chapter 13

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Sam's POV
We had just finished getting ready and all the kids were ready. Seeming we were gonna have 6 kids with us we would have to use both me and colbys cars. I put Alex in her carseat in the back of colbys car and then the twins sat on either side of her and Ariella got in the front. Louis was with me. Colby double checked that we had everything then kissed me and then got in. Louis was already in my car. I went and got in and we drive off to Aspen's house. Louis got out and went and got him. As soon as they were in the drive they hugged each other tight and Aspen picked Louis up and twirled him around giving him.a quick kiss. As soon as they pulled away they realized that I had witnessed all of that and their faces went beat red. I just chuckled and placed a smile on my face as they got in the back. I drove off to the park. I got there and Colby had also Just got there. I smiled, parked the car and got out letting the two teenage lovers be for a few minutes. I walked over to colbys car seeing that Allie and Alex had fallen asleep leaving Joseph as the only awake one. I also glanced over at Ariella who was putting back on her boots and her leather jacket fixing her jeans and her crop top. The only reason me and Colby allowed her to wear this out was because the leans went up to just under her bellybutton and then the shirt came down just before her bellybutton and her jacked covered the rest. She was smiling but it quickly faded when she saw Mayble hugging and kissing a guy. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone and threw up her hood and walked over to the podium where Annie, taehyung, Mayble and this boy was. Colby let Joseph out who stuck extremely close to me I don't blame him he didn't know who the others were and he was nervous. Louis and Aspen got out of the car, finally, and walked over to me and Colby. Louis smiled at Joseph and took him with him and Aspen. Colby woke up Alex and she got out rubbing her eyes and walking over to me. Allie woke up and Colby helped her out. I fixed Alex's hair that had a bit of sleepy frizz to it. She smiled and hugged me I hugged back. She soon went back over to Colby and Allie came over to me. We walked over to Annie. I smiled at her.

"Wassup queen" me and Colby both said getting her to giggle. I pulled her into a hug Colby did after I let go. I smiled.

"Oh Annie, taehyung, these our our other kids, Allie, Joseph, and Alex" I said pointing to them.

"Hi! I'm Annie" Annie said smiling and waving to them. Allie and joseph waved and whispered a little 'hi' and Alex just hid behind colbys legs until he picked her up. She was definitely more attached to Colby.

"Say hi baby" Colby whispered to Alex.

"H..hi" she mumbled.

"Hi cutie" Annie said and smiled and held out her hands asked if she could hold alex. Colby nodded and handed the tiny 3 year old over to her.

"Your Alex right?" Annie asked and Alex nodded.

"Would you like some juice love?" Annie asked.

"I havs tu ask daddies" Alex said and Annie sat her down and she came over to me and Colby.

"Tan I havs sum juice daddies?" She asked and we both nodded.

"As long as it's Annie and taehyung or there kids you don't have to ask baby. But thank you for asking that was a very good move to make baby girl" Colby said and she smiled and skipped back over to annie.  I saw Colby get up and walk towards the playground area. A few minutes Louis and Aspen came over.

"Hey Annie I um didn't get a chance to interduce you to my significant other. Um Annie this is aspen, baby this is Annie my dad's highschool best friend" Louis said his that can't be anymore socially akward could he?

"It's nice to meet you" Annie said and shook Aspen's hand. She then brought over Mayble and the boy and Ariella looked upset but she was putting a smile over it.

"Interduce him to everyone" Annie said.

"Colby, Sam, Louis, Ariella, and other I'd like you to meet my boyfriend asmen" she said we waved. Then we had lunch. It was just me taehyung, Colby, and Annie all sitting together at a table and the kids spread out. Ariella sitting by herself.

"She liked him didn't she?" Annie finally said breaking the silence.

"Hu?" Colby and me said at the same time.

"Ari she liked may didn't she?" She said clarifying what she meant.

"Oh that's what you were talking about! yeah she did" I said

"That sucks. Louis gets a significant other, and then the boy she falls for are has a boyfriend" Annie said speaking up me and Colby nodded in agreement. Ari finished eating and got up throwing her plate in the trash and going to the car and grabbing her back pack. She pulled out her sketch book and started to draw. Mayble walked up behind her.

"Wow your really good at drawing Ari" Mayble said snapping Ariella out of her thoughts

" thank" Ari mumbled.

" No problem" he said and went and grabbed some more chips. After about an hour we headed for home. We switched it up. Allie, Joseph, Aspen and Louis were all in my car and then Ariella and Alex were with Colby. 

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