and Trevor all undressed and started to shower, finding some soap and towels.

"So, you and Charlie?" Ray asked Chet and he shook his head.

"I don't want to hurt her" he said turning towards Ray.

"Chet, if you really like her, you wouldn't hurt her" Trevor said.

"I kissed her" he said "Well, she kissed me-" he started but Ray cut him off.

"Did you kiss back?" He asked and Chet nodded.

"I'm pretty sure you won't hurt her, Chet. I can tell you really like her." Trevor said and Chet nodded.

"But I snapped at her earlier, I probably ruined it" Chet said sadly.

"You need to make up with her, because if you don't get her, I'm pretty sure Xavier will" Ray said.

Charlie didn't know why she was distressed about the Chet situation.

They never really got along, so why was she acting like this?

The words he said to her kept replaying in her mind.

"We shouldn't have kissed...I regret it."

Did he really?

Her thoughts we interrupted by a crunch of leaves.

"Hello?" she called, but no answer.

She then heard footsteps approach and start running at her.

She booked it away, being chased by someone or something.

"Help!" she screamed.

She spotted Ray walking out of the shower area.

"Ray!" she yelled and he turned his head.

Charlie flung herself at Ray.

"I-I was being chased a-and-" she stopped to catch her breath.

"No ones here" Trevor said

"I'm not making this up!" she pleaded and he nodded.

"Whoever it was is gone now" he said

"Oh my god, Charlie, you have a cut on your cheek" Chet noticed and reached for her face.

Charlie flinched and moved away.

"I-I'm fine" she said and walked towards the back of the shower house to go around.

"We should probably-" She cut herself off with a scream.

"What?" Trevor ran over "Oh my god!" he yelled.

There was a dead body.

"Oh my god!" a familiar voice yelled.


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