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Charlie stood up paced around, not knowing what to do. Chet was hysteric.

"Charlie, please don't leave me down here" he begged and she walked back to him.

"I'm not leaving here unless you do, okay?" she said and gave him a look.

"O-Okay" he said, tears brimming his eyes.

She huffed, sitting back down next to him. Charlie hated being helpless, she needed to do something.


"This probably isn't a good time to tell you this, but Xavier kissed me in the Cabin" She admitted after a while.

"Did you kiss back?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No, of course not" she started "I don't like him like that" she said.

"Look Charlie" he said and she looked his direction "I really like you, and I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I was just afraid I'd hurt you" he said.

"Chet..." she trailed off, reaching for his hand "We have to trust each other, and as much as I want to be together..." she trailed off.

"What is it?" Chet questioned with worrisome eyes, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"J-Just let me think about things okay?" she said and looked away from him, not wanting to meet his hard gaze.

"Charlie, are you rejecting me?" He let out a pained laugh to try and lighten up the mood.

"Of course not-" she smiled weakly.

Just then, she heard leaves crunching.

"Hello?" Chet questioned.

"It's Jingles" Charlie said and started to shake.

"Help!" Chet yelled.

"Chet? Charlie?" It was Xavier.

"What are you doing down there?" Xavier asked.

"I'm dying! What does it look like I'm doing" Chet snarked.

"You gotta get us out of here!" Charlie pleaded and Xavier looked at Trevor.

Xavier shrugged his shoulders before looking back at the two huddled in what was almost the corner.

"Alright, I'm coming down" He called before he descended.

"I thought I was done, I thought that was it." he said and Charlie looked up to Trevor.

"We thought you died Charlie" Trevor said and Xavier agreed.

Xavier knelt down by Chet's side.

"That looks gnarly man" he said and went in to touch it, Chet kissed at the pain.

"Ray he-he fell in here too, but he left us" Chet explained

"What? He told us you got separated." Xavier said, confused.

"He's got issues, serious fucking issues" Chet raised his voice.

"C-Can you get him off?" Charlie asked as she looked up curiously at Xavier.

"I- I feel like we're gonna need a real doctor to get you off of this." Xavier said and looked at Charlie.

There was more footsteps gaining speed and getting closer to them.

"Shh, Shh" Trevor said and listened to whatever was behind him.

"Shit, someone's coming" Trevor called "Hurry up!"

"What if I kill him?" Xavier said.

"Better you than Jingles" he said "Charlie come on" Trevor offered his hand.

She looked over at Chet and he nodded giving her confirmation to leave.

"If I kill you, I'm so sorry." Xavier said and started to count to three.

Trevor pulled Charlie up quickly, being gentle, not trying to drop her.

"Chet, its going to be okay" Charlie called from Trevor's side.

"Wait, no, no-!" Chet tried to protest at the last second.

Xavier pulled Chet off and he screamed, breaking Charlie's heart.

They hoisted him and Xavier up, and ran for shelter behind a tree.

Chet was being incredibly noisey as they tried to get him away from the pit.

"Chet, hey, it's okay." Charlie soothed and put her hand over his mouth to quiet his breathing.

Jingles walked over by the pit they were just in and Trevor looked at them, his eyes glowng with amusement.

"We can take him" he started "There's four of us" he said

"Chet can barely move and Jingles has a knife" Xavier said

"His knife versus my guns" he patted his biceps and leaped up running towards Jingles.

He drop kicked him into the pit and screamed in victory.

Xavier looked shocked and stood up, running over to Trevor, while Charlie stayed behind with Chet.

"I'm glad you're okay" Charlie said to Chet and he nodded.

He was still slightly agonized at the fact that Charlie had said "no" to being with him.

Charlie listened as she hear cries of excitement come from the group, but it suddenly went silent.

Chet stood to his feet and with the help of Charlie they made their way to Trevor and Xavier.

"Let's get this straight" Trevor said, holding up a Jingles mask.

"That wasn't Jingles"


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