Day two: a sisters love

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I wake up to my "dad" pulling me out of bed and telling me to clean the kitchen and bathroom. I just close my eyes and say I'll be right out. But when I closed them he ripped the blanket off me and pulled me all the way to the kitchen, then he gave me the broom to sweep and a mop to you know mop. When he left I got up to check the time because it was still dark outside, it was fucking 11:00 pm! That's when I saw that he had been drinking... Their were beer bottles all over the floor and the fridge was wide open. I went to the closest and got a box and started to put all the bottles away, then cleaned the fridge and closed it. When I was finished I went to the bathroom to have a look when I saw why I had to clean it I was discussed their on the floor was my lovely mother knocked out cold with a wine glass in hand. As I was about to get her up my older sister appeared in the door way. She looked at me and said, let me help you. So we both got one one side of mom and dragged her to her bedroom. When I was done helping mom I went to finish my chores. But what I was surprised to see was that my sister Ash had already begun cleaning. I looked at her and told her I could do it so she could sleep. But Ash told me what are sisters for. I smiled and went to get her something to drink. But as I entered the kitchen I ran straight in to my mom. She took me by the hair and said what are you doing in my house you little shit. She then dragged me into the bathroom and forced me into a cold shower when I tried to get out she would hit me and tell me to stay their. I was I. Their for a hour crying my eyes out when she shut off the water and dragged me out and told me to clean the shower. I obeyed and started to clean.
I have been cleaning this bloody bathroom for 2 hours now! And I'm freezing cold. But I finally finished. So I took the Landry and put it in the washer. As I looked at the clock it was 1:45 am. So I went over to my room and took a pair of jeans and a sweater and threw then in the dryer to get warm. When that was done I took off my dampish clothes and put on my warm ones it felt so nice. Then I went over and started to make coffee because I know I won't be able to sleep again. I sat down on the table and watched the sun rise.
A/N: how is the story? I'm sorry it my first book and idk if it's good or not just let me know. Ok thank yo for reading I'll update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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