c h a p t e r 1 2

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I walk downstairs to the glorious scent of blueberry and I could honestly pass out because of how good it smells. I spot Sam in the kitchen opening the waffle maker and I smile at him.

"Hi Sammy" I say.

"Hey Lizzy. I made you homemade blueberry pancakes just for you today. Happy Birthday!"

"That is very sweet of you but I hate my birthday." I say sadly.

"Why?" He asks confused.

"It's a long story" I summarize.

"Okay, well, maybe after today you will start to enjoy your birthday" He smiles at me and hands be a plate of waffles.

"Hopefully" I shove the food in my mouth. "Thank you these are delicious" I say muffled.

After breakfast I look at the time and start to pack my backpack, but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I look to see dad and i reply with a confused face. "It's a Holland tradition to not go to school of your birthday" He explains.

"That's awesome!" I hug him "Thank you" He smiles and I run back and dramatically jump on the couch and lay down.

I check my phone and I see I've been added to a group chat which is pretty cool.

Liz🥵💞 has been added to "much cooler than you"

welcome to the coolest group chat on the planet

ew brady shut up

yeah shut up grandma

"ava😇🍋"has changed "brady🤡"s name to "grandma👵🐈🪑🧺"

okay can someone please explain to me all of the weird names and stuff?

I will! Okay well first off, brady's name is grandma because he is terrible with technology and acts like a "cool dad". james' name had the star trek thing because he is a nerd and he has a peacock because when he was 4 he was traumatized when a peacock cornered him in the zoo

i am forever scarred

lastly, but certainty not least, parker's name has the swearing thing and the fingering because she swears a lot and makes sex jokes all of the time

i do not fucking swear you fucking whore

exhibit a

okay, now what is up with my name?

well, the heart is there because i love you to death and the hot face, well....


okay then.

do you not like it or something because i can totally take it off if you want or just delete my self from the conversation in general

james. relax. it's fine.

well, i think my brother is calling me ill be back in a bit! thanks again

no problem! happy birthday!

happy birthday!

happy birthday asshole

happy birthday peaches i love you!

bye everyone! Thank you!

It was nice having friends. I didn't have them before so it's a whole new experience for me. Not a bad one though. I sat on the couch all day watching movies. Mostly marvel ones (obviously) and it was very enjoyable. Chris Evans is amazing and I hope I meet him some day. I probably won't though haha.

At the end of the day everyone sat in the living room and said they had something for me.

"That's very sweet of all of you but I don't need anything" I say

"Oh please! you are our family and it's your birthday so sit down while we spoil you!" Mum exclaimed. I obeyed and sat down.

The first present was from Paddy and it was a really awesome captain america sweatshirt! It was over sized (just like i like it) and he knows how much I like him.

The next was from Mum and Dad and they got me an i pad! oh my goodness i feel so spoiled right now.

Next was from Sammy and he got me a book of songs to learn of the piano all from different musicals! How did i know i was a theater nerd?

Harry got me an editing software that I could use for my videos! I am so excited to use it!

Last but not least was Tommy. He handed me a little bag and i definitely thought it was going to be a rat or something. However, it was another time bag. A mesh one that come with jewelry inside. I opened it up and it was half of that necklace i saw at the comic store forever ago! it was the iron man side though. Where was the other half? Tom pulled out something from under his shirt attached to his neck and it was the spider-man half! I immediately put mine on.

"This is so sweet tommy thank you!" i got up and hugged him. I did thank everyone else before but I went around a second time thanking everyone for this beyond amazing birthday.

"Whenever I go anywhere, across the world or around the block, you can use this to remind you the we will always be partners in crime and are stuck together forever.No matter what" Tommy explained to me. I hugged him again and yawned, signaling i was tired, so i headed off to bed.

I thanked everyone once more and retired to my room. I promised to myself I would never take that dang necklace off because it is so special to me and I can't afford to lose it. I went to bed, not bothering to change clothes, in pure happiness of the day that I had just witnessed.

a/n- HIIIIII omg its been so long how are you doing? anyways, funny story that peacock thing actually happened to me and I thought it would be funny if i put it in! I hope you enjoyed and I love you all! Also, thank you soooo much for 3K reads that is absolutely wiilllddd. I hope you enjoy and since we are in quarantine i will probably update more. ily and wash your hands!

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