c h a p t e r 1

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Hi. My name is Elizabeth Harrison and I am just a normal 15 year old girl. Or at least that is what I thought. I live in Illinois, which is in America, and I have an older sister, a mom, and a dad. 

My sister is Ann. She was always favorited by my parents. She was always the smartest, the prettiest, and was always better at me at everything academically. I always found my happiness in making a song, or doing something creatively. I don't have many friends. Or, any at all really. So, that is me. 


It was another morning of me fighting my alarm clock  and not wanting to get up. (Her Bedroom is the picture above) After about a solid 10 minutes of ignoring my alarm clock, I decided to give in. I knew that if I didn't get up now, I would be late for school, which would then give my parents another reason to say that Ann was better than me.

I slowly climbed out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did all of that business. Then, I walked to my very empty closet, and decided on what to wear. 

I decided on this because it was simple, and I just might get through the day without being made fun of

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I decided on this because it was simple, and I just might get through the day without being made fun of. It was simple enough to blend in, but not so basic that I could get called out for it. Next, I went back into the bathroom, and did my makeup. Obviously, it couldn't be something super crazy, so I decided on a nice natural look. 

I walked downstairs after doing my makeup to make some breakfast. I decided to just make toast since that is super easy. 

"Hey." I heard from behind me. I turned around to find Ann. She may be the favorite child, but that doesn't mean she isn't nice. 

"Hi" I said back to her. Then I continued on making my toast. She walked past me and sat down. 

"Can you make me something?" She asked. I gave her a look.

"No. We will be late to school and I already woke up late so I won't have time."I responded. I was getting a bit annoyed since she just used me all the time. Asking me for food, or clothes, or something. She was always nice though. 

"Pleeeeeeaaassseee" She begged.

"Fine." As if on cue, my two pieces of toast popped out of the toaster, and I almost fell over it scared me so much. I put them on a plate, and handed it to her. It was becoming more common that I wasn't eating and I honestly didn't mind that much. I then looked at the time, and started to head out the door. I knew Ann would drive her and her friends to school so she had more time. As I reached for the doorknob, I was stopped.

"Wait!" I heard Ann yell. She ran after me, and I stopped. I turned around. "You forgot these." She said with a smile. She then handed me my backpack and a granola bar so that I had something to eat. 

"Bye" I said, leaving her in the doorway. She waved. 

Little did I know, that this next school day was going to change the rest of my life. 


a/n-  That was my first Chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! I know it is a bit short and I will make the other ones longer. Also, the Hollands/ Mention of them will be int he next chapter I promise. Ok Bye!

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