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No One's POV

    Everyone was now lounging around the beach as they were waiting for Joel to regain consciousness. (Y/N) was currently skipping rocks to pass the time until Ellie walked up next to him, "How do you do that?" (Y/N) skipped a rock on the water as he squinted his eyes at Ellie, "Do what? Skip a rock." "Yeah, I never even knew that this was a thing until now." (Y/N) sighed a little as he picked up a small rock.
    He then handed the rock to Ellie as he picked up one of his own, "Alright, hold it with your forefinger and your thumb." Ellie followed his instructions. "Alright now throw it underhanded, but flick your wrist at the end of the throw and let go." Ellie got ready, "Ok, I think I got this." Ellie attempted it, but the rock sank instantly. She tried a few more times, but she failed making her mumble under her breathe. She tried one more time, but failed, "Damn it!"
    (Y/N) gave her another rock, "Don't get mad. Just try one more time." Ellie took the rock and took a deep breathe. She then tried one more time, but this time the rock skipped six times on the water. Ellie jumped and landed with her hands in the air, "Yes I did it! Let's go!" (Y/N) clapped, "Yeah, great job." Joel then grunted as he tried to pick himself up.
Ellie ran up to him, "Hey Joel, you ok?" Joel grunted as he sat up to see Henry as he walked up to him, "Ah see he's fine, everything is all right." Joel then pushed Henry to the ground, "What the hell is wrong with you!" He then pulled it at Henry making Sam go towards him until Henry put his hands up, "It's fine, hey hey hey. He's pissed, but he won't do anything." "You sure about that?" Ellie put her hand on Joel's shoulder, "Joel." "He left us to die." Henry stayed on the ground as he pointed at Joel, "No. You had a good chance of making it, and you did." He then pointed at Sam, "But coming back for you meant putting him at risk."
    Henry looked back at Joel, "If it was the other way, would you have come back for us? I saved you." (Y/N) walked up to Henry as he offered to help him up, "He saved Ellie and I. We would of fell to our death." Joel thought for a moment as (Y/N) helped Henry up until he threw the gun back at Henry. Sam walked up to Henry as Henry dusted himself off, "It's fine, i'm ok." Henry walked back towards the other three, "For what it's worth, "I'm glad that we spotted you guys. The radio tower is just over this cliff. There will be plenty of supplies. You'll be glad that you did."
    The six then walked around the beach trying to find a way in. (Y/N) was currently walking next to Joel as he talked to Henry, "Wait, were going to a radio tower?" "Yep, why?" "I don't have the best luck with radio towers." They walked further down to spot the entrance to a sewer. Henry walked near the entrance, "This seems like a quicker way than just going over the cliff." Everyone agreed, so Joel and Henry raised the metal door up letting everyone in. They started walking through the large sewer pipe and into the main sewers.
    They kept walking until the path split into two. Henry and Sam went left as the rest went right. Ellie did her best to make the water splash, "I'm not a fan of this place." Joel crawled over a fallen pipe, "Me neither. But we ain't got much of a choice." They kept walking through until they reached a fenced door that was blocked by a metal cart against the door on the other side. (Y/N) spotted a vent that Ellie could crawl through to get to the other side of the door.
    Ellie made it through and moved the cart and opened the door, "Voila." The other three walked through as Ellie followed Rosy who was the last one to pass, "Do you think that Sam and Henry will join us all the way to Tommy's?" Joel led the pack as he walked through another door, "Well I don't know. We're just gonna have to see how everything pans out." They continued forward to spot Henry and Sam as their paths merged once again.
    Henry waved at the four as he continued walking, "Hey this way. Looks like there's a path up ahead right here." They followed him as they went down a long tunnel until they reached a flooded room. Henry pointed to the roof where the floor caved in and a car was tilting in the hole, "Do you think that we could reach that?" Joel shook his head, "I don't think so."
    (Y/N) got near the water, "Why don't we just swim across?" "Ellie looked at (Y/N), "I can't swim remember." Sam held his hand up, "Me too." (Y/N) hung his head low as he sighed, "That's right." Joel came up with an idea to move the machine next to them to get them across the other side.
    (Y/N) and Joel swam over to the other side. Joel put his hands together as he got behind (Y/N) and hoisted him up by his feet. (Y/N) grabbed the ledge with his torso over it, as he got up. Joel swam backwards, "Try that generator." (Y/N) walked over to the generator as he pulled on the string. The generator made a starting noise, but died as soon as it started, "It's out of gas." He looked around to spot a can of gas to high up for him to reach.
    (Y/N) sat down as he got comfortable, "I can't reach that." Joel looked around, "Give me a minute." Joel went under the water gate to find himself in another room. He got up and walked around to spot a crate leaning on a railing. He threw it down into the water and headed towards Ellie, which she was able to jump on. It wobbled a bit, but she found her balance soon after.
    Joel pushed the crate carefully towards the other side of the room. (Y/N) helped her up as they headed towards the can of gas. (Y/N) got up against the wall as Ellie put her foot on his hands. He hoisted her up allowing her to get on the ledge and throw it down to (Y/N). Ellie then jumped down without warning, causing (Y/N) to catch her out of instinct, "Next time give me warning." Ellie got out of his arms, "That was a trust exercise."
