Escaping a Town

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No One's POV

    As Ellie was at gun point she started to explain herself, "Me and my friend Joel are heading west so we can find the Fireflies. We were told that my blood could lead to a cure for the virus. Which means no more running, hiding, or fighting." (Y/N) stared into her eyes until he lowered his gun a little, "No more people have to die." "That's right."
    He then lowered his gun fully, "If what you say is true, then i'll help you get to your friend Joel's brother. That's it. But the second you start to turn you will get a bullet in your head." "Fair enough." He started walking away until he turned around to see Ellie still there, "Are you coming?"
    Ellie pointed in the opposite direction, "We gotta go find my friend, Joel." "You mean towards all the cannibals." "Yeah, come on." She started walking in the opposite direction as Rosy walked forward, turned her head towards (Y/N), and tilted her head towards Ellie's direction. (Y/N) looked at Rosy, "What the hell. You always follow me." She then started following Ellie as (Y/N) followed, "I'm already regretting this."
    They went down the building until the stairs were blocked off, so they explored the second floor for a way down. They walked around until a few footsteps were heard ahead of them. They got down as (Y/N) pulled out his hatchet. Ellie looked at it, "Woah, that thing is cool." "Thanks. You should probably pull out your weapon." "I uh, don't have a weapon." "What?" "Joel says that I don't need one."
    (Y/N) pulled something out of his back pocket, "Here, take this." He handed her a switchblade, "Ah sweet." Two men came around the corner talking to each other. The three went into a room to hide and crouched under the windows. The three stayed hidden and didn't kill anybody to prevent anymore suspicion of them being there. They found a hole in the floor leading to the second floor.
    They jumped down and heard some loud noises coming near the entrance. Ellie ran towards the direction and to the ground floor, "Joel!" (Y/N) tried to stop her, "Wait a minute." But she was already gone. He looked at Rosy, "Go make sure that she doesn't get herself killed." Rosy went after Ellie as (Y/N) continued to walk on the floor they were already on. He went towards the noises that Ellie said where Joel was.
    He heard a final gunshot, "What were you thinking?!" "Saving your life! A thanks would be nice!" He recognized Ellie's voice as he walked towards it, until he noticed two men with rifles pointed at the ground floor towards Ellie and Joel.
    As Joel was arguing with Ellie he noticed two men up top. He pulled out his revolver, but before he could do anything (Y/N) stuck his hatchet into the one on the left's spine and jumped down with the other one. He maneuvered them in the air to where the man landed on his knees preventing him to walk.

    (Y/N) walked towards the thug as he tried to get up and slit his throat. He continued walking as the man clutched his throat. Joel aimed his gun at (Y/N), "Don't move or I will end you to right here, right now." Ellie grabbed his hand and lowered, "Wait a minute Joel! He's with me!" "What?" "He helped me get to you. He's gonna help us get to your brother."
    Joel pointed his gun at (Y/N), "He held that same hatchet to your throat." "He was hungry. Plus he only took half of what we had, not all of it. He also has a wolf. A wolf Joel! She could help us find food." Joel stared at (Y/N) as he just gave him an unemotional look. Joel kept his gun longer at him, "Make one wrong move, your dead."
    Joel put his gun away as he looked around for a way up, "You couldn't of brought a ladder down with you." "Sorry, I was to busy saving your life." Ellie picked up a ladder, "Well luckily there is one right here." Joel took it from her and placed it up against the wall. Ellie climbed up it first, then (Y/N), and then Joel. (Y/N) bent over the wall and told Rosy to come. She climbed up the wall and clung onto (Y/N)'s arms.
    He pulled her up as Ellie watched, "She's pretty smart isn't she?" "Yep trained her since she was very young." They continued walking until they walked out onto a construction balcony. They got down as they noticed multiple cannibals down in the park like landscape in front of them.
    Joel went to jump down, but Ellie stopped him, "What am I suppose to do?" "Stay here. And keep your head down." "That's what you always say. I want to help." Joel sighed as he looked around, "Well you need a gun." There was no gun near them as Ellie sighed in defeat until she felt something on her arm. She looked to her left to see (Y/N) handing her his rifle, "Get this dirty, and you will regret it."
    Joel taught Ellie how to fire the rifle as she got the hang of it quickly. Joel and (Y/N), along with Rosy, jumped down as they went separate ways to kill them all quickly as possible. (Y/N) went right as he hid behind a car waiting for his victim to get close enough. As he walked by (Y/N) grabbed his arm and pulled behind the car to stick his hatchet into his head.
    He walked into a building as he was going to get the scout up on a staircase on the side of a building. He went upstairs and saw a man leaning against a bar, "I'm gonna kill who ever has been killing us- what the-" He was silenced by (Y/N) running towards him and slamming the back of his head into the bar.
    He heard a voice downstairs, "I think I heard something upstairs." He heard two sets of footsteps come up the stairs. (Y/N) jumped over the bar as he dragged the dead body over when he got to the other side. Rosy hid behind a fallen table as the men walked towards them. When they got close enough (Y/N) came from hiding and hit the man closest to him with a glass mug shattering it, and putting a gash on his forehead.
    Rosy came and bit into the uninjured man's leg and dragged him causing him to fall. When he fell Rosy bit into his neck before he could react. As (Y/N)'s enemy was stunned he pulled an arrow out stuck it through his neck. When they were dead (Y/N) continued forward. He made it outside to the staircase and headed towards the scout.
    He saw the man below them turn around and point his gun at Joel, "Hey!" (Y/N) quickly threw the scout over causing him to fall on the man below killing them both. The last man in the middle of the park silently aimed his rifle at (Y/N). When he looked at the man he heard a loud bang. The man fell over dead as Joel and (Y/N) looked over at Ellie as she had her gun pointed at the man with smoke coming out of the barrel.
    Seeing that no one else came to fight they were pretty sure that there were no more coming for now. Ellie jumped down as she put the hunting rifle over her shoulder and on her back. Joel went over to a large steel door and used the chains to raise it up. He looked at (Y/N), "What's your name?" "Call me (Y/N)." "Alright then. Go make sure there is nothing on the other side waiting for us."
    (Y/N) went through with Rosy and went a bit further ahead to see if it was safe. Ellie went next and looked ahead to see (Y/N) give a thumbs up. She got something to keep the door open and put it under to let Joel go under. They walked into another building to hear a loud noise.
    (Y/N) recognized that sound, "That's a tank that is comin'." Joel looked at him, "What?" "I had to avoid it when I first got here." The three got down as a couple ran by but was shot down by the tank. They waited for them to leave to keep moving. Ellie looked away, "Oh god." Joel put his hand on her shoulder, "There was nothing we could do." (Y/N) stood up as he walked towards the door to another building, "We gotta keep moving or we will end up like them." The other two continued walking as Ellie looked at the dead bodies, "Aw man."
    Joel walked through the door and went past (Y/N), "Let's just get to the bridge." "So that's where were heading, they probably have that place under lock down." Joel went up the stairs, "We'll find a way through." They continued through buildings until they heard more voices, "So they finally killed that couple." "Yep." "I thought they would of made it to the city." "Now all we need to do is find that fucking pick-up truck duo." "Yeah, and don't forget about the boy with that wolf." "He has a damn wolf!" "Yep, there were bite marks in so many people's necks and legs." "Well shit. Now I gotta watch under me to make sure I don't get my throat ripped out."

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