c h a p t e r 4

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Shortly after the assembly, the principal said I was allowed to go home. As everyone was getting back to class, I went to my locker. Well, more like skipped to my locker. I quickly grabbed everything that I would need, and all of my locker accessories, since I didn't know when I would be leaving for London. 

I walked down to the office and there they were again. I couldn't believe my actual family were the Hollands.  I could see in their faces, I looked like them. I had never looked like someone before so this was a huge step. 

I decided to play it cool and not hug them again, but Harry wanted to hug me, so I hugged him back. 

"Where are we going?" I asked everyone. 

"Well,"said My real mom. "We thought it would be nice to drive around, or go someplace to get to know you better."

"Okay" I simply replied. I was screaming on the inside, but I wanted to play it cool. It was getting very difficult. We climbed into what looked like a very nice mini-van (idk which car they have sooo). Paddy, Harry and I in the very back, Tom and Sam in the backseat, and our parents in the front. I honestly didn't mind being in the very back, and I had a window seat anyways. 

"What is it like living in America?" Tom asked me out of the blue.

"I don't know what is it like living in a stuffy old trailer all the time?" I replied. It wasn't meant to be rude, just sarcastic. I then heard many "ohhhhh"s and "she got you"s and "you need some ice for that burn"s from Sam, Harry and Paddy.

"Haha very funny" Tom replied sarcastically. We continued to drive and we eventually got to a park. It was very open and nice, and there was a little playground too. We all got out of the car and walked a little bit. They asked me a few questions about myself and I asked them questions.

"So, why was I given away?" I asked. Just as I said that, we were swarmed with people. They all had cameras and dad grabbed me in his arms to try to hid me. There were so many cameras and lights and it overwhelmed me. 

I started to have a panic attack. I have had them before but this one was bad. I couldn't breathe, see or hear. I started to hyperventilate and tears started to well up in my eyes. I couldn't control it or stop. Sam looked at me and noticed what was going on. He took me from dad's arms and held me tight. 

"We are going to get out of here okay?" He whispered to me. I couldn't respond so I barely put out a nod, but he seemed to understand. He grabbed my hand and we ran. We ran so fast that with the mixture of the panic attack and running I didn't think I had any air left in me. We ended up in the nearest shop, which was a comic book shop ironically. 

We were safe, and I had to catch my breath. My panic attack was starting to stop because there were not that many people in the shop, so I didn't feel as overwhelmed. Sam had his arm around my shoulder the entire time we were catching our breath. 

After about 7 minutes, we were all calmed down. In the corner of the shop, I saw an adorable Spider-Man and Iron Man necklace and I eyed it. (Picture above). I didn't say anything, but Sam saw me looking at it. He didn't say anything either. 

Just then, the door burst open and it scared me half to death so I jumped into Sam's arms. 

"It's just us darling." I heard some one say. It was Tom. I hugged him. I was so thankful it was them and not random people I don't even know. He held me tight, and then I proceed to hug everyone else. As I was hugging mom, Sam whispered something to Tom and Harry, but I ignored it. It was probably nothing. 

"How did you guys get out?" I asked them.

"We just moved. There are laws about the Paparazzi touching people, so if they touched us, they would be in big trouble." Dad explained.

"Oh." I replied. That seemed to make sense.

"Liz, Look!" Paddy exclaimed. "Captain America comics!" I looked to were he was pointing and we ran towards it. We were only a year apart in age, so I knew we would be close. There were so many different comics. It was actual heaven. Everyone was off looking at stuff, and Paddy and I were reading as many comics as we could. We didn't want to buy any, but we still wanted to read some. So, we read them in the corner of the shop. 

"Alright, we need to go now" Mom said after about 30 minutes. Paddy and I looked at each other, disappointed, but we understood, so we put the pile of comics we read back on the shelves. When we walked out, I saw that Tom had a bag.

"What's in there?" I asked him.

"Spider-Man stuff." He replied. I laughed.

"Self absorbed much?" I asked.

"No." He said. "I am just very supportive of Spider-Man."

"Yeah, he is pretty cool." I agreed.

"Wow." He said with a fake shocked look on his face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You just said I'm cool."

"No I didn't, I said Spider-Man was cool."

"But darling, I am Spider-Man." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. We walked to the car, and got in the same seats as before. A few people came up to Tom asking for pictures, which was weird, but it wasn't too bad. No one asked who I was, they just simply ignored me. I didn't mind though. We got in the car, same places as last time. We drove to a hotel, and at first I was really confused. Then, I realized this must be when they are staying. Everyone started to get out.

"Wait!" I said. Everyone stopped climbing out of the car and looked at me. "How will I get home?" Mom and dad looked at each other.

"Oh, honey, you can go home in the morning." Mom said."You aren't going to school tomorrow. Also, we wanted to ask you," She stopped, before continuing on. "Would you like to live with us in London, and come back to our family?"

I waited a beat before saying something.

"Of course! I would love to! I feel like I actually belong here, where as with my adoptive family, I didn't fit in." I exclaimed. They smiled. 

"Okay, so tomorrow, we will stop at your house,"My dad continued, "so you can pack your things, and also say your goodbyes. We know you might miss them, but we can assure you that you will have a great life in London."

"Yeah, even with that weird arse accent of yours, you'll probably pick up an English accent while we are there" Harry said. We all laughed except for mom, who slapped dad in the arm for laughing. He got the idea and said,

"Uhh, Harry. Language." Paddy and I looked at each other with a knowing look and burst out laughing again. 

"Why are you guys laughing so hard?" Tom asked.

"C-cap-captai-captain amer-meric-america" I managed to squeeze out. He then understood and let out a chuckle, but Paddy and I were on the floor outside the hotel, crying of laughter. 

I knew I was going to like it here.

Tom Holland's Little Sister (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now