Can't Escape The Past

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No One's POV

    (Y/N) rubbed his gloved hands together as he shivered from the cold. He walked forward as the snow beneath him crunched from the weight. He searched through the forest with his hatchet in hand as he constantly scanned the area for resources. He looked around until he spotted a deer making him stop as he saw the deer looking around. He slowly approached it until he was to quick and he made the snow below him crunch loudly alerting the deer.
    It looked at him with it's was head up as (Y/N) stood still until he saw the deer looking at the hatchet in his hand. (Y/N) slowly put the hatchet away as he put his hands to the side, "Hey there buddy." The deer started to back away as (Y/N) put his hand in his pocket, until he pulled out some nuts, "Hey, you hungry?" The deer stood still for a while until it slowly crept towards him until it ate the nuts from his palm.
    (Y/N) petted the deer, "There ya go. Do you know where some water is?" After the deer finished eating it started to walk away as it let (Y/N) follow her. A few seconds later the deer stopped near a stream and took some sips from the stream. (Y/N) kneeled down as he pulled out a canteen and put it in the stream to fill it up. When he got enough he pulled the canteen back up and closed the lid.
    The deer hit (Y/N)'s head with her nose as she started walking again. (Y/N) followed her a bit more to see her start eating some berries. (Y/N) wiped snow off the bush to find many berries to which he picked and put in a small satchel. He picked all that he could and stood up to pet the deer, "Thank you." He then headed back towards the neighborhood until he heard the snow crunch behind him.
    In response he turned around with his gun aimed, "Come on out now! No one has to get hurt!" A man come out from behind a tree with his hands up. The man had blonde hair, green eyes, and was nearly 5'9 tall, "Hey now. Let's put the gun down." "I don't think so." "Heh, what has this world come to. No one can't trust anyone." "Yeah real poetic, why are you following me?"
    The man got a bit closer, "I wasn't following anybody, I just got turned around. I have a group you see and we split up for food. I lost track to where I was due to the snow covering my tracks." He took another step making (Y/N) take off the safety, "Don't come closer." "Easy kid. I don't-" "Be quiet." The man became aggravated, "Listen kid you-" "Shush for a second."
    The two then heard snow crunch ten feet to their left showing a stalker quickly hide behind a tree. The two looked around to spot multiple stalkers around them as they got closer. A stalker then started running causing a chain reaction for the rest to start sprinting. (Y/N) and the man quickly started running in the opposite direction as they heard the stalkers sticking behind them.

  Some stalkers appeared in front of them to which (Y/N) quickly shot the ones on the left as the man had an assault rifle allowing him to easily take out the ones on the right. The two ran through the forest to notice the trees end and they were now at an outdoor theater. The man busted through the door with (Y/N) coming in after him and closing the door. The man moved a soda machine to cover a window, "Block any entrance you can before they get here!"
    (Y/N) went to a desk and used it to block the door. The two quickly boarded up the windows as quickly as possible. (Y/N) was pushing a slushy machine against a window until a stalker broke the window with its hand and grabbed (Y/N). As it was grabbing (Y/N)'s shirt it was slowly coming through the window, and as he was crawling (Y/N) took his gun and shot the zombie's head causing the corpse to fall to the floor.
    (Y/N) finished pushing the slushy machine in front of the window fully blocking it. The windows and doors then were banged on as many stalkers tried to get through. As the two were standing there the man hit (Y/N)'s shoulder as he ran towards the back, "This way!" The two ran to the back to see a way up to the projector's room. It was a simple square in the roof so the man bent down a little with his hands together, "Come on i'll help you up." (Y/N) jumped off the man's hands and grabbed the ledge and pulled up getting him to the top. The doors and windows were then heard being busted and broken through. The man looked up at (Y/N), "Hurry up and find something to get me up!"
    (Y/N) looked around the room to spot a ladder laying down on the floor, so he picked it up and set it down on the ground below him and laid it against the roof. The man quickly started climbing as the stalkers stated to bombard the room. One went to pull the man down, but (Y/N) quickly shot it down as the man came up and then kicked the ladder down knocking down a few stalkers.
   The man went to open a door but it was pushed open by a clicker who tackled him down and went for the kill. The clicker was stopped by (Y/N) putting his hatchet into the clicker's skull. The man pushed the clicker off as he accepted (Y/N)'s help up, "Thanks kid." "No problem." They then heard a window to their left crash and they saw stalkers climbing up and breaking through the window towards them. The man pulled out his assault rifle as (Y/N) had his pistol in his right hand with his hatchet in the left.
    Minutes later there were many stalkers dead on the ground as (Y/N) and the man were sitting downstairs with a fire burning where all their barricades were taken down, but they could see it anything was coming. The man rubbed his hands as he put them close to the fire, "Your not a bad fighter kid." "Same yourself." "What's your story?" "I've been on my own since I was twelve and have been since." (Y/N) said as he still didn't trust the man.
    (Y/N) cleaned his hatchet, "What's yours?" "I've been in a group for a very long time. I had a wife for a long time until a year ago." "What happened?" "Well me and her were in a group for a long time, we even had a daughter. We thought we could raise a child in this world. We found my wife's brother and sister-in-law along the way of our journey. We were doing pretty fine, until her sister-in-law was killed. Her brother was different since then, he was always on edge and didn't trust anybody new, he was a loose cannon."
    The man sat up straight as he thought for a second, "One day my group was separated from each other and my daughter and brother-in-law were separated from me and my wife. She told them to go to our old vacation home. Sadly though, when we arrived we found that Hank had a large cut in his neck and Zoey shot in the stomach." (Y/N) tensed a bit to which the man noticed, "My wife was never the same, and I wouldn't blame her. But one day I found her hanging from a rope with a chair knocked down. Since then I wanted to find whoever ruined my life and make them suffer with all my being."
    The man then pulled out a small hidden pistol from under his jacket and set it on his knee, "I remembered finding a picture of a little boy with a teenage girl and some dog fur. It wasn't much of a clue, until six months later when I heard from a group of cannibals talking about a man traveling with a teenage girl, teenage boy, and a wolf. Wolf fur is very similar to for the isn't it." He then aimed his gun at (Y/N), "And you look very similar to that little boy."
    Silence filled the room as fire crackled and the two sat without saying anything and staring each other down. The man then put his gun back on his knee, "I won't kill you now, like I said I want to see you suffer and you saved my life so i'll give you a chance to survive. So you better run, your friends may not be alive." (Y/N) then instantly ran out of the building and through the woods until he reached the neighborhood where him and Ellie set up camp.
    (Y/N) went into a house and down to the basement to see Joel laying down, but no Ellie. He then heard footsteps above of him to which he hid below the stairs leading to the basement. He heard someone come down, and when they reached the bottom he swung his hatchet and stopped at their throat as he felt a blade to his stomach. He then saw that it was Ellie who saw that it was (Y/N). The two put their weapons away as they took a breather.
    Ellie walked over to Joel and gave him some medicine, "You seem on edge." "So do you." "I ran into the cannibal's leader and he knows where we are." "Well I ran into a group that now also wants us dead." Ellie went to Joel's head, "Help me pick up Joel, we need to move." (Y/N) went to Joel's feet, "Ok." Ellie then heard something, so she looked out the tiny window above ground showing many men searching the neighborhood for them.
    Ellie went up the stairs and told (Y/N) that she was going to try and lead them away. (Y/N) watched from the window until he could no longer see Ellie and all the men went after her. He then heard people come into the house. He hid under the stairs again to hear two pairs of feet come down. He heard a man's voice, "This must be the man." Then a woman's "Where are the children and the wolf?"

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