c h a p t e r 9

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The rest of the day went great! James and I have most of our classes together, same with Ava. Parker and Brady don't have as many classes with me, but we have some! I have people's numbers and it feels weird having friends. I don't know how to say it, but where I used to live, I didn't have friends at all really, so now that I have some, it's okay! 

The final bell rings, and I rush to my locker. I can't wait to tell everyone how my first day of school went. I turn around and I see a girl with dark hair walk towards me. She has a whole crew of people, and has an evil smirk on her face. I try to avoid eye contact, but when she reaches me, she forces her eyes to look down on mine. 

"Hi, I'm Candace" She says. Not sweetly though. It's almost salty. 

"I'm Lizzy." I say shyly. I had a feeling I didn't want to be around this person, so I tried to stay low key.

"Oh I know" She replies. "I've heard all about you and your brother. They probably are sad to have someone related to them like you. You're a disappointment and they only took you in their home in pity." She laughs. What absolute bullshit. I laugh. 

"Yeah right. You are probably only saying that because 1, you are jealous, or 2, you don't feel accepted at your own home, so you take it out on someone else. If that is true, you should talk to someone, because... well.. I feel bad. Bye Bye now." I say back. I grab my backpack and start to walk off with a smirk. The entire hallway has their mouths dropped to the floor.

I suddenly feel something cold and wet dripping down me. It started at the top of my head, and made it's way down. Smoothie.

I turn around to see that Candace bitch with an empty smoothie cup, and a smug look on her face.  I quickly think of something to say back. 

"You know, thanks for the recommendation, but I don't really think this shampoo works for me. It clearly doesn't for you, by the looks of it." I look at her head as to acknowledge how terrible her hair looks. I walk off to meet Paddy, in the front of the building, not proud of myself, but glad I am never going to be that person. 

I see Paddy in the front of the parking lot, waiting for me and who ever is picking us up today. 

"Hey Pads." I walk up to him waving. He looks at me and makes a face.

"What happened to you?" 

"Smoothie." I simply reply. He understands what I mean, and nods. I can tell he feels bad, even though it is not his fault. 

After about a minute more of waiting, we see a car pull up, and I instantly know who it is. Tom.

He rolls down the window and he has sunglasses on. 

"Hello, and welcome to your amazing and incredibly-oh my god Liz! What happened?!" He takes his sunglasses off and looks at me with worry. 

"I hid a body and I got caught." I joke. "Do you have a towel I could use?" 

"Yeah Yeah Yeah." He climbs out of the car and looks in the back. He pulls out a towel and lays it on the seat, then gestures for me to sit down. I give a small smile.

"Thank you." Paddy and I climb in the car, and it gets silent. 

We drive for about two minutes in silence until someone starts to talk. 

"So, Liz. Your Birthday is next week. Why didn't you tell us? We just found out." Tom asks. I think about what I want to say for a few seconds, and then proceed. 

"I never really thought my birthday was important. With the Harrisons (her old family), we just never celebrated it. Of course Ann always had a huge celebration, but I never did. It's not that I wanted to have a huge celebration, or one at all, but they never asked, and I would just celebrate on my own. I would go to the local bakery, and light a candle in my room. One year, I accidentally set off the fire alarm and I got in trouble." I smile at the memory. Not because of the fact I was alone, but the fact that I can look back on it, and know it won't happen again. I look at Tom, and he is still focused on driving, but seemed to be listening.

Tom Holland's Little Sister (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now