8 - Percy

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"where am I?" A voice said, waking me up.

"Hi annabeth" I said.


"In the flesh"I said, looking up to the night sky, rain poured down earlier.

"Why are you here?"

"Your parents told me I can't go, they're grabbing dinner at Wendy's, should be back in a while".

"Oh" she said, "why am I here?" She added.

"Someone tried to kill you, found you in a locker bloodied"I said, sitting beside her legs.

"Do you remember anything about your attacker?"I ask.

"Not much, only that it's a she, and kinda tall, ginger hair, maybe?"she said, but it came out like a question.

"Figure it's personal"I said.

"Personal? Why?"

"Well, an experienced killer would've done a better job killing you, no offense, and you weren't stabbed, or shot, only bruised in some places, and then your face was hit by a sharp object, something angular, not too sharp, not too dull, or else it would've killed you or just bruised you"I said.

"Oh"she said.

I laid down on the couch, trying to sleep once more, which only made me state into the ceiling.

"Rachel"she blurted out suddenly.


"Rachel, she's the one who tried to kill me"she said.

"I gotta go" I said, grabbing my jacket and headed out.

I frantically dialled the number on the card.

"Hello?" A voice rang from the phone.

"Detective, it's me, Percy, I think I know who tried to kill her"


"Rachel O'dair, meet me at the parking lot of the hospital, I have a feeling you'll need me"I said, hanging up.

After a while, Mrs Holmes arrived with a blue Camaro.

"Hop in"he said, I did.

"What's the address?"he said.

I told him the address.

Silence filled the air, making it uncomfortably awkward.

"Can you tell me about yourself?"I ask, trying to strike up a conversation.


"Your backstory, i figured that you're from England, since you wore a trench coat which is worn by British commoners,not stereotyping though, and your watch strap was worn and discoloured, which means that you often work under the sun, and your pants have been worn out on the knee area, which means you do alot of crouching, which means you do some dangerous work" I said.

"Remarkable deducing, although I am from England and I do alot of dangerous work under the sun, my pants aren't just worn out because of crouching"he said.

"Then what can possibly make it all worn out?"I ask.

"I am a Muslim, we do something called the Salah, and in that activity, we do something called the Sujud, which means kneeling before the lord" he explained.

"But you don't do it all the time right?"

"No, we only do it five times a day, and the Salah has different stages called the Rakaat, and if I add those numbers up, it adds up to seventeen Rakaat, and in one Rakaat, we do the Sujud twice"he said.

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