Bubble Buddies

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I yawn and leave my room after forming back and making myself a nice cup of coffee which we seem to be running out of quickly ill just add it to my mental shopping list for later, i stretch out then pick my cup up then heading to the balcony to get some fresh air.

I lean on the railing sipping my refreshment as i watch Steven rush down the stairs to pick up his bike that had rolled down without him he looks at me and i give him a sad reassuring smile before i turn my attention to the other three walking towards the house, they interact with Steven before he goes to- oh! its a girl~ haha you go get her honey!

Steven soon returns panting as he notices that the gems and I were watching from the window.

Steven who is still panting looks our way and is trying so hard to act casual "Whaddup?"

"Who were you talking to honey?" i question with a sly smirk

Steven gulps but still he acts confused "Huh?"

"That girl." Garnet says

"You saw?" He starts to blush "She's just a girl I know, except she doesn't know me. We never talked."

Amethyst gasped "You like her! " She smushes his face

"Uhh... I like everyone..." He pushes Amethyst's arms aside

Pearl gasps "Let's set up a play-date! I'll write up an invitation and work out a schedule. Ohh! We'll have to find out her favorite kind of tea..."

Ive had enough of this and as much as i want to tease him i can tell he actually has taken a fair interest in this mystery girl

"No guys, Hun? just go and talk to her"

"Okay. But you guys can't watch this time! It'll mess up my funky flow."

Pearl and Ame look confused and say insink "Funky flow?"

"We won't watch. " Garnet says as she adjusts her visor

" no matter how much we want to" i add on crossing my arms

"Alright! "runs to the fridge to take out a glowing bracelet

"What's that?" Ame questions

Steven then runs outside " Nothing! "

We watch him run off. I turn to Garnet and hug her burring my face into her neck she chuckles and hugged me back as Ame shouted something about 'PDA' and fake gagged, i just held in a giggle and tightened my grip on Garnet.

" Do you wanna go on a date tomorrow? theres this Drive In Movie place i want to show you! one of my favorite movies are being played and i thought maybe we could watch it together?" i say while looking at her anxiously, she smiled and nodded

" i would love too love bug" i bit my lip holding in a squeal we let each other go and i walked towards the door " im going to go get myself a doughnut and maybe some coffee, see ya!" and with that i left walking towards the Big Doughnut that was one of the main reasons i love this city.

I get to my destination and sighed as i walked in the door hearing a lil bell ding on entrance I smiled at Sadie as she smiled back waving and Lars looked away trying to play it cool he is...he trys too hard, I walk up to the counter. " Hey Sadie, can i get the usual please?" i ask while leaning on the counter towards her, she nodded and went to get my order.

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