Agatha and Donna entered the living room with a case where The Doctor and Poppy were thinking over the murders. About the different reactions to each death. The Doctor opens up the case, it's full of lock-picking tools.
"Someone came here tooled up,"
"Isn't all that for picking locks?" Poppy asks
"The sort of stuff a thief would use.," The Doctor nods
"The Unicorn. He's here," Agatha gasps
"How are you so sure it's a he? Women can be criminals to y'know," Poppy chimes in0
"The Unicorn and the wasp,"
Greeves enters with drinks. Poppy didn't get one as she didn't want to be using the loo whilst a huge wasp was on the loose.
"Your drinks, ladies. Doctor,"
"Very good, Greeves," he leaves
"How about the science stuff. What did you find?" Donna asks as The Doctor sits next to Poppy
"Vespiform sting. Vespiforms have got hives in the Silfrax galaxy,"
"Again, you talk like Edward Lear," Agatha comments on the use of language The Doctor uses
"But for some reason, this one's behaving like a character in one of your books,"
"Come on, Agatha. What would Miss Marple do? She'd have overheard something vital by now, because the murderer thinks she's just a harmless old lady,"
"Clever idea. Miss Marple? Who writes those?"
"Er, copyright Donna Noble. Add it to the list,"
"Poppy," The Doctor says quietly
"Yeah?" she looks to him "I'm sure they can split the copyright,"
"No. Something's inhibiting my enzymes. Argh!" He screams in pain "I've been poisoned!"
"What do we do?" Donna then looks to Poppy; she'd always been the clever one in Donna's eyes "What do we do?!"
"I-I don't know..."
Agatha sniffs The Doctor's drink "Bitter almonds. It's cyanide. Sparkling Cyanide,"
The Doctor leaps up from his seat and staggers to the kitchen, Poppy running after him, ahead of Donna and Agatha.
When she enters, The Doctor's downing ginger beer, then pouring it over himself.
"I'm an expert in poisons. Doctor, there's no cure. It's fatal," The Doctor spits out the beer at Agatha's words
"Not for me. I can stimulate the inhibited enzymes into reversal. Protein. I need protein,"
"Walnuts?" Donna asks in a panic
"Brilliant!" The Doctor fills his mouth with them the starts doing a shaking movement.
"I can't understand you. How many words? One. One word. Shake. Milk shake. Milk? Milk? No, not milk? Shake, shake, shake. Cocktail shaker. What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?"
"Harvey Wallbanger?!"
"Well, I don't know,"
"How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?"
"Doctor, what do you need?!" Poppy exclaims
"Salt. I was miming salt. It's salt. I need something salty,"
"What about this?" Donna shows him a brown bag
"What is it?"
MEMORIES | {1st - Stars Themselves Series}
FanfictionA girl wakes up in a hospital, little to no memory and a strong urge to run. But she can't. She's stuck in London, skipping from flat to flat trying not to let Donna know how dodgy she thinks her fiancé is. Rose's gone, Martha left and the Doctor...