Chapter 4: The red scarf

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Enjolras saw their videos. They saw their videos!! Fuck.

Of course, Grantaire is betrayed by Courfeyrac. It was a trap to get the Gopro back. Of course. Grantaire feels so naive. And now, they've run away with the Gopro and are technically a criminal! They stole it. But at least, they have somewhere to live after two nights out, miserably earning underpaid salary for... being in an empty sex shop for hours, doing nothing. Well, a creepy dude came in and stayed for hours in the shop, his eyes fixated on Grantaire. At some point, he dared coming at them and asked pills behind the counter. Then, he commented on the fact that Grantaire was not the usual guy and he didn't like it.

"Get used to me," Grantaire replied.

"It will take some time."

Grantaire didn't say that they didn't plan on staying here that long. Then, the guy finished them with a: "Are you a guy, or no?"

The first day after their shift, Grantaire wandered around, undecided. They took some pictures of cigarettes and pigeon shits, smoked what they found, ended up near the Seine, thinking of how shitty their life was and that there was no hope and that nobody ever loved them. And then they realized a person reacted to their pigeon shits stories on Instagram and it made them happy. And then they remembered Enjolras hated their videos and it made them desperate. But eventually they realized they didn't need their validation. Which didn't stop them from being desperate.

   Grantaire's story on Instagram

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Grantaire's story on Instagram

The second night, their boss wasn't so happy with the way Grantaire looked. They told them so, and Grantaire realized they had to find a place to shower. After endless hesitation, they decided to message Rémus. They really didn't like to beg; Grantaire was more the kind to get people to invite them in to their life. Or to not dare pushing them back out of it . But at that moment, they asked and Rémus agreed on letting them in for a few days. She even seems... well moderately not unhappy to see Grantaire. Which is actually a big deal considering the general effect Grantaire has on humanity.

As expected, Rémus and her boyfriend are chill, share their occasional spliffs, don't ask lots of questions, and just hang out with them when they have time (Rémus works from home and her boyfriend has a job outside). They even make football enjoyable for Grantaire, who usually moderately appreciates watching overpaid athletes running on television. Rémus always calls them out when they're badly spirited and Grantaire usually listens because they kinda admire Rémus a lot and learn tons of stuff around her. It's similar to his passion for Enjolras. Except with Enjolras, there's something more.

Just a little something.

But listening to Rémus talk about her work is very interesting actually and she ends up giving them the three-hundred-page monster that is her thesis to work through . She works on revolutions in literature and it's... a huge corpus. People like it when it all crumbles down, but in the end, does it change at all? It's too slow. And it's so frustrating, because Grantaire feels like at this point, the big governments could manage to give most people on Earth what they need but they don't. They have the keys to open the door to a better world, but they just brag with they key, making it roll between their fingers.

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