Partners in crime (2)

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At 9:30am the next day, Donna Noble walked into the Adipose office as Poppy Watcher slumped down in her chair at work.

"Do any of you believe in aliens?" The Year 11's laughed

"Shut up!" one of the students shouted "with what's been happening the last few years. Who wouldn't?" Most of the class nodded.

"What's brought this on miss?" a boy in the front row asked.

"Nothing, I have another question though," The class stared at her "have you ever met someone so amazing, and then they leave? No trace, just gone,"

"They're why you asked us about aliens," the student from earlier spoke.


"Well, if you're thinking about them whilst we're learning about one of your favourite monarchs," A girl in the middle row spoke, everyone was shocked as the girl was usually silent, Poppy looked to the bored with an image of Queen Elizabeth the First "he must really be important,"

"How did you know it was a man?" The student raised an eyebrow.

"I would search the stars for him miss,"

"I just might have too..." Poppy mumbled.


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It seemed the students got to her, because Poppy was currently finding a fire exit to break in to.

"Yay," she muttered when one door opened with ease. Checking her watch, she saw the minute hand hit 6:10. She'd had time to go home and change. She didn't think heeled boots and a skirt were right for what could happen.

She sped down the hall, her converse making little to no noise on the ground.

She stopped with a halt when the door to what Poppy assumed was a janitor cupboard opened. She would have hidden, but when she caught sight of who it was her heart stopped

"Doctor?" he looked up at the familiar voice

"Poppy?" He hugged her quickly then held her at arms length.

"You look the same. Is that the same suit?" she sniffed the air "please tell me you wash it," The Doctor rolls his eyes.

"what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know," she looked to the fire exit "things and stuff,"

"C'mon," he pulled her along the corridor "we have things to do!"


The Doctor and Poppy ran out of the door on the roof.

"What are we doing?" she questioned, slightly out of breath. The Doctor wouldn't let her go in the lift, he just walks over to a window cleaning area "oh, I'm not getting in there"

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