A Treat, Companionship, and Sadness

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No One's POV

    Joel, Ellie, and (Y/N) have been on the road for a few weeks heading to the city Tommy told them to go. They were still riding on horseback as they were on a highway with a city up ahead. The three rode into the town as they looked around to spot the college the fireflies were suppose to be at.
    As they were riding Ellie tapped Joel's shoulder, "What exactly is a college?" (Y/N) chimed in as well, "Yeah, Susan said that she was always going to go to one. What's so special about them?" Joel thought for a moment until he took a quick breath, "Well college was a place people went to after school."
    Ellie looked confused, "Why?" "So that they could continue learning and get a job." "Why would you go to school then college. Haven't you already learned everything in school?" "Well, no. You go to college so you can learn more about what you want to do for a job." (Y/N) then looked over at Joel, "So you would just go to college?"
    Joel rubbed the back of his neck, "Well not exactly. You first had to get accepted by the college and then you had pay to get in, for your dorm or apartment, and your class materials." "Wait, if you go to college to learn more about what you want to do, why do you have to pay." "So that the professors and staff can get paid." "Why can't the people you called the government pay them?"
    Joel tried to find the right words to say, "Well the government had other things to pay for." Ellie then spoke up, "How did people pay for it?" "Well most people couldn't completely pay for it so, so they would have student loans. They would pay some then, and slowly pay the rest over the course of their lives. With interest of course. And if you didn't pay it you would go to jail." (Y/N) looked ahead as he thought for a second, "That sounds like one of those loan sharks you sometimes talk about." Joel quickly shook his head, "No it's not like that."
    Ellie looked over Joel's shoulder at him, "Then why isn't it free?" "Then anyone could just go to any college." "What's wrong with that?" "Well- it's- you just can't-. *sigh* I forget that you two are still children sometimes."

