Chapter 1: Prologue

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Sorry for those who were looking for the book title that I said I would post on my announcement to all my followers.

Prologue: Failure and Departure

Naruto sat staring at the roof of his apartment. He had failed the test to become a Genin. He wouldn't bother trying another year at the academy, what was the point really? Sakura-chan had passed along with that Sasuke-teme and the rest of his class, meaning he was the only failure.

Such was his depression at the failed year, that when Mizuki-sensei told him of a way to qualify for Genin, Naruto was just not interested. He'd had enough of the ninja lifestyle. Besides he had only decided to become a ninja to force people to acknowledge him, which the academy suggested would never happen.

There was a knock at the door.

"Naruto?" Iruka's voice called out.

"Come in, Iruka-sensei, the door is unlocked." Naruto let out a heavy sigh as his 'almost' father walked in.

"Ah, I see you are still down about the test huh?" Iruka sighed. "I'll bet I know something that could cheer you up, how about a nice bowl of ramen?"

"I'm not hungry." Naruto continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Not...hungry?" Iruka blinked in shock. This was serious; Naruto had to be seriously upset to turn down free ramen. "Come on, you can always try again next year!"

"Why?" Naruto sat up, "Let's face it, I have no skills as a ninja."

"What?" Iruka chuckled, "Of course you do! Think about it, how else would you be able to pull of such amazing pranks, if not for your natural skill as a ninja!"

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, Iruka sensei, but it's alright...I mean if I don't become a Shinobi I will probably lead a happy life."

Iruka doubted this but said nothing. He truly hated the Kyuubi more than ever. Not only had he lost his parents to the monster, but even after its defeat, it was still making this young boy's life a misery, and there was nothing he could do to stop that.

"Well...what will you do instead?" Iruka asked.

"I don't know...maybe travel the world a little?" Naruto scowled, "I haven't had much time to think it through.

"Well..." Iruka didn't know what to say, "I'll go talk to the Hokage and see if we can get you to re-take your exam for this year."
"No...I don't want any special treatment," Naruto's blue eyes bore into Iruka.

"If you are sure..." Iruka sighed and got up to leave, "Don't do anything drastic, okay Naruto?"

"Sure," Naruto lay back down and stared at the ceiling, as if willing it to tell him what to do.

Sasuke glanced around the room. Despite his emotionless exterior, he was actually quite worried. It seemed all of his efforts had been wasted, he tried to turn the dobe into something resembling a rival, someone he could use to increase his own strength, but then the dobe had gone and failed the exam, it made Sasuke want to beat the blonde-haired idiot to a bloody pulp. He had even avoided telling Sakura to leave him alone, knowing Naruto had a thing for her and would willing fight Sasuke to earn her heart. All that effort spent to avoid yelling at the pink-haired Kunoichi was wasted. Glancing around the room, he tried to see if there was anyone else who would make a good rival.

Shikamaru; Far too lazy

Chouji; far too busy eating

Shino; far too quite

Ino and Sakura; far too fan-girlish

Hinata: far too shy

Kiba: Ah.

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