Chapter One

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The sound of people fulled the whole restaurant, but there were no sounds in the restroom that laid within the said restaurant. There was someone throwing up, the sound of them groaning made every male in the area wonder and feel awkward. Ukraine couldn't hear there hurtful words they whispered, like 'who let a girl inside the bathroom.' or 'sucking too much cock it seems.' Maybe more offensive things. The restroom held the smell of discomfort and the feeling of comfort at the same time.

Ukraine clenched his stomach, he can't handle food anymore. All of it made him ache, everything was attacking his stomach. He sat in the washroom of the restaurant he was at. He puked again, all he ate was scrambled eggs. Just scrambled eggs!! He was crying at the pain, he didn't wanna eat, he wanted to stay home and cry but he had no home. Squatters took it over, so he was staying with a friend. That exact friend who took him to breakfast, he felt bad his friend spent his money on nothing. Ukraine stood up, he held onto the wall, he dried up his tears from his pain. Once he was stable he started to move from the stall. He left the restaurant restroom and looked at Canada who was in front of him. "You were in there for a long time. Are you okay Rain?" Ukraine simply nodded at his friend, suddenly he was hugged by him. Ukraine loved hugs from anyone, but he didn't want to be touched by anyone. "Please don't touch me..." Canada unwrapped his long arms from around the skinner male, they weren't too far from each other in height. Ukraine clearly lost weight, and it seemed overnight, but he always had such a frail body frame. But it seemed to be more unsteady and unstable. Ukraine saunter to the table that he and Canada were seated at, he was being way top wary about how he sat. Canada was seen being a doof and getting coffee for them, both without lactose in it, because fuck lactose. That's what Ukraine always thought he said that to himself when he drank lactose-free milk and avoided lactose. Which Ukraine never minded it that Canada got both of them lactose free things, he liked anything that was given to him from friends. He always adored how much of a goof Canada was. But Ukraine knew it would end, it always ends. Canada goes and finds a new best friend, or Ukraine disappears. Maybe war tears them apart, ruining the very thing that made them great friends.

"Rain? Are you okay? You seemed to be lost in your own mind." Yet, he didn't hear him speaking, he turned to the slightly taller Canadian. "You said something didn't you..?" Canada being polite he spoke in an apologetic voice. "Yes I did but I should had tapped your shoulder to get your attention." That's what Ukraine liked about him, he was so aware and sensitive to others. He didn't lose his only friend just yet. "It was my fault for letting myself daze off into space. You're perfectly fine... " he admitted. "Did you get me a coffee without lactose..?" He was nearly laughing at the end. Canada nodded as it could be heard that Ukraine was snickering like a dork, he closed his grey eyes. Canada has red-violet eyes and looks red in the light, which when Ukraine looks at them he feels at peace. "Hey Raine, um. You're kinda staring at me again. And yeah, I did. Got a problem with it?" Canada voiced. Ukraine turned his head no, he just found it funny. "I find it dorky and hilarious! You always do that and it makes me smile that you even make sure it doesn't have much sugar for me!" Ukraine excitedly said about, he showed that weak smile again. It's sad about what might happen. It's all too sad. Ukraine was handed his coffee and he happily sipped it but after the sip, he felt sick. Was his body rejecting fluids as well? Ukraine put his head on the table. That worried Canada, a whole lot. "There's something wrong. Tell me, I'm here for you. I wouldn't let you suffer in silence." It was unlikely that He was heard by the flower lover. "I'm fine. Im perfectly fine, the hotness burnt my tongue.." He was being barely halfway honest. The hotness did burn his tongue but the way the coffee hurt his stomach by one sip is what bothered him. Canada still wasn't convinced but he shouldn't butt into other people's business. Ukraine groaned quietly and looked around without noise, he wished he could hear the noises around him, he looked up at his Canadian friend and sighed. "I don't feel well, I think we got to cut this date short." He said date as a joke, and as it was a platonic date. Seeing how bad Ukraine looked, he agreed. "Let's go back to my Cabin. I'll let you sleep in the spare room again so you can rest and feel better." Ukraine let out a soft smile and nodded. They both headed out of the restaurant to go back. Canada was severely considered about his friend, they were the same age. "Thank you for taking me here... I suggest we don't get it again... I might get sick again." Ukraine could tell he understood with full clarity. What a blessing.

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