Horror Cub

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Steven was at last allowed to speak with me again. Win.

Its already late- Sadie and Lars were closing up the Big Donut for the night. I see Lars exit through the back door ahead of Sadie, playing with the keys at the door lock. I sneak up to them with Steven at my side. We watch and wait.

" Saaaaa-dieee, better hurry up! I'm gonna lock you in!" Lars teasingly said

" Hey, just a sec!" Sadie yelled out from the inside

Lars then leans against the wall to wait for Sadie, when he looks down and gets startled by the sudden appearance of Steven in front of him. I cover my mouth as a loud laugh errupts from me

Steven giggled " Don't be too scared. It's just me." He looks over me " And Mom" I wave with my free hand as Steven leans on the wall beside Lars " We're on our way over to a spooky-movie party." Steven said

I hummed now over my laughing " You want to come too?" I asked

" Party!? ... Who's throwing it? is Indy really going with you guys?" Lars asked in a rush

" Ronaldo, the French Fryman." Steven said as i shrugged waiting to see his response

" Ugh! That social napalm? Do what you want, man. I got better things to do than wax weird with Beach City's biggest bozo" lars then says in a mocking voice " Ronaldo."

Sadie then exits the Big Donut " Ah, okay. Oh, ha! Nice timing, Steven, Indy. Hey, should we head over to Ronaldo's?" She asked looking at me with a smile

" Yeah! I'm-a get so scared!" Steven says as he hugs Sadie, I laughed and nodded placing Steven on my shoulders

Sadie laughs " Night, Lars." We wave

" Nighty-night!" Steven says to him as we walked away with Sadie

Lars gasps and then runs after us " Hey! Wait up!" He returns quickly to lock the door, and runs back to Sadie, Steven and I " So, where's this thing at?" He asked looking at me

Steven points at the lighthouse

I hummed a 'mhm' " It's right up there." I said with a grin

Steven, Sadie, Lars and I climbed the hill towards the Lighthouse, decorated with scarecrows outside. Steven knocks on the door and Ronaldo, wearing a mask and costume, opens the door up.

I caught Lars eye and smile at him making him bite his lip and looked away

" Steeeeeveeeeen...!" Ronaldo said in a overly dramatic way " Welcome to my Beach City horror club." He then laughs maniacally

Lars started laughing aloud " More like comedy club. " He continues to laugh

" Lars?!" Ronaldo gasped and accidentally drops his mask on ground which causes it to break

" Oh! What are you doing here? Um..." He clears the doorway "C-c-c-come in."

Lars elbows Sadie, still laughing " I'm scared already." i narrow my eyes, I smack Lars on the shoulder and mumble " Stop being a bully. It isn't nice."

" Ronaldo, right? Yeah. I'm Sadie." Sadie said as she goes to shakes Ronaldo's hand " Nice to finally officially meet you."

Sadie and Lars step past Ronaldo into the Lighthouse. Lars suddenly turns around and shouts a single " Boo!" startling Ronaldo. He laughs again as he walks back into the Lighthouse. Steven is about to step inside when Ronaldo halts him. I stood behind my lil man patiently

" Steven, you're friends with Lars?" Ronaldo asked

" Yeah. Isn't everybody?" Steven asked, i shrugged with a bored gaze

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