Chapter Two

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Once he got home with Canada; he walked into the spare bedroom, he didn't even talk to Canada when they got home. Ukraine never got his coffee back from Canada, which Canada was a tad afraid to inform him of it. Ukraine just laid in the spare bed, the bed that made him feel like home. He knew Canada will kick him out, and Kazakhstan basically already has. What's the use of it, what can he do, his house was overtaken by squatters. Ukraine watched the ceiling. He only looked up at nothing else. The missing ringing from his ears made him question why this all happened. He wasn't born deaf, an accident happened which caused him to lose it all. A bomb was set off next to him, a bomb took his hearing, and he always wondered who was the idiot to set off the bomb. If he could, he would be able to hear Canada come into the room, but he didn't he was spacing off and not thinking at all, he was just watching the whole world just fade away into nothingness and fallen hopes.
He could feel Canada watching looking at the hidden horror in the ceiling if there was any. He hated to hurt or ignore his friends, but he had a feeling it was Canada asking when he was going leave. But that's not what Canada is asking, that's not what he was even thinking of. Ukraine felt a friendly yet calming touch on the shoulder, he moved his glaze at Canada. "You don't seem well at all, you've gotten weak. Please tell me what is happening." But Ukraine didn't think anything was happening but the fact that he wasn't able to eat and that he no longer had an appetite, he could explain in full detail of what he didn't think was happening. But instead of talking he just shrugged like he didn't even know himself, or he didn't care. "I'm serious. You don't look well, have you been eating at all?"He deadpanned for a moment."Right, you just ate with me..."The maple scented man just paused at what he had said, but he carried on talking. "But you want to the washroom after eating. Are you unable to hold down food?"Ding ding! He got it, but Ukraine shrugged again. "I don't know what to say. There's nothing wrong. It could be dysphoria."Ukraine's shaggy hair covered his eyes."Rain... You need help;you could have an eating disorder or have a problem in your stomach."Ukraine groaned and peered at Canada."I'm fine, okay? I would know if this was serious, I know enough... I'm just sick."Canada didn't believe him, why would he believe his friend when he says he's fine when he is clearly not fine or improving. Ukraine had no reason to speak, and he felt no reason to even think, and yet he did so. "When did you last been able to ingest food?" Why did Canada word it so weirdly? Ukraine moved his shoulders into a shrug and spoke in the calmest voice. "A week and a half." Ukraine's grey-toned eyes closed as Canada looked at him surprised. Ukraine felt himself being dragged off the bed, he was puzzled by it till his head hit the ground, and he groaned in pain. "Why did you do that?" The flower lover exclaimed loudly to the tall Canadian. "We are going to get you help. You need it. I don't want you to die." Ukraine was being dragged by Canada out of the room. Ukraine was too tired to fight back, but he could still use his vocal cords. "Can man please stop. You're going to hurt me more."Ukraine groaned as he was dropped, causing his head to hit the ground again. Ukraine could see Canada saying sorry in sign language. Yeah, Ukraine is smiling at that,"You remembered it? That was nice of you to remember sorry."Ukraine arose from the ground and dusted off his clothes."Please go. You need help."Canada begged, Ukraine sighed and moved his head to nod, he'll go to get help with his eating."I'm doing this because you asked me to. Just to make you shut up, okay?"That made Canada grin, which Ukraine smiled back at him. All they had together had been sweet and wholesome. Real close friends. Only friends.

He wondered on, he was walking slow. He started towards the old building with new metal doors. He trotted indoors and told the front desk man that he was here for a screening to see if he did indeed have some kind of eating disorder or just a stomach problem. He did wait long due to the lack of people there. He prayed it wouldn't take him too long, which it did because they thought maybe he was in the 'Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified' or EDNOS category. He was jaded by it was closer to ending. He had to remain calm, so he took a deep breath in. "I don't binge eat, and I don't purge. I never thought I was fat."The people had another idea and started to do a test, but it was still him being questioned. Every question he was asked brought them and him closer. They found out what it was because Ukraine had explained it clearly and it fit. He read their lips as they talked about how he had an unnamed disorder that causes the gag reflex to reject the littlest of things and also make the stomach acid weaken to where he would be sick and vomit. Ukraine watched and knew what he had to take to help it. 'Beat it, Canada! I don't have an eating disorder.' He thought laughing as he thanked them and carried off to outside of the building. He went to get the medication to help, and he kept a smile as he read the sheet with the name of the medication. He walked slowly, his cobalt sweater kept him warm from the startling breeze. He thought of his only close friends, Canada and Kazakhstan. Well, Kaz isn't a friend because he is Ukraine's Brother. He carried into the pharmacy after the walk there. As fast as his legs let him he went to get the medication he needed. He cheerfully greets the Pharmacist and showed all the info, it mentioned that Ukraine was deaf so Ukraine guessed the Pharmacist tried their best not to talk. Once he got the medication, he smiled at the stranger, "Thank you, and have a great evening."Ukraine walked off, moving towards the doors, once he got close enough it opened itself. He walked through to the world that lays in the outdoors.
The sweet outdoors.

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