12 - Percy

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Please, for the love of god, read to the very last word of this page, i beg for you.

Thank you for your time, good reading!

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That's what I felt when my best friend betrayed me.

That's what I felt when he beaten me.

"Sorry Perce, but if you wanted to win, you should've tried not being poor" Jason said.

"Fuck you, dickwad"

"Aww come on Perce, it's just a game of monopoly"Leo said.

"Maybe if your girlfriend was here, you wouldn't lose three times in a row"Jason mocked.

"She's not my girlfriend"

"Then why did you kissed her?"


Ding dong, pizza's here.

"I'll go get it"Leo said, getting up.

That leaves me with Jason, the game, and the sound of John Mulaney coming from the TV.

"So, you're going to the holy land?"I asked.

"Yeah, been a while since I see my grandma"

"When will you get back?"

"I don't think I will"

"Come again?" I ask.

He looked at me with cautious eyes, like he's scanning me or something, his blue eyes reflecting Mulaney, staring into my soul, like a cat contemplating if it should attack an innocent couch.

"I'll go to college there, I'm gonna stay at least for four years, but Israel is a good place to start a family, better than America at least" he replied.


"Pepperoni mozzarella's here bitches"Leo said, interrupting me.

"Finally"Jason said, taking a slice, "I'm very fucking hungry".

"You devoured one whole Pringles can, two bananas, an apple, and a whole loaf of bread with nuttela" I said.

"Hey, it ain't my fault I have a big appetite" he replied.

"You eat like a wolf".

"I do not".

"You do" I said.

"Yeah remember when you ate two tomahawks in a row?"Leo added.

"Hey in my defense, the barbecue sauce was good"

"What ever, Wolfie"


"Chill out, White wolf" leo snickered.

"You know, sometimes I think to myself how I'm friends with some assholes".

We all erupted in laughter, enjoying the nice, warm, pizza, and Mulaney's joke.

"Bravo six, going dark" a voice said, and then the lights cut out.

Someone screamed like a banshee in labor, a snicker was heard from the door.

"Relax guys, it's just me"Nico said, switching the lights on.

"Jason you screamed like a girl" leo said.

"Get off the table, Jason"Nico said

"Yeah you're not a full course meal you dont belong on the table"

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