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No One's POV

    It has been 17 years since the outbreak turned the world upside down. (Y/N) was 13 and was walking through a forest with his cousin, Jessie, who was 23. She had (Y/H/C) just like (Y/N)'s, blue eyes, and was very energetic. With them was another woman who was 30, Susan, and acted like an older sister to the two as she had short blonde hair, green eyes, and was very strict. It was fall so they all were wearing coats and jeans along with backpacks full of gear.
    (Y/N) had a bow with a few arrows, Jessie had a hunting rifle, and Susan had a revolver. (Y/N) started walking on a few rocks, "I'm hungry." He whined. Jessie hopped over a log, "Lets find shelter first and then we can go through our rations, ok (Y/N)." "Alright."
    As they were walking Susan told the other two to get down as she spotted a group of deer. The three of them were crouched as all the deer stood eating grass and drinking water. Jessie pulled out her rifle as she aimed at the biggest one in the group. Susan leaned forward, "Remember to relax, breathe in, and release." Jessie breathed in and exhaled as she fired.
    The deer instantly fell dead as the rest of them ran off. Jessie smiled from hitting her target as Susan patted her back, "Nice shot." (Y/N) fist pumped the air, "We eat well tonight." Susan let out a small laugh as she stood up and headed towards the dead deer. The other two followed suite and when they reached the corpse Susan and (Y/N) picked it up.
    As Susan picked up the top half she ordered Jessie to climb a tree and find shelter for them to stay for a while. Jessie did as ordered and spotted a small abandoned factory. She made her way down until she landed on the ground, "There is an abandoned factory just south from here. It's quite a walk, but we will get there before dark." Susan told her to lead the way as (Y/N) and her carried the deer.
    After a bit of walking they arrived at the factory and Jessie tried to open the door, but to no avail. "Looks like we're gonna have to find another way in." Jessie exclaimed. Susan set the deer down with a sigh, "Lets split up to find a way in. Don't wander off to far though." The three split up to find a way in.
    (Y/N) turned a corner to see weeds growing on the side of the building and birds building nests out of sticks and mud in the wall. He walked down the wall until he found an open window that wasn't broken or closed. Jessie turned around the corner, "Hey Jessie, mind giving me a boost?" "Sure thing kiddo."
    Jessie squatted down with her hands over each other, "Alright, come on." (Y/N) got a running start and jumped off of Jessie's hands and grabbed the ledge. He vaulted over it and landed while knocking over a few bottles. "You ok kiddo?!" "Yeah I'm fine! I'll try to open the door!" "Ok, but be careful!" "I know!"
    He walked over to the front door and saw a metal cabinet leaning on it, "I definitely can't lift that." He saw a part of a railing that he could push the cabinet off of the door, "How do I get up there?" He started wandering around until he came up with an idea. He grabbed a metal cart and moved it over to a ledge. He climbed on top of the cart and got over the ledge onto the railing, "Ok, first step done."
    There was a gap stopping him from getting to his destination, luckily there was a ladder next to him. He grabbed it and set it down making to where he could cross. He walked over  the ladder and walked over to where the cabinet was leaning and sat down in front of it. He prompt his feet against the cabinet and pushed with all his might pushing the door down and off the door.
    He jumped down, unlocked the door, and opened it revealing Jessie and Susan on the other side. Jessie walked in with a whistle as Susan patted (Y/N)'s shoulder, "Nice job kid." (Y/N) puffed his chest out in pride. "Don't get to full of yourself now." "Yes ma'am."
    They found a room with the ceiling full of holes perfect for the smoke to escape from the fire they were making. They cooked the deer and as they ate it Jessie licked her lips, "Mmm, when was the last time we had meat this good?" Susan finished her first plate of meat, "It's been so long that I can't even remember." "I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is enjoying it the most out of us all though." They both looked to (Y/N) as he scarfed down his first plate as well. He  swallowed his last bite and looked at the two with food on his face, "What?" The other two laughed, "Nothing kid, just eat as much as you want."
    The three ate two and a half plates of meat, talked, and laughed like they haven't done in a long time. They all got as comfy as possible and went to sleep.

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