Prologue (Part I)

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Sophomore Year

"What day is it today?"

"Um.. the sixteenth," Camila answers quietly before realizing who she was talking to.

"Thanks," Lauren says back with a smirk. "I'm Lauren by the way."

"I-I'm Camila," the shorter one stutters embarrassingly. "I mean, my real name is Karla but friends and family call me Camila." Who was she kidding? What other friends did she have? Especially on her first day at a brand new school.

"Nice," Lauren mildly chuckles, a tint of pink growing on her cheeks. She can't help but find the girl's tone of voice incredibly sweet and soothing. Something that reminds her of Lucy. Not even just that, but the girl is surely a sight for sore eyes. "Is it your first day here? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, no, it's my first day," the new girl shyly nods as her glasses sit on her nose. "We... um, we're actually new next-door neighbors, too, so-"

"Oh! You're the new neighbors," Lauren realizes with wide eyes, instantly grateful that there's at least a cute girl her age living beside her again.

When her parents told her about a new family moving next door to their house, Lauren had little to no interest in getting to know them as their former neighbors consisted of her best friend and sort of girlfriend, Lucy, of 13 years. They were only 2-years-old when they became best friends and "fell in love" at 9, really being each other's first love, first kiss and first time together as they kept growing more romantically (and sexually) interested ever since. Needless to say, when Lucy broke the news of her family having to move to Puerto Rico, Lauren decided to never come out of her room again. It lasted a day and a half before she became too hungry and had to leave her room for food.

"Yeah," Camila simply nods.

"Lauren, not the time to be flirting with the new girl," Mr. Hacks spoke from the front of the classroom, earning a few cackles from the other students.

With that, the green eyes diverted back down to her class notes. But in her opinion, those beautiful brown eyes Camila possessed were much more pleasing to look at.

"While we're on the topic, why don't we all welcome our new student joining us? Karla, is it?" The teacher reads over his information.

"Yes, but I go by Camila," she speaks softly.

"Well, Camila, why don't you tell us about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies?" Mr. Hacks leans against his desk as the rest of the class turn their heads toward the shy girl.

Oh, great. She should have expected a first-day ice-breaker. And it was only the first class of the day. Although it's worse since she's the only new kid in the room and no one else has to do this.

"Uh... well..." What's even more nerve-wracking is Lauren happy as ever getting to look at her again. With basically heart eyes, the Cuban-American athlete doesn't hide her wandering orbs as they trail from the top of the shorter Cuban's long brunette hair with that cute little bow, to her gorgeous brown eyes, plump pink lips, all the way down her torso and just past that surprisingly nice sized, round ass.

"I'm from upstate New York, but my family and I moved here due to my extended family finally coming over from Cuba. So, we all wanted to be together after so many years of being apart," Camila happily tells.

"That is touching," the teacher smiles and Lauren can't help but agree from the heart unlike the others who already look bored. Assholes.

"And some of my hobbies are music, writing... sports-"

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