  The three then arrived at the entrance to the college making Ellie excited, "Were almost there!" (Y/N) looked around, "It seems deserted." Joel made his horse continue walking, "Well Tommy said that they were further ahead. Maybe someone will be inside." They continued walking on school grounds trying to find their way through to get to the building they believed the fireflies were.
    They walked into a building where the doors were closed meaning they couldn't get through. Joel got off his horse and headed upstairs as (Y/N) got off and headed towards what seemed to be an old food court while Ellie got off and petted the horses. (Y/N) was looking around for food, but just found napkins, which could be useful for wiping off blood or dirt. He took a handful and put them into his backpack, and soon ended up having to kill two zombies as he looked around a bit more. He was about to return to the horses until he spotted something.
    Ellie was kicking dust off the ground until she noticed (Y/N) walking up to her, "Hey did you find something?" (Y/N) showed her three cans, "I found some pudding. These things never expire. Do you want chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" Ellie took the chocolate one as (Y/N) had the strawberry and pulled out two spoons. Ellie took a spokn after opening the can, she then got a spoonful and took a bite. Her eyes widened as she quickly took another bite, "Mmm, this is really good."
    (Y/N) took a bite himself, "Yeah, pudding used to be mine and Jessie's treat from Susan whenever she found any. The two kept eating until (Y/N) noticed that Ellie had pudding on her cheek. He grabbed a napkin and went to wipe the pudding off her face. Ellie looked at (Y/N), "What are you doing?" "You got food on your face." He started wiping the pudding off as Ellie continued staring at (Y/N) until her heart started beating fast.
    (Y/N) wiped it off and dropped the napkin on the ground. He took a bite as he looked at Ellie, "Hey, you ok?" Ellie shook her head out of a daze, "Huh what? Yeah i'm fine." Joel then came down from the second floor, I got the power working. The door should open now. Is that pudding?" "Yeah (Y/N) found some." (Y/N) handed Joel the vanilla pudding, "Here have some." "Eh, we should keep going." Ellie sighed, "Come on Joel. A break is good every once and a while." Joel thought for a bit until he opened his can while (Y/N) handed him a spoon. He took a bite, "It's not ice cream, but it'll do."
    (Y/N) tilted his head, "What's ice cream?" Joel took another bite, "Hopefully you'll find out one day." After the delicious treat they hopped back onto their horses after Joel went to open the door. The three continued forward admiring the scenery as all they heard nothing but the clanking of hooves walking on the cement ground.
    They reached another dead end with the gate that would let them into their destination not opening. Joel went to find a way to fix it and told the other two to stay behind so the horses won't go anywhere if zombies come. (Y/N) was grooming the horses keeping them calm as Ellie got on top of the wall and started walking on it. (Y/N) stopped grooming the horses to step away from the gate to see what Ellie was doing, "What the hell are you doing?"
    Ellie looked down at him, "I'm scouting for any enemies." "Mmm, alright. But don't fall." "Pfft. I've done this many times. There's no way I would fall." When she took another step the piece of wall her foot was on broke causing her to fall. She screamed as she fell and kept screaming. She stopped screaming when she realized that she hasn't hit the ground yet. She opened her eyes to see (Y/N) as he looked down at her while he held her, "I said to be careful." Ellie seemed embarrassed as she crossed her arms, "Yeah yeah. Just put me down."
    Joel opened the gate as he quickly walked towards the other two, "I heard Ellie scream! What happened?!" He then looked at (Y/N) and then Ellie as she was still in the boy's arms. (Y/N) turned to him, "Ellie fell so I caught her. That's about it." Ellie lightly hit (Y/N)'s face, "Your still carrying me. Put me down already." (Y/N) set her down with her quickly walking past Joel who grabbed his horse's rope, "Come on (Y/N)." (Y/N) grabbed his own horse's rope and followed Joel.
    They walked up to the front door as the horses were tied to a pole so they wouldn't go away. They walked in as it was completely silent and they walked through every room and reached the top floor without seeing anyone. They walked into the last room to see a corpse with a voice recorder in front of it. They turned it on to find out that the fireflies had to leave and headed back to Salt Lake City. Ellie gained a bit of hope, "Joel do you know where that is?" "I know the city, but it is a long journey."
    As Ellie and Joel was talking (Y/N) saw a glare out the window. He looked out the window and down to see a sniper aiming at Joel. He grabbed Joel's shirt and Ellie's arm and pulled them down as he got down. The sniper shot and barely missed Joel as he fell. Everyone pulled out their guns as they heard people coming towards them. One came through the door but Joel quickly shot with his revolver.
    The three went through the third floor with barely any men coming at them, and the ones who did were easily shot on the spot. When they went down the flight of stairs leading to the second floor two men ran up to Joel and (Y/N). They resorted to hand-to-hand combat with Joel grabbing his man's rifle and used the butt of the gun to knock the said man out. The other guy punched (Y/N) in the cheek knocking him down. As he was on his knees (Y/N) grabbed his hatchet and drive it into the guy's ankle making him fall. As he was down (Y/N) slit his throat as he got back up to follow Joel and Ellie.
    They ran on the balcony above the first floor as they shot at anyone below them. Joel went to open the door, but when he did a cannibal came through and started to choke Joel as he was on the railing. (Y/N) came from behind and grabbed the man's shoulders to try and get him off. The railing Joel was pinned on gave out causing the three to fall onto the first floor.
   Ellie went to go check on Joel to see a pole through his stomach, but he was still breathing. Ellie tried to help Joel up until two men came through a doorway and aimed at her. They were quickly shot making Ellie look over to see (Y/N) stumble while standing up as he had his gun up, "How's Joel?" "He isn't doing to good." (Y/N) came over and helped Ellie to get Joel up. When they succeeded (Y/N) wrapped his left arm around Joel to help him stand.
    Ellie took the lead as she made sure no one was ahead of them. Ellie vaulted over the window and waited on the other side for Joel. When he tried to get through he ended up falling, landing on the other side. Before he could be helped up a man came into the room making Joel crawl behind a desk. The man got closer to Joel and when he got close enough (Y/N) hit the wall with his hatchet making it clank. As the man looked at his direction Ellie had the opportunity to put him down.
    (Y/N) hopped over the window to pick Joel back up as Ellie lead them to the exit. When they got to the door Joel fell to the ground. As (Y/N) went to pick him back up two guys pointed their guns at the three. Ellie shot one but was soon knocked down by the other as he aimed at her while she was down. (Y/N) punched the man who staggered but fought back. As they were holding the man's rifle pushing it back and fourth Ellie grabbed (Y/N)'s hatchet, from the satchel he wore on his right side, and drove it into the man's left lung.
    This caused (Y/N) to overpower the man and knock him down to shoot him with his own rifle. (Y/N) turned around as he examined Ellie's face, "That looks bad." "I'm fine, go get Joel." (Y/N) quickly walked up to Joel and picked him back up, "Come on Joel. We're almost there." He helped Joel back up as Ellie opened the door letting them through with her soon following. A man was trying to take their horses until he noticed the three so he fumbled with the ropes to get his pistol. Ellie quickly shot him as she grabbed the rope to her's and Joel's horse.
    (Y/N) helped Joel up on the horse with Ellie getting on afterwards to make sure that he didn't fall. (Y/N) hopped onto his horse and grabbed Ellie's horse's rope so it would follow him and get away. They rode out of the city and back onto the highway until Joel fell off the horse making Ellie shout, "(Y/N) stop!" He stopped making the other horse stop letting Ellie get off. Ellie got on her knees to check on Joel, "Come on Joel! You can't leave me you can't!" (Y/N) checked the horse's satchel, "We needs something to clean the wound and to stop the bleeding!" "Hurry up and find something!" "I'm looking!" "Come on Joel stay with me!"

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