Chapter 10

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Chapter 9: The Reluctant Hokage

"Jiraiya," The council members looked up as the Sannin entered the room. "It is good to see you are in good health."

"At the moment," Jiraiya nodded. "Listen, I know what you want and the answer is no, get Tsunade instead."

"Straight to the heart of the matter as usual," Danzo smiled. "We have tried to get in contact with Tsunade, anticipating your reaction, but we have had no success. I am afraid if you do not accept, then a substitute must be found."

"Well, good luck finding that substitute." Jiraiya sighed. He knew damn well that Danzo had his eyes on the job, and was not going to get himself assassinated like Sarutobi. He would continue doing what he had always done, gather resources and perform research. He felt a little guilty that he was abandoning his village, but he could get over that.

"You need not make your decision right now," Danzo smiled, "Report back in a week and if you haven't changed your mind, we will carry out the relevant protocols."

"Great, can I leave now?" Jiraiya asked.

"Of course," Danzo nodded.

Jiraiya left the council quickly. He had no desires to hang around. He was all but running down the streets of Konoha when a familiar voice stopped him.

"Running away?" Jiraiya span around to face the speaker.

"Kitsune?" Jiraiya sighed. "You wouldn't understand."

"Wouldn't I? Please enlighten me oh Sannin." Kitsune tilted his head.

"I am not suited for life as a Hokage."

"How about another temporary Hokage," Kitsune looked up. "Just keeping the seat warm until Tsunade takes it over?"

"I can't I have to go and..."

"Betray your village, like another Sannin we both know." Kitsune's voice was cold enough to give Haku a run for her money. After hearing about Orochimaru from Anko, Kitsune had decided to research him to find out why he seemed familiar.

"I..." Jiraiya stuttered.

"Listen, I know you don't see yourself as the leadership type, but let's face facts. When it comes to organising raids on Women's laundry, your planning is second to none. You have the capability to plan ahead and adapt. That and you care about this village, regardless of what you tell yourself." Kitsune turned on his killing intent, "And if you abandon this village, many of my precious ones will get hurt. YOU DO NOT WANT THAT, do you?"

"I..." Jiraiya shook his head. "I need time to think this over."

"You have a week, remember?" Kitsune walked away. 'Damn I was so badass right there!'

'You think he won't run away?'

'Who knows?' Kitsune frowned. 'I suppose I should meet up with Kurenai-sensei and the others.'

'Probably should, Kurenai did say it was incredibly important that you attend.'

'Yeah, I guess so.' Kitsune raced off towards training ground seven.

Sasuke groaned as he walked around his estate. He was bored. He considered finding Naruto, but decided he would leave his rival alone, seeing as he had been training pretty much everyday since they had returned, and Naruto was still recovering from using so much Chakra. Apparently when his summon had its physical body destroyed, it took a week of steadily draining Naruto's chakra before it could be summoned again.

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