The Scar

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No One's POV
1 Year Ago

    (Y/N) was walking through the woods as Rosy was only six months old. He walked out into a grassy field to spot a large house sitting in the middle with no signs of life. They walked in and (Y/N) did a sweep of the house to make sure nothing was in there, just to make sure. He heard something in the attic, so he went to check it out with his hatchet out. What he found was a stalker chained to the wall as he tried to break free and eat (Y/N). He walked over to it and as the stalker was swinging (Y/N) used the hatchet to cut it's arms off.     Now that he could safely kill the stalker he did so by putting the hatchet in it's temple. The stalker fell over dead, so (Y/N) scavenged it's body to find the house keys. Before he left (Y/N) closed the dead stalker's eyes.

    When he got back downstairs he saw Rosy trying to get up to the cabinets. (Y/N) opened the cabinets to see a month's worth of canned food, "Good news Rosy. No more dead birds and squirrels for dinner." Rosy went in a circle and yipped in joy as (Y/N) pulled down a can of cherries, "Their not blueberries, but it's just as good." With all the food (Y/N) couldn't travel, so he decided to stay for a week or two. He got to work by boarding up the windows and sharpened his hatchet's blade.
    (Y/N) was upstairs in a large bedroom laying down in the bed. He took a deep breathe and released it as he finally got to relax for a night. Rosy jumped up and slept under his feet as they both went to sleep. (Y/N) woke up at the break of dawn, along with Rosy, afterwards he went downstairs and ate a small portion of food for breakfast.
    He was checking the doors and windows for cracks that people or the undead could use to get in. He was interrupted by a pistol firing in the woods. He looked out a window to see a girl with brown hair and green eyes come from the woods. She was followed by a man with short blonde hair, blue eyes, a full beard, and was carrying a shotgun while being followed by multiple stalkers. The man shot two stalkers until one grabbed him and knocked him down laying on top of him while trying to bite him.

