c h a p t e r 5

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I woke up and I had no clue where I was. I panicked. I looked to my left, and saw Paddy sleeping in a bed, and I recognized where I was. I was at the hotel. I was in a sweatshirt that I assumed was one of my brothers since I came with no extra cloths. Today, we would be leaving for London. I was super excited. I went to the bathroom, and I realized I couldn't brush my teeth, so I just exited. I would get ready and stuff when we get to my house.

I walked into the main area, and Tom was there drinking tea.

"Good morning" I said walking in. He spilled a bit of his tea so I assumed I scared him a bit. 

"Morning Liz."He replied, then taking another sip of his tea. He was talking quietly so I assumed everyone was asleep. I saw he had a kettle full of water.

"Can I have some tea please?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. "Tea bags are over there." He pointed to a box on the counter, which I went to to grab some tea. I made myself some tea, and Tom and I sat there in silence. He was on his phone doing something, so I decided to play Mario Kart. I was quite good. 

After a few minutes of quietness, Sam came in and joined us in our "drinking tea in silence cult". Or at least that is what he called it. Soon after Harry and Paddy joined, and then Mum and Dad. Oh my goodness. I said Mum. I am already picking up on the British-ness. Is that even a thing? I don't know. 

Time passes, maybe 30 minutes. Everyone goes back to their rooms to get ready, and I sit on the couch still. I don't have anything to wear, so I'll get ready when we get back to my house. 

I realize it's really quiet, and I get an idea. I grab my earbuds, a few objects from around the hotel room, and my phone. These past few nights I have been watching ASMR, and it has been so amazing. I fall asleep within 6 minutes at the least. I decided it would be fun to make my own ASMR video, and channel. 

(This next part is her whispering in her ASMR video)

Hey. So I recently discovered these videos called ASMR videos, and I personally love them, so I thought I could give it a try. So, I am currently in a hotel, and I gathered a few items to tap on. I don't think I will talk much soooo yeah. Uh, first I have this TV remote. 

*Taps on remote and pushes buttons for 5 minutes*

Okay now I am getting bored of that. Lets see. Okay next I have this book that was on the table. 

*Taps on the book and flips through the pages for another five minutes*

*Tom walks in*

Okay, I have to go now. Bye!

(Not in the video anymore)  

"What was with the whispering to your phone Liz?" Tom chuckles as he pulls his suitcase to the door. 

"Uh, I sort of discovered this thing called ASMR and its a type of video that helps people fall asleep and I thought I could make one because I want to help people and also it is fun." I reply. It comes out more of a question than a response. I don't know what he will think and if he even wants my face on the internet. 

"Okay. That's cool." He said. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in from relief. I decided to move on from the subject.

"So, when can I get packing and all that jazz?"I asked more casually. He looked up at me and then took a second to think of what to say. 

"I guess we could leave now and everyone else could meet us at the airport." He suggested. I smiled. I was so excited to leave this place. It felt like I was wanted. I loved the feeling of being wanted.

"That sounds great! Let me grab my stuff from last night and then we can head out the door." I said. I went and grabbed my clothes and all of my stuff (which wasn't much) but still. I put on my shoes and we head out. Tom doesn't have his bag anymore so I assume that someone had taken it down to the car. We walk through the lobby and as soon as we step out of the door, there was a crowd of people. 

Tom grabs my hand and I see the car that we would be driving in. With Tom's grip on my hand he pulls me fast and in seconds we were in the car. I could still hear all of the screaming though.

"I feel bad for the people still sleeping" I said. Tom laughed.

"Yeah, me too." We talk a little bit on the drive there, and eventually ended up at my house. Tom puts a hand on my shoulder, as if he can read me, and can tell I am nervous. We get out of the car, and walk up to the door. I'm glad Tom is coming with me into the house or else I'd be 5x as nervous as I already am. I knock on the door, and my adoptive mom open it.

"Hi Lizzy!" She looks at Tom "Oh! You must be one of the Hollands!" She looks back at me. "Well you can go and pack right now, and you know where your room is, so I don't need to show you" I do a nervous laugh. 

"Okay" I simply state. I motion for Tom to follow me and we walk up the stairs and head into my bedroom. 

 "Wow this is small" He says. I look at him with a sad sort of look. 

"I know." I go in my closet and grab my two suitcases. I open them on the bed, and then start folding my clothes and emptying my drawers. Tom helps me out a bit too. 

"Wow. You don't have really any clothes do you?" Tom said. I turn to him.

"No, I never really did. Ann always was favored, so I got very little. I am used to it at this point though." I state sadly.

"That is terrible, love. I promise that no one will ever be favored while you are with us. We like to keep things fair." He says with a small smile. 

We pack up everything in only two suitcases because I don't have very much. I got ready before I packed up and this is what I was wearing. 

I had it paired with uggs, and don't worry, I was wearing shorts

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I had it paired with uggs, and don't worry, I was wearing shorts. We walk down the stairs and I have one suitcase and Tom has one in his hand. Ann and my adoptive parents were gathered around the door. I hug them and we say our goodbyes. 

I'll miss them, but I know I will like my life in London so much better. 

Tom Holland's Little Sister (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now