Chapter 4: Ambushed

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Chapter 3: Ambushed!

Kurenai tapped her foot impatiently. "Where the hell is that Cyclops and that irritable Kitsune?"

"Kakashi-sensei is always late." Kiba yawned.

"Man," Sakura groaned, "What could keep someone so long?"

"I didn't pay to sit around waiting for someone already!" Tazuna's moaned. He had been stood with the nin he had hired to escort him for some time now.

"Sorry we're late!" Kitsune grinned under his mask as he and Kakashi walked up to the group.

"I got lost on the road of life," Kakashi explained.

"And he asked me to help him out," Kitsune added.

"I hope you are not inflicting your tardiness on my students, Kakashi." Kurenai tried to shoot him an evil glare, but the memory of what lurked under his mask triggered a chuckle.

"Please," Kakashi tilted his head, "Must you always think the worst of me?"

"Can we go now?" Kiba moaned.

"If we wait any longer it will be dark and easier for us to be ambushed by hostile nins." Shino glanced at his new team mates.

"Agreed," Hinata nodded, "We should get going."

"Finally," Tazuna cheered as they marched off.

Team Kakashi took the lead, with Team Kurenai guarding the rear. Tazuna was in the middle, drinking and looking around nervously.

"Expecting someone?" Kitsune whispered in Tazuna's ear causing him to jump.

"Damn it brat! You scared the hell out of me!"

"Brat?" Kitsune frowned.

"Excuse me, read this page," Kakashi handed a book to Tazuna, which to Kitsune's surprise was not orange.

"What...huh?" Tazuna looked at the book, then at Kitsune, then back. "Sorry sir. I wasn't aware of your abilities and such, please forgive my outburst."

"What is that?" Kitsune took the book and looked at it. There was a picture of him, followed by

'Name: Kitsune-sama
Rank: S Class

Classification: Mercenary (Missing-nin Status Unverified)
Village: Unknown
Blood Limit/ Bloodline Jutsu: None Known
Out of all the S Class missing nin, Kitsune-sama is the one of which least is known. His past is as mysterious as the blood red Chakra he is seen to emit when angry. It is believed that he is a descendant of the Kyuubi and some mortal desperate to earn power. It is said that Kitsune-sama was personally responsible for the destruction of Suna, although this is yet to be confirmed.
Current Kill Listing Total (With Assistance)

SS Rank: 1 (1)

S Rank: 3 (3)

A Rank: 26 (14)

B Rank: 35 (12)

C Rank: 24 (3)'

"How much am I worth?" Kitsune scanned the page.

"You don't have a price." Kakashi commented lazily. "No-one can work out how much you are worth dead. Also no-one knows if you belong to a village, so cannot classify you as a Missing-nin which has higher bounties than other criminals and so on."

"That's one less thing to worry about, no one is going to try and kill me if they don't get anything for it." Kitsune breathed a sign of relief.

"Did you really destroy Suna by yourself?" Tazuna asked.

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