Finding Fireflies

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3 Years Ago
No One's POV

    Susan ran through the abounded factory as clickers chased her through the halls tumbling over each other. She turned right to see a clicker in front of her, so she shot it in the head and continued running. She was reaching a dead end with a wall of windows showing the night sky. Two clickers came from the corner as they grabbed Susan.
    She jumped through the windows bringing the clickers with her. One fell on its head killing it as Susan landed in her back. She attempted to get up but had some trouble from the impact of the fall. The other clicker crawled its way towards Susan as it's legs were blown out from the fall. Susan rolled over as she spotted her revolver and crawled towards it.
    When she grabbed her gun the clicker grabbed her wrist. The clicker opened its mouth but was shot in the head causing it to let go of Susan dead. Tommy ran over as he looked down at Susan and then up to his right, "Hey, we got a survivor over here!" Four other people came by as two of them helped Susan up as the other three shot some clickers coming towards them. They ran into the forest getting away from the abandoned factory as much as possible.

Present Day

    Susan grabbed (Y/N)'s hoodie, "How do you know my name?" Ellie tried to push Susan off of him, "Let go of (Y/N)." Ellie pushed her off as Susan processed what Ellie said until she looked at (Y/N), "Kid?" (Y/N) took off his bandanna as he brought his hoodie down, "Hey Susan." Susan walked up to (Y/N) as she started to tear up, "How- Why-" She then put her hands on his face as she smiled, "I've missed you so much." 
    (Y/N) hugged her as he said nothing while Susan hugged him back. Tommy crossed his arms as he stood next to Joel, "I have never seen her cry. Barely even smile." Susan backed away as she examined (Y/N), "How did you get here." (Y/N) pointed at Ellie and Joel, "I walked across the country with them." Susan then got closer as she examined (Y/N)'s face, "How did you get that scar?" "It's a long story." "Well you can tell me while I show you around."
    Susan lead (Y/N) away from the group as she started to show him around, "So who are those people you are with?" "Those are just some people I met that could help me." Susan's eyes then lit up as she turned towards (Y/N), "Where's Jessie? You two were always together."
    (Y/N)'s eyes saddened as he looked at Susan while he choked up a bit, "She, was taken from this world a long time ago." Susan's eyes went from lit up to gloomy as she saw (Y/N)'s eyes begin to water. She held back her tears as she wiped away (Y/N)'s, "Oh sweetie, she would be happy to see how you turned out." (Y/N) stopped crying as he smiled at Susan making her smile, "Come here." She hugged (Y/N) once more.
    A bark was heard as Rosy sat patiently waiting for some attention. Susan bent down as she pet Rosy, "And what's your name?" "Her name's Rosy." Susan looked up at (Y/N), "You named her after what Jessie wanted to name her daughter if she had one. That's a nice way honor her." Susan stood up as she had (Y/N) follow her a few steps until they reached the end of the wall. The view was beautiful with trees and a large river zig-zagging through the trees.
    Gunshots were then heard causing everyone to get ready for a fight. The two ran towards the entrance where many of the fighting was heard. They got behind cover as Jessie looked at (Y/N), "Stay down, and wait here-" She stopped when she no longer saw (Y/N) next to her. She then heard a man yell, "What the hell?!" 
    She looked up to see (Y/N) hit a man in the nose, stunning him, then turned him around holding him hostage. He pulled out his pistol and shot a man in the heart as Rosy snuck up from the left and jumped up to bite a cannibal's neck. More of Tommy's people came and pushed more of the attackers back. The man (Y/N) had hostage pleaded for his life, "We can talk this out." He was silenced by (Y/N) pressing his pistol's barrel to his head and sending a bullet through it.

    Susan aimed her rifle behind (Y/N) as she shot next his head and hit a man hiding behind a car window who was aiming at (Y/N). (Y/N) made his way towards a warehouse that Ellie was in as Susan ran next to him. When they entered the warehouse they were met by gunshots heading their way. When they went behind cover Susan hit (Y/N)'s arm, "Give me some covering fire. I have a plan."
    (Y/N) nodded as he peeked up from his cover and started shooting blindly as Susan ran forward avoiding some bullets being shot at her. Rosy would occasionally sneak around and kill anyone she could when she wasn't being shot at. Susan vaulted over the fallen metal cabinet that she used as cover to get closer to the enemy as she got behind a stone like column.
    She was being bombarded by gunfire until (Y/N) started shooting giving Susan a chance to peek from her cover and shoot a crane from above holding a few explosive barrels. When they fell they crushed two men leaving only seven left. (Y/N) and Susan shot the barrels causing them to explode and put five of them on fire and to burn to death. (Y/N) ran up to one of the last two men and used his hatchet to sweep his left foot from under him cutting his foot off. While he was in the air he put the hatchet into his chest and pushed him to the ground killing the man.
    As the last one was aiming at (Y/N) Susan ran up to him. The man aimed at Susan but She pushed his gun out of his hands and when he went for a punch She hit him in the throat. She kicked him to his knees and as he fell she grabbed his pistol and when he landed on his knees she shot him in the head as Susan threw the pistol to the side.
    They continued forward to turn the corner and see Joel and Tommy being pinned by a duet of bullet. They tried to get to Ellie and Maria as they were pinned down in an office. Susan and (Y/N) shot a few of the invaders giving Tommy and Joel the opportunity to kill whoever was left. Everything was silent as Ellie and Maria came out from their hiding spot. Ellie walked over to Joel and hugged him as Maria did the same with Tommy.
    As everyone calmed down Joel started discussing with Tommy as to how he would be taking Ellie to the fireflies as Joel would be on his way back to the east. Ellie did not like that, "Wait, what do you mean you won't be taking me to the fireflies?!" Joel rubbed the back of his head, "Tommy knows where the fireflies are. It's best if he took you." "But I don't want to go with him! I was to go with you!"
    She then turned at (Y/N), "Your coming with me right?" (Y/N) crossed his arms as he looked to the side, "The deal was that I would get you to Joel's brother. That's it." Ellie looked between the two until she huffed out of the room. A few hours past and when (Y/N) or Joel saw Ellie, she would go the opposite direction and avoid eye contact.
    Out of nowhere Ellie ran away while riding a horse, with Joel and Tommy going out to try and find her. (Y/N) was still in the small town created at the water dam. He was brushing Rosy as Susan walked up to him and sat to his left, "You know, i've been wondering how you got that scar on your right arm. It looks fresh." "Well, it's pretty stupid."

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