Finding A Battery

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No One's POV

    There was a sixteen year old boy walking down a street with trees surrounding him. It was near the end of summer so he wore a (F/C) long sleeve shirt with (S/F/C) sleeves, black jeans, grey boots, padding around each wrist, and a black bandana to prevent blood and dust from getting in his mouth. He has a bow with arrows, his hatchet, and a hunting rifle with the name Jessie carved into the stock. Along side him was a brown wolf, Rosy, carrying a satchel with water and food in it. (Y/N) found her eighteen months ago when she was just a pup. Since then she has been in his favor and helped him through his journey.
   They headed towards a city, but was stopped from entering the city in front of them by a blockade of metal and trash with a large fence around it, like someone put this here. (Y/N) examined the blockade, "There is no way I can get over this without cutting my self, and how would Rosy get over?" He looked behind him, "But I really don't wanna walk all the way back." Rosy tugged on his pant leg catching his attention, "What is it girl?" Rosy went over to the fence and crawled under a hole in the fence.
    (Y/N) threw his backpack over the fence and crawled under following her. He put his backpack back on and petted Rosy, "Good girl." They continued through the streets but was stopped by a hand made wall with some infected hanging, "Well that's inviting." A clicker appeared on their left in an alley way and went towards (Y/N) but was blown up. (Y/N) jumped in response as Rosy growled, but stopped after they saw that nothing else happened.
    They walked into the alley way that led to a large space that was behind multiple buildings. (Y/N) walked into an alley way to get on the other street, but stopped when Rosy gave out a low growl. He kneeled down to see a string connected to some kind of box on the wall, "Seems like someone got really creative." He stepped over it as Rosy crawled under and they were now closer to passing through the city. When he got to the other side of the alley way he saw that a bunch a stalkers were lurking around the street.
    Luckily he noticed a crane that could get him across to the other side of the street. He double backed to where he saw a mechanic's shop with a giant metal door with a chain to the side used to pull it up. He opened the garage door, "Rosy go find something to prop this up with." Rosy crawled under and pushed a cart full of tools under the door. (Y/N) let go and rolled under and looked around, "Good job Rosy." He continued through the shop until he reached the stairs and walked all the way up.
    He opened a door leading to the roof, sadly this building was shorter than all the other ones, meaning he couldn't get up on the rooftops. (Y/N) had an idea as he remembered seeing something back in the shop. He walked down and came back up with a ladder as he propped it up against the wall. He climbed up onto the next building and kneeled down over the ledge with his hands down, "Come on girl, you can do it." Rosy got a running start and climbed up the wall. Before she fell (Y/N) caught her as her claws came out, but didn't hurt (Y/N) as her claws caught the padding and not (Y/N)'s skin.
    He pulled her up and looked around seeing his path to the crane. He ran on the rooftops and jumped across gaps landing safely on the other building with Rosy right behind him. When they reached the crane Rosy was the first to walk across safely. (Y/N) followed after her as he didn't look down. When he got halfway a few creaks were heard followed by the crane falling four inches. The crane started to break and fall as (Y/N) started running.
    The crane broke and fell killing a few infected as (Y/N) jumped and grabbed the edge of the roof, with one hand, in front of him. His fingers were starting to slip until he threw his other arm up as Rosy leaned down and bit into the padding on his wrist and pulled him up. He rolled over the ledge and laid on his back as he let out a deep breath of relief as Rosy came over and licked his face.
    (Y/N) pushed her away as he petted her, "I'm fine girl, i'm fine." He stood up to spot a school with a semi truck in the side of it, "Maybe the cafeteria still has some food or bottled water." He went to the side of the building and went down the fire exit. Since the ladder at the bottom was broken he jumped into a dumpster full of trash along with Rosy. When they got out (Y/N) wiped away all thrash on him as Rosy shook all the trash off of her.
    They walked across the street to the school to see that there were some infected around, luckily they had some school busses and cars for cover. As a stalker turned around (Y/N) hid behind a blue car along with Rosy. Another stalker came towards him, so he took the one on the left by kicking its knee in and stabbing it in the head. The stalker on the right noticed him but didn't have enough time to react as Rosy jumped up and bit into its neck. The stalker fell to the ground as Rosy ripped its throat out killing it.
    As they got ready to kill more of them gunshots were heard on the other side of the school causing all of the infected to go away from them. (Y/N) quickly made his way to the back entrance of the school, "Lets hurry while their all distracted." (Y/N) made it to the cafeteria and shuffled through boxes to find some cans of corned beef, "I guess it's better than nothing. Find anything Rosy?" Rosy barked as she found a crate of bottled water.
(Y/N) packed it all into his backpack counting ten water bottles and twelve cans of food, "This definitely isn't our best haul." All of a sudden they heard doors burst open and get slammed shut with some banging on the other side

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