A New Experience (lemon)

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(Ellie is 18 and (Y/N) is 20 if this chapter didn't make it clear.)

No One's POV

    Ellie was on top of one of the walls with a gun in hand. She was protecting the town from the outside as she was keeping a look out. She seemed to have something on her mind as she scanned the area. There were more people scattered around the walls as they needed to check all around the area to make sure something didn't get in. She had a rifle as she was sitting in a lawn chair, until a man climbed up a ladder to Ellie. When he got on top of the wall he took the gun from Ellie, "Your shift is over." Ellie stood up as the man sat down and she climbed down, "Alright, thanks."
    She climbed down the ladder and jumped off when she was only a few inches off the ground. She started walking around the town as it has grown through the past two years. It was getting dark as she walked around seeing some children playing, people growing vegetables, others building and repairing structures so everyone can have a roof above their heads instead of just tarps held up by poles, as others were taking a break and just lounging around.
    She finally made it to an area with a few young people were watching as (Y/N) and Joel was standing in front of them. (Y/N) had a wooden knife as Joel was talking to the people, "Alright now when someone come at you with a knife, this is what you wanna do." (Y/N) charged at Joel with the knife to have Joel dodge below him to his left, "You duck under his attack." He then grabbed the younger man's right arm and twisted it making (Y/N) drop the knife, "Then twist your opponent's arm to disarm them." He then brought him close to put him in a choke hold, "Finally bring them close and put your arm around their throat as go for the knockout or kill."

    Joel wasn't actually choking (Y/N) allowing him to speak, "Now if your the one being choked then you wanna daze your opponent." (Y/N) stomped on Joel's toes, lightly as this was just demonstration, as he elbowed him in the gut. "Then you-" (Y/N) then grabbed Joel's right arm with both of his hands and threw him over his shoulder as he grabbed his knife. Joel stood up as the two were back to where they were before, "Now the fight is back to square one."
    The group separated as Joel told them that was all for today and that they would continue the day after tomorrow. As everyone separated Ellie walked up to (Y/N), "H-hey (Y/N)." "Hey Ellie. You alright, you look a bit uneasy." "Yeah I'm fine. I just came to tell you that it's your turn to take a shower." "Already? I guess it has been a week. Alright well thanks, I'll see ya tomorrow." He started to leave until Ellie quickly stopped him, "Can you come to my room after your shower?" "Sure thing. I'll see ya later." Ellie pecked his lips before he left as he walked to where everyone would take their showers. Ellie was sitting on her bed as she waited for (Y/N) to come. She remembered what her and Maria talked about a few days ago.

4 Days Ago

    Ellie was counting all the food that the town had with Maria, along with a few other people. As Ellie was counting the doors opened as a few men came in with a few canned and dry food. (Y/N) then came in with another man carrying a buck as it would be cooked tonight. The two carried it over to two woman who expertise in cooking dead animals to where many people could eat them. Ellie stared at (Y/N) as his shirt stuck to his body from sweat, since it was the beginning of summer.
    She was brought out of her trance by Maria, "Your drooling." Ellie wiped her mouth with her sleeve, "What? No I'm not." "Yeah, suurrreee." Ellie sighed as she picked up a can, "We've been dating for two years now and I'm still stealing looks at him. Is something wrong with me?" Maria simply laughed, "Oh dear no. It's normal to do that." "But I feel differently every time I look at him now. Like my body just heard up."
    Something then clicked in Maria's mind, "Ohhhh, that's what it is." Ellie set the can down as she looked at Maria, "What is what?" "Well after a man and woman have been together for a while they start to want to be, closer. Has Joel not talked to you about this?" "Well I told him the same thing I told you and he said to ask you or Susan." "Of course he did." Maria started to explain to Ellie about her urges and what couples do together alone.
After hearing this Ellie seemed confused, "Why would I wanna do that if it's gonna hurt?" "It will only hurt for a minute." "Well I don't think he feels the same way anyways." "I think he does. He probably has stolen dirty stares at you as well."

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