    (Y/N) out the gas in as he then pulled the string causing the engine to run. Henry and Sam hopped onto the machine as it started moving towards the other side of the room. Ellie and (Y/N) helped Joel up as Henry and Sam got off the machine as Joel took the lead of the group once again. They ran into a door with the surroundings drawn like a castle, "Do you think there are actually people inside?" Sam asked. (Y/N) went towards the door, "There is a slim chance, but we can hope."
    He opened the door causing a crate to fall, but nothing was in it. Henry kicked the crate, "It looks like someone put this here. Like someone who lived here." Joel looked around at all the man made cover, "But it doesn't look like that's the case anymore." "Who would stay here?" "Someone who thought that this place could stay safe." They vaulted over all the obstacles in their way to reach the end of the tunnel to see a goal post and soccer ball.
    Ellie went to the soccer ball ready to kick it, as Sam went to the goal post to defend, and (Y/N) went over to the side as he seemed to narrate the small game that was taking place. Ellie kicked the ball towards the goal post, "Ellie goes for the shot." Sam then caught it, "But Sam catches it blocking Ellie's kick!" Sam jumped in excitement , "Henry, did you see that?!" Henry looked at Sam, "Lets keep it down buddy, okay?" "Ok. Sorry."
   Joel found a way through as they continued through even more sewer tunnels." (Y/N) walked with the group as he sighed, "Yay, even more tunnels." Joel looked back at him, "Don't worry, we will be out of this soon. I hope." They continued through the long tunnels until they reached a door leading to a lot of man made cover as they heard some infected. Joel pulled out his shotgun as he heard multiple footsteps run towards them. There were three stalkers and one clicker that appeared into the light.
    Joel shot the clicker with his shotgun, as Henry shot one in the chest twice with his pistol, while Rosy jumped up and bit one in the neck. (Y/N) pulled out his hatchet as the last one ran towards him. He kicked its kneecap in and as it fell (Y/N) cut the infected's head off, "Well I guess we now know what happened to these people." Joel made sure that the clicker was dead, "There was a clicker which means that these people have been dead for a long time." They went through all the cover as they were met by a dead end.
    It seemed that the only way up was a bridge high up that they couldn't reach. Joel found a fenced gate locked with a rusty pad lock. He shot it allowing them to pass. Joel, Sam, and Rosy walked through before something from above fell splitting the six into two groups. The adults tried to lift it up until clickers were heard on Henry, Ellie, and (Y/N)'s end. Henry started freaking out, "This thing isn't budging man!" Joel waved his hand signaling them to go, "Just go! Get outta here!" The three started to run as Henry told Sam to stay close to Joel as (Y/N) told Rosy to protect the two.
    The three ran as clickers chased them while Henry blindly led them through the tunnels. Some clickers appeared from man sized holes on the side near the ground leading deeper into the sewers. One clicker appeared from the shadows as it reached for Ellie. (Y/N) knocked her out of the way as the clicker grabbed him as (Y/N)'s food tripped causing the both of them to fall through one of the holes. Henry grabbed Ellie to keep them going as they ran further ahead.
    (Y/N) tumbled down with the clicker until he reached the bottom. He got up to have the clicker lunge at him, with his response being to dodge left making the clicker hit the wall and fall on its back. As it was down (Y/N) kicked its head in killing it. He looked up from the hole he fell through to hear multiple clickers run past him. The hole was to steep to climb back up and he was at a dead end, so he looked strait ahead to see nothing but darkness and multiple clicker noises echoing through the tunnels. He pulled out his hatchet, "We just couldn't go around over or around the hill."
    (Y/N) stayed crouched as he walked to prevent him from splashing the water too much. He turned on his flashlight to see the tunnel to keep going as there were multiple turns that he could take. He walked forward to spot a clicker to his left before he turned the corner, so he hid around the corner. The clicker walked passed him as (Y/N) pulled out his hatchet, but noticed that his blade was getting dull. This meant that he couldn't kill a clicker safely.
    He had to find his way through the tunnels as he tried to stay quiet and avoid be being ripped apart. He then found a long straight tunnel, which he thought would be the way out. He silently walked until he stepped on a glass bottle making it break. As the noise rang through the bottom sewers, he heard multiple screams as a clicker came from the shadows and reached for him. He dodged, but the clicker got his flashlight.
    Now he ran in the dark as he could only see clickers if they were four feet away from him. Many clickers were running after him as they screamed to know there surroundings. (Y/N) ran as he saw a clicker in front of him, mostly to the right of him. So he went left and jumped off the wall dodging it. He encountered many of these situations, sometimes having to dodge right.
    He finally reached the end of the tunnel to see a ladder going up. (Y/N) climbed it as he heard many infected stop under him and somewhat scream in frustration. He reached the top to be met by a heavy sewer cover that he had to lift up to get out. He lifted it up causing sunlight to hit his skin as the sewer cover hit the ground. He crawled out as he laid down on his back while taking a breather.
    He then heard Ellie, "The vending machine isn't budging!" He walked over as fast as he could, but his legs were to tired. He walked up a small hill to see Sam and Ellie quickly open a door with a lot of force. As Henry ran out Joel came after, but a stalker grabbed him bringing him to the ground. It quickly went to bite him, but was shot in the head with (Y/N)'s pistol. He walked up as he bent down with his hands on his knees, "What did I miss?"

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