10 - Percy

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I was bedridden for a long time, my doctor said I'd recover fully, scarred, but fully functional, I just need to be in bed for a while.

I ponder over my thoughts as the president give a speech about the attack, how we're all shooked and all.

Can't believe after all those childrens killed, schools destroyed, and people traumatized, they still wouldn't regulate firearms.

But hey, what can I say, This is America, Guns are apart of our culture, America were built on war and blood.

I'm grateful for the TV to accompany me, makes the room less grim, spared me from the deafening silence that always follows an empty room.

4 PM, mom should be on her way here, my cousin should have been here at 3, but I guess he's stuck in traffic.

Annabeth was discharged yesterday, she said she'd come by as often as she can, that part was true.

"Percy?" She asked, looking up from her textbooks.


"Do you ever wish to go out of here?"

"Out of the hospital? Countless times"I scoffed.

"No, out of America"

I thought for a moment, "yeah, but I won't".

"Why not?"

"Because, if I do, my mom won't have someone to be with her, she'd be alone, I can't let that happen"

We shared eye contact for a while, looking into each others eyes, thinking, what kind of kid would be sane from all these traumatic stuff?.

"Hey Percy" someone opened the door.

"Nico" I grumbled.

"Why, what's the matter?"

"You spoiled the mood, prick"

He chuckled, "sorry I was late, traffic was a bitch".

"Anyways, that's annabeth, the one I've talked to you about"I said.

She raised her eyebrows, and worst of all, smirked.

"Don't think about it" I warned.

"And what're you gonna do? Slap me?"

"Anyway, how much longer would you be bedridden?"

"2 more months then I'll be on my prime"

"Your muscles will disagree"

"What do you mean?"

"Muscle atrophy, you wouldn't be able to walk right away because your leg muscles haven't been used for a long time"


"Anyways" she got up.

"I'm going to colonel Sanders, want anything?"

"A bucket of chicken would do"

"Alright"she said, closing the door.

"So how you been? Have Las Vegas been nice to ya?" I ask.

"Hmm yeah, dad left quite a hefty amount of fortune when he passed away"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know uncle had died"

"Nah it's okay, barely knew the man, always fussing around about work" he smiled.

He looked out the window, "it's just sad you know" he said. "It's sad I can't share his fortune with anyone".

"I missed her" I said.

"Same, ever since she left. . ." He trailed off.

"She'd be proud of you now, all the things you achieved"I said.

"I just wished I could save her"he said.

"Where's uncle buried?" I asked to ease off the tension.

"Right next to Bianca"

Well that just made it worse.

After a while, I asked again.

"Have school been good?"I ask.

"Nah, I dropped out, it's pointless"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, we're taught to imitate the teachers, but the math teacher don't know biology, biology teacher don't know P.E, P.E teacher dont know physics, and physics teacher don't know math, why are we forced to learn everything when the teachers themselves don't know everything"Nico explained.

"True"I commented.

"And, the tests, it doesn't make any sense, why would you judge people with a standardized test? An artist doesn't need physics, a mathematician doesn't need English literature, and a rocket scientist doesn't need to know Sport" he said.

"It's like what Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."" I remarked.

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