    The little girl yelled the man's name as she froze in place. The last two stalkers walked towards the man until (Y/N) grabbed his hunting rifle and shot them. The man was still fighting the stalker until it stopped moving and (Y/N) got it off of him after he stuck his hatchet in it's neck. The man stood up as he wiped some blood off of him, "Hey thanks kid." (Y/N) walked back to the house, "Don't thank me yet. That shotgun of yours might bring a lot more of those things here."
    The two strangers walked into the house as (Y/N) locked the door behind them. The man looked around the house, "Man this place is really fortified." "I've only had a day to set up." "Impressive." "Most of it was done when I got here." The man sat down on the couch with the little girl, "Why don't you relax a little?" "Whenever I relax something bad happens."
    The man just shrugged, "Alright. Well i'm Hank, 20 years old, and this is my niece Zoey, 12 years old." (Y/N) walked away from the windows and sat in a chair near the couch, "I'm (Y/N), 15 years old. What are you doin' here?" "Well my group got a bit separated, so we came here to meet up with them." Zoey was kicking her legs back and fourth, "My mommy told us to come here."
    Rosy came up next to (Y/N) as she curled up next to him. Hank got a bit tense from seeing a wolf until (Y/N) assured him that she was tamed. The three sat around the house all day with nothing happening. After a while Zoey went off to sleep on the couch as it got dark and Hank continued to look through the house as (Y/N) felt something off about him. It was his eyes, the way he looked at everything and even (Y/N). Like he was looking for weak spots.
    (Y/N) put his hatchet on the counter and his hunting rifle against the door frame. He sat at the dining room table and he lit a candle for light. Hank sat across from him as he took a deep breathe, "Hey kid, have you ever experienced losing someone?" "A few why?" "Just wanted to know if you could understand the way the world is now."
    Silence filled the room as Hank leaned back in his chair, "I use to have a wife you know." "What happened to her?" "Well my group stumbled upon two siblings camped out in a town and they offered to let us stay for a while. We accepted their offer, but the next day they killed four of us, including my wife. They said that it was best to take other people's supplies instead of just sharing it. They said that it was better to only look after the the ones you care about. We shot them on the spot."
    He looked over at Zoey, "Now though with my group, we can barely feed ourselves." He looked at (Y/N) as he had his right hand lowered, "After a while I started to think that those siblings were on to something. I mean someone has to get their hands dirty." Not a word was said for ten seconds as the two looked into each other's eyes, "I only want the best for my family, no matter the cost."
    Hank then stood up, leaned over the table, and swung a knife at (Y/N). (Y/N) moved backwards dodging the knife, but it cut from his lower left cheek to his chin. (Y/N) leaned backwards to much, causing him to fall and land on his back, stunning him as Hank stood up and slowly walked towards him, "It'll be quick and painless. Just let it happen."
    Hank lifted the knife once more, but Rosy came and bit into his leg. Hank yelled in pain as he kicked Rosy away, "Damn mutt!" (Y/N) then kicked Hank's other leg making him tumble on to his knees and drop the knife. (Y/N) grabbed the counter to get up, but Hank grabbed his leg and pulled (Y/N) towards him.
    (Y/N) went for the hatchet, but couldn't get it as it fell on the floor. Hank pulled (Y/N) under him and started to strangle him, "Quit squirming!" (Y/N) distracted Hank by hitting his face weakly until he grabbed his hatchet and swung it into Hank's neck. Hank's eyes widened as blood came out of his mouth and his grip loosened. (Y/N) pushed him off as he held his neck and took multiple quick breathes.
    A bullet then grazed his arm, so out of instinct he rolled to the door frame, grabbed his hunting rifle, and shot where the bullet came from. His eyes widened as he saw Zoey with her pistol held up as blood started to come from her stomach. (Y/N) quickly threw his rifle down and ran towards Zoey as she fell to the ground.
    (Y/N) held her as she started crying while she gripped (Y/N)'s shirt. (Y/N) held Zoey as there was nothing he could do. When (Y/N) tried to pick her up she let out a loud scream making (Y/N) stay on the floor as Zoey cried. She cried out for her mom as (Y/N) said that he didn't know where she was. Zoey kept crying in pain and agony, "It hurts!" (Y/N) didn't know what to do until he held her tight and remembered what Jessie used to sing to him to calm him down.
    "Hush, little child, don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass And if that looking glass gets broke, Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat. And if that billy goat won't pull, Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull. And if that cart and bull turn over, Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover. And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Papa's gonna buy you a horse and car. And if that horse and cart fall down, You'll still be the sweetest little child in town."
    Zoey held (Y/N) tight as she cried less and spoke in raspy breathes, "I-i'm scared. What is death like?" (Y/N) looked around as he was thinking of what to say until he looked at her, "It'll be scary, but it'll be calm and peaceful afterwards. You won't have to worry about the undead or running out of food anymore. Big open fields where you can play and meet other kids." He continued to comfort her until Zoey's grip loosened as she took slow deep breathes, "That sounds.... nice."
    Her eyes were red from tears as she no longer had to worry. Rosy laid down the hall as she heard (Y/N) yelling and shouting while he cried, "I'm sorry!" as he held Zoey's corpse. A few hours later (Y/N) was on the stairwell as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. There were some holes in the walls as (Y/N)'s knuckles were bleeding a little. Nothing but silence was in the air as (Y/N) stood up and headed towards the shed in the back yard.
    He grabbed a shovel and headed to the front of the house as Rosy walked with him. He started digging until he dug 4 feet. He picked Zoey's dead body up and put her in the grave. He buried her as he did the same thing for Hank. Rosy tilted her head in confusion as (Y/N) burying Hank's grave, "It's best if Zoey is buried with family." He put Hank in his grave and buried him as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
    He created wooden crosses and wrote Zoey's and Hank's name on them. He stuck them into the ground and walked back in the house. He packed all the food he could carry, as he didn't want to stay here anymore, and left. While he was walking through the woods he felt his pocket, "Crap I left something back there." He looked back, "I don't need it."

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