6 - Percy

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'you usually hate to go out of our house' my mom said.

'Well yeah, but I guess I need to go out more'

'going to Spain is "going out" to you?'

'yeah, besides, I'll have Leo to accompany me' I said.

'yeah, and the girl you like, I hate where this is going'.

'why'd you worry so much? Nothing's gonna happen'i said.

'You and Leo. . . you're both are just some ticking time bomb waiting to explode' my mom said.

' I'll be fine mom, what could go wrong?'

'well, I'm scared that you have some devious plans'


It was the last conversation I had with mom, a real one, face to face, i already missed her.

'Percy, get off the cab' a girl said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'what? We're here already?' I asked.

'yeah, let's go, the others have already go ahead of us, they went in first' annabeth said, holding her hand out for me to hold.

'oh okay, let's go then' I said, taking her hand.

' the las ventas bullrings' she said towards the place, ' i've always wanted to go here' she continued, smiling her one-of-a-kind smile, the kind of smile that'll melt your heart.

' really? I'd never thought you'd like to see an Italian rodeo'.

' well, I like animals, so jot that down on the list of facts about me that you keep' she replied.

' how'd you kno-'.

' leo, he's very talkative'.

Of course it has to be leo, i will have to have a little chat with him later.

' Percy!' speak of the devil.

' hey Perce, we got front row seats!' juniper said.

' front row? Are you guys trying to die?' annabeth ask.

' well. . .' leo trailed off.

' y'all fucked up, big time' i said.

The show went great, we went to go get pizza first, before we head to the hotel.

' thanks for the pizza, and the bullrings, and for walking me to my room, had a wonderful day today' annabeth said.

' no problem' i said.

Awkwardness ensued.

' uhhh I guess you should go now' annabeth said.

' right, cya' i said, walking towards me room.

' oh, and annabeth?'

' hm?'

' can I make a confession?' i said, walking back to her.

' what is it?'

' I -I like you, alot' i said.

' I know Perce, it's kind of apparent, although I have to admit, telling me takes a lot of coura-' I cut her off by grabbing her waist, pulling her towards me, and pushing my lips into hers.

I was not expecting to get punched in return.

' Annie I'm sorry' i said, getting up, head pulsing like crazy.

' Fuck off, fuckwad' annabeth said, slamming the door.

I got up, not sure what to do.

I was still standing there, thinking about what just happened.

' Nice going, loser' voice echoed from the halls.

I looked to my left. Juniper stood, arms crossed, leaning on the wall. ' gonna leave a mark' juniper said, entering her room.


' What were you thinking?!' my mom scolded, now regretting I video called her.

' Leo, you're supposed to keep him safe, now you both are in the news! You're making a vigilante group?!' she said.

' Well, if it weren't for us, juniper wouldn't be here right now' Leo said.

' Ditto, and where's the Doritos you bought?' juniper said, walking around my hotel room.

' And you!' she turned to face me.

' What were you thinking? Getting into an underground swordfight to impress a girl? And going on this trip just to kiss a girl?!' she asked.

' Sounds like you knew what I was thinking' I said.

' you better hope that i'm over this tomorrow or I'm gonna whoop your sorry little ass mister!' she said.

I winced at the thought of it, even imagining it makes me scared.

' Juniper' my mom called.

' yes Mrs Jackson?' she answered.

' make sure these two knuckleheads don't get into any other problems' she said.

' I'll try my best Mrs Jackson'.

' see you soon, Perseus' she said, hanging up the video call.

' you're in trouble, big trouble' juniper said.

'no shit sherlock' I said.

' what are you gonna do about it?' juniper ask.

'run away to Mexico, I suppose'i said.

Y'all don't want to see my mom angry, it's like spraying the sun with water, it's useless to say sorry.

And she never, ever, calls me Perseus, unless she's mad, real mad.

Good job Percy ,I said to myself, now you can die if you get home, great.

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