13 - Holmes

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Great, fucking great.

My non believer friend knows more about Islam than me, which i am proud of.

Someone got assaulted for wearing a turban, which i am NOT proud of.

"Can you tell me how they looked? your assaulters" i sat infront of the victim.

"6 foot-ish, short blonde hair, he has a scar on his lip, teenager or early 20s blue eyes, an all american boy"

"And the other one?"

"Bald, 5 foot-ish, mid 40s, blue eyes, starting to think they're related".

"And why did they assault you?".

"I dont know".

"What did they say?".

"Get out of this country, you jihadist terrorist, you fucking muslim".

"And are you? a muslim?".

"No sir im a sikh, im not a muslim"

I blinked at him.



"You're Rajesh from Sub wy right?"

The mortified look on his face deserves an award of some sort.

"Please i've had enough of  paint-filled baloons".

"You forgot to silence the T" i snickered.

"How are you, Holmes? Seems like you achieved your dream after all".

"I just got promoted into detective a couple of months ago, took on a case with the fucking FBI, what about you?".

"I've been great, well. . . Except this thing" he gestures to the hospital room.

"Ah, I'm sorry brother".

"Well, it's okay, i know you're going to catch those thugs".

My phone starts ringing, "i will work on that, but it seems our time together has finished. What about we talk again tomorrow, you know the place" i winked at him and got out of the room.

I picked up the call, and started to speak.

"Hello Agent Argent".

"Evening, what did you find from the victim?"

"Just another hate crime, i already know a guy who fits the description".

"Good, bring your intern to catch them, his career is of great expectations" She hangs up.

"Percy" i jumped into my car.

"We have found the culprits".

"We do?".

"Yes, we're going to their address now" i started up the car.

"Well, who's the culprits?"

"Your friend, Percy".


+++++++++++Line break++++++++++++

"Just give up son" the old man pleads to his son.

"Not without a fight dad" he raises the broom.

"Jason you're really making this hard" Percy says as he dusts off dust from his hair.

"Since when did you become a cop?".

"Since you told me you're gay".

"Wait what?" He says, confused.

"NOW" Percy says as he went on a tinder date with the broom.

"Well, shit".

"Who knew his reflexes are as weak as a baby's" i said, percy groaning on the floor.

"And who knew this broom is that powerful" he says, looking at the broom with admiration.

I quickly jumped onto him, pinned him down, and cuffed him.

"You have the rights to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you-"

"Piper McLean" He cuts off.

"Did you just-" Percy says, bursting out laughing.

"Just shut up" i said, taking both if the captives out.


"Percy, why didn't you lock the door". I said, searching for the escapee.

"I thought you did".


"LETS JUST FOCUS ON FINDING THEM". He glances into the dark, gloomy forest. "They can't go that far, right? Not with cuffs".

"Look up" I said.

He looked up as two bodies bend the tree down.

"Huh, that was easy".


Percy quickly tackled both of them down.

"Why are we even arrested?" Jason asked.

"Hate crime". Percy lifts him up. "And resisting arrest, twice".

"So you're gonna do a second arresting on your arrestees because your arrestees did a resisting arrest on your first arresting attempt and then your arrestees ran away because you are a lousy arresters?" He asked.

". . . you're under arrest?".

Jason slammed his head against Percy's face, making him to double over.



God these kids.

============Line break===========

"Oh you're a muslim? Where did you hide the bomb?" Jason asks.

"Shut up, Jason, since when are you this rude?" Percy retorted.

"It's okay, Percy, just let them be".

"Fine, but can you at least put in al kilas on the radio" Percy asks.

"The what?".

"Al kilas".

"Excuse me?".

"you know, the thing you always put on in the morning".

"Oh, that's Al Ikhlas".

"Yeah that".

"Why that one?".

"I dont even know what it means, but i love it".

"It's only three verses".

"Your son said there were six"

"No that's An nas".

"Oh yeah, Ananas"

"No, An nas"



"Your ears are burning? Hey, you know what that means, Holmes".



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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