11 - Percy

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I hate America.

Feels like there's an impending doom all the time, it sucks, lucky for you readers, you're not living in America, for those of you who are, well, tough luck my friend.

Anyways, everyone was invited to a dinner with Holmes and his family, it'd be nice to finally meet her daughter he always talks about when he visited me in the hospital.

The dinner wasn't fancy, just McDonald's, Holmes was nice enough to invite annabeth and Nico, but Thalia? She bailed.

"Percy, was it painful to recover?" His daughter, Nabila, asked.

"Well, of course princess, I have a lot of booboos" I said.

"So how's the school going?" I asked Annabeth.

"Well, it needs reparation, obviously, which would take months, so our year would be repeated" she groaned.

I laughed at her antics, even though she likes studying so much, repeating a whole year would suck a lot.

The dinner was as good as it can be, Annabeth munching away on her french fries, without a care in the world, Nico was happily playing with his happy meals toy with Nabila, it was all well.

Until one guy came to us.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes?" Holmes asked.

"Why is she wearing a head scarf?"

"Because it's a must in my belief" Holmes's wife said.

"You're a Muslim?"

"Yes, why?"

The table was thrown down as the guy repeatedly strike Holmes's wife, Fatima as I recall.

The guy punched and kicked Fatima, yelling out racial slurs and anti Muslim sayings, Nico had to take Nabila and close her eyes and ears, people were trying to restrain the guy from doing more damage, I tried to punch his nose, which made him do a double take, which Holmes took as a chance to tackle him to the ground, annabeth was reporting the hate crime to the cops, gawking in shock.

"You don't have the rights to do this!"

"I am a police, and you just committed a hate crime, you're under arrest, anything you say can and will be held against you in court" he says, showing the guy his badge, and cuffing him up.

I walked over to Fatima, which was taken care of by people.

"You okay?"I ask.

"Yeah it's just a bruise, it should be fine"

"Mama!" Nabila ran up to her, obviously crying.

"You okay ma?"

"I'm fine, it's ok" Fatima said, relaxing Nabila.

Annabeth was drinking a cup of glass, while Nico went out earlier.

"You okay Beth?"I ask.

"Beth" she said, staring at the family.

"Yeah, it's a nickname, is it okay if I call you that?"

She nodded, eyes red from crying, tears brimming her eyes.

"It's okay, it's over"I said, wiping the tear off her face.

She calmed down a bit, courtesy of the glass water, and maybe some of my nonsense, it's not okay, it's not over.

People were assaulted everyday, the minorities were always endangered, no matter what they do.

"Holmes?"I ask.

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