Possible Cure

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No One's POV

    Joel, Ellie, and (Y/N) were walking on a highway full of wrecked cars as skyscrapers were seen in the city they were heading into. The three were silent as they walked together off of the highway and into a movie theater. Joel spotted a ladder on the floor above them, like it was a balcony.
    Joel went up against the wall, "Alright (Y/N) let's go." It took a second but (Y/N) ran in front of Joel to be boosted up by him. He grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up to turn around and lean his hand down. Joel stayed on the wall, "Come on Ellie." Ellie stayed where she was causing Joel to walk up to her, "Ellie, are you ok? Is something bothering you?" "No, I'm fine Joel." Joel walked back to the wall as he bent down a bit, "Alright Ellie. Come on then."
    Ellie jumped up from Joel's hands to grab (Y/N)'s hand and be pulled up to the balcony. Ellie spotted a ladder, so (Y/N) grabbed it and went over to the ledge. He set the ladder down allowing Joel to get up. Before he could get on Ellie walked away from (Y/N), "Woah." (Y/N) looked behind him, "Ellie what are you-" He then widened his eyes as he dropped the ladder, "No way."
    Joel stood alone as he threw his hands up and back down to his sides, "Hey where are you two goin'?!" With no response Joel sighed while shaking his head. He walked over to the ladder and set it up to where he could climb up it. When he got over he saw (Y/N) and Ellie quickly run into another room, "Joel come see this!" Joel chased after them, "Hey wait a second!"
    Joel followed them to see them standing still as a giraffe ate from a tree that grew in the building. Joel walked up to the giraffe as Ellie stayed back, "Joel, it could be dangerous." Joel looked back at the two as he petted the animal, "It's ok. These guys are herbivores. They only eat plants." The two teenagers walked to the edge of the floor as they reached their hands out to pet it with Joel.
    Ellie smiled as (Y/N) grinned until the animal stepped back and went to find more food. The three continued forward by going down what was left of an apartment building. They continued down to where they reached the streets full of wrecked and rusty vehicles. The road ahead was blocked, so they were forced to head down into the underground tunnels, that was some what flooded. The three got down as they heard clickers further ahead behind a few wrecked cars.
   Ellie pulled her bow back to send an arrow into one of their heads, as (Y/N) threw his hatchet into the one next to it, and Joel used a shiv to kill the one closest. They continued forward to be blocked by a big tourist bus. Joel lifted (Y/N) up to then pick Ellie up, to which the two helped him up. They jumped off the bus onto the other side to continue and be met by the tunnel being flooded up to halfway.
    Ellie stayed on the ground where the water started to rise as (Y/N) and Joel swam under some rubble. They came up from the other side and got on top of the large rocks, "We made it over!" Ellie heard them, "Good! Can you get me on the other side!" "Yeah, give us a second!" Joel found a ladder and set it down allowing Ellie to come up and over.
    The three were then met by a locked fence door, so Joel helped Ellie get over. Before she could unlock the door a clicker came from the shadows as it came after her. Joel aimed his revolver at it to shoot it in the head making it fall over dead, "You alright." "Yeah i'm fine." Ellie opened the door allowing the other two through as they walked into a different area. It was full of water except for what they were standing on, stairs and a platform in front of them allowing them a way back up to the streets, and the platform with pipes above high up above them.
    Joel quickly went down in the water to find a way for Ellie through. He made it to the roof to throw a pallet down and seconds later Joel was back down in the water. He pushed the pallet over to Ellie who jumped on while she was moved to the other side of the room. She jumped up on the platform to go to the roof and kick a ladder down for the other two. Joel got out of the water as (Y/N) started climbing up.
    As (Y/N) was halfway up he heard the ladder creak until the top started to break. He quickly climbed up to have the ladder snap as he got his upper body up. Ellie grabbed his hoodie and helped him up as they looked down to see Joel still on the ground, "How are you gonna get up here?!" Joel picked up what was left of the ladder, "I'll think of somethin!"
    Joel used the ladder to get up on a higher platform, carried it to the stairs, and used it to get across the stairs and onto the square platform that led outside. The three were now outside, but they were in a large hole, so they had to go into the tunnel in front of them. They entered to see water risen nearly all the way up, fortunately their were platforms they could use to walk on and get across. As they reached a bus on its side Ellie and (Y/N) jumped on it. (Y/N) was careful with his steps, "Its very windy and is freezing in here."
    Joel then jumped down after them to have the bus creak and move. They all started to run with (Y/N) and Ellie making it into a railing as Joel wasn't as lucky. The bus started to twist and turn as it flipped up causing Joel to fall into the bus. Ellie jumped in after him leaving (Y/N) alone. He looked to his left to see a wave of water coming there way, "Damn it." He then jumped in following Ellie.
    As the two almost got Joel up the wave hit sending water into the bus and separating the three. Joel swam around as he looked around to find Ellie passed out as he saw (Y/N)'s foot stuck in-between some rocks. He helped get (Y/N) unstuck to have the two quickly swim over to Ellie as the current was strong. Joel grabbed Ellie as he saw (Y/N) in front of him who led him to shore. The three made it to where the water level was low and they were now on dry land.
    Ellie wouldn't wake up as Joel started to give her CPR, "Come on Ellie don't you die on me." (Y/N) checked her pulse, "She's still alive." "Come on Ellie." Two men with guns then appeared as they walked up to the three as they aimed their weapons at them, "Put your hands up to where I can see them." Joel kept going, "She isn't breathing." "I said put your hands up." (Y/N) lifted Ellie's head up to help her breathe better, "Come on Ellie." Joel and (Y/N) were then knocked out by the men.

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