Memories Of A Friend

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I sat on the balcony's railing looking out at the ocean mesmerized on how the sunset made it even more eye catching.


I snuck around HomeWorld looking for Pearl we were on a tag team mission to see if the diamonds made anymore plans to destroy the earth.

"where in the love of fusion is she?..." I bumped into someone and fell back with a thud, i heard a gasp and someone groaning, my eyes widened and i stood up quickly grabbing the gems monocle and holding out my hand to the other with a 'charming' smile, they blushed and accepted my hand when upright i gingerly placed their monocle on.

"so sorry about bumping into you like that, its not how i usually meet hot gems like you" i said scratching the back of my neck while chuckling, they blushed and stood there shocked before letting a small awkward smile play on their face.

"oh! s-sorry! do you have someone courting you already? i might say im quite jealous as you are a marvelous gem and an even better catch..." i say while looking away embarrassed, they were even more flustered than i was!?

"n-no! i dont sorry!m-my deepest apologies for this sudden inconvenience and painful landing. I'm lawyer Defense, also known as Blue Zircon, its a pleasure meeting y-you" we shook hands slowly and blushed even more if that was possible i smiled at Zircon and giggled. "The names In- i-i mean Indigo Lapis Lazuli but i prefer Indy honestly, the feelings neutral"

we chatted and walked with each other yknow getting to know each other and things like that all while i gathered all the information i could from this gem, i couldnt help but feel attracted to the Zircon for some reason?

"Your outfit is quite different from others?"

" hehe thanks! i like to be different "

"i dont believe i have seen a cut like yours before? what diamond do you serve under if i might ask?" she questioned me

" I-i uh... I don-" i was cut off thankfully

"Indy!-uh-...Lapis Lazuli Cut 0103 you are wanted in a private seeing by Blue Diamond this instant, she assures you this is urgent" i nodded at pearl and turnt to Zircon to see her curious, Pearl grabbed my forearm and started to rush off dragging me with her i waved and mimed a lil 'goodbye' to Zircon quickly before running off with Pearl.


I wonder how Blue Zircon is now? is she still even alive- non shattered i mean? would i ever get to see her again? would she even remember me?

my thoughts were cut short when someone leant on the railing beside me. " you seem to be thinking about something mom?" ahh lil Steven...

" just thinking about an old friend of mine..."
"really? who? if you dont mind sharing i mean?!"
"oh honey...of course i dont mind...she called herself lawyer Defense or yknow just Blue Zircon, now i have ALOT of Zircons in my time but this one seemed 'different' in so many ways...I met her when i was on a mission with Pearl a few hundreds years ago, we literally bumped into each other and started talking for a while...only limited words were shared before i had to leave but the words we had said are permanently stuck in my memory, im just wondering if i will ever get to meet her again, thats all" I looked down at Steven to see him with stars in his eyes an a sad wide smile on his features before he started running around saying rather loudly that m and that Zircon were soulmates or whatever. oh he truly is a doll.

"It may be hard to say goodbye to a friend, but the 'GOOD' with it is a promise of something better"

I turnt around and saw Steven smiling at me warmly, i smiled back at him with the equal warmness and sighed. " oh honey, when did you become such a great son?"

He blushed and hugged me, i slid down to my knees and hugged him back.

" ive said too many goodbyes in my life to say another..